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Chapter 139 Candidates for the Organizing Committee

Chapter 139 Candidates for the Organizing Committee

"Good morning everyone, welcome to the Kaka live broadcast room."

"Morning Kaka, morning brother Xiao Xiao."

Fans in the live broadcast room responded one after another.

"A lot of friends were discussing yesterday's incident just now. Brother Xiao Xiao also discussed with several of our anchors in private after he said he would hold an event yesterday."

Kaka smiled, and put the promotional poster that Tiaonan had made on the screen.

The atmospheric promotional posters immediately attracted the attention of many tourists.

"Who did this, it's so fierce!"

"Wow, so handsome, Ionia's high spirits are immortal!"

"Sister Dao really has aura, this picture is too domineering!"


The audience in the live broadcast room spoke and discussed.

Because of a promotional poster, the enthusiasm of most customers was mobilized.

More than 90% of the people who can watch the live broadcast of League of Legends must be League of Legends players, and the remaining 10% even if they don’t play, they still have a certain understanding of League of Legends.

After all, League of Legends is such a popular game. Taking the data from last month as an example, the number of daily active users has exceeded 2000 million!
And this data is only the data of the national server.

What is this concept?
You know, the average daily active users of the entire Huya platform in May was only around 5-500 million.

After Brother Xiao Xiao entered Huya, coupled with the drainage of two big anchors, Miss and Brother Li, the daily active users probably mentioned between 650 million and 800 million.

On the other side, Douyu has more daily active users, around 900-1100 million.

In other words, the number of online active players in the League of Legends game is greater than that of the two live streaming platforms Huya and Douyu combined!
And this is only in the national server.

In addition, there are also large servers such as Korean server, US server, European server, and Japanese server, and a large number of Chinese players are also active.

Adding it all up, the number of daily active players in China is almost 2500 million.

This is the time when League of Legends does not engage in activities.

For example, the doomsday human machine that is released once in a while, or the unlimited firepower that is released during the Chinese New Year.

With the support of these activities, the popularity of the national server can even exceed 4000 million!
After [-] o'clock in the evening, you have to wait in line for more than half an hour to enter the game.

In other words, more than one-third of the young people in Huaguo have an understanding of the League of Legends!

At present, among the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, there are at least 40 to 1 old players of League of Legends, who have been in the pit since s2 or s[-].

These people have a love for the characters in the game that is different from ordinary people.

And Irelia is a hero in the background story of League of Legends that many people can empathize with.

What she represents is solo!

The competition rules haven't been announced yet, just a promotional poster has aroused the interest of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Kaka saw that the atmosphere was good, so she hurriedly opened her mouth.

"This event is sponsored by Brother Xiao Xiao, and it is jointly organized by the four major anchors in the League of Legends area and me, a rookie."

Kaka smiled.

"The other four people, everyone can make bold guesses."

"It means there are four more in the organizing committee?"

"If they are all big anchors, I know it well."

"I guess Sister Zha should be counted as one."

"The popularity of the black shop is also good. If there are four more people, he may be there."

"Let's pull it down upstairs. Sister Zha and the black shop are very popular, but this time there are only five candidates. Kaka said just now that he is a rookie, so it may not be their turn."

"Hehe, I guarantee that my black shop will definitely have a place!"


Fans discussed enthusiastically on the public screen.

"Aside from other things, there must be scratching men. If Uzi doesn't participate in the competition, he will definitely come for Xiao Xiao's sake."

"The remaining two positions may not be the turn of Sister Zha and the others."

Many fans analyzed rationally.

"Yes, Miss has also come to Huya. I guess with Miss's reputation, it's not too much to get a position on the organizing committee!"

Everyone chattered and discussed for a while, and basically guessed the candidate was not too bad.

In the entire lol sector, at least there are more than 4000 anchors.

But there are only a few anchors above the first line.

There may only be a dozen or twenty anchors who can enter the public eye.

And there are very few real peak anchors.

Scratching a man counts as one, miss counts as one, and Uzi counts as one.

The others who are barely qualified are Zitai, Kaka, and Zhajie.

Kaka saw that the appetite of the audience in the live broadcast room was almost whetted, so he stopped being a joke, and directly announced the list of the organizing committee.

Tiaonan, Uzi, Miss, Zitai, and Kaka.

"Hey, I knew there must be Uzi!"

"The world's number one ADC is the organizing committee, this competition must be something to watch!"

"The sky is big and the earth is big, Brother Xiao Xiao has the biggest face!"

"Being able to invite so many people at once, apart from the officials, only brother Xiao Xiao is alone!"

"Officials probably won't be able to please! (laughing and crying)"

"My mother asked me why I watched the live broadcast on my knees, I was so excited!"

"Five big anchors are the organizing committee, this event must be a blast!"

When Kaka announced the candidates for the organizing committee, fans cheered.

Previously, the activities in the Xingxiu area had been going on, but the activities in the game area seemed a bit sluggish.

And every time an event is held, most of it is an official money-making activity, basically asking the anchor to pay and give the fans gifts, losing their original intention of coming to the game area.

Watching the live broadcast in the game area is not to watch the anchor call the big brother in the live broadcast room to swipe a little more.

More fans still like to watch the anchor play games, or have sex with water friends.

For example, playing games and interacting with Brother Xiao Xiao.

While laughing and laughing easily, you can also learn techniques.

Brother Xiao Xiao's event this time perfectly satisfies the desires of all fans!

Live broadcasts, events, games, competitions!
And brother Xiao Xiao's idea is also very bold, so many League of Legends anchors, it is definitely not an easy task to organize!

There are many people in the League of Legends area, and there are also many anchors.

Although the real peak anchors are just a dozen or twenty just counted, this does not mean that other anchors are not strong.

Some anchors occupy the top ten of the national server all the year round, but their popularity cannot be increased. Some are because of their poor live broadcast style, and some are due to the lack of recommendation positions.

For anchors whose live broadcasting style is not good enough to arouse the emotions of the audience, as long as they have the strength and a little more recommendation positions, it is still possible to make ends meet.

After all, these anchors are called hardcore players, they play games very well, and there are also a group of fans who will pay for it.

And for the anchors who are very strong and have a live broadcast style, but only lack of recommendation slots, this competition can definitely be regarded as a turning point in their lives!

A chance to change their destiny!

And this is also Liu Xiao's goal.

Dig out some anchors who play well and have explosive live broadcast effects.

Or bring together some really powerful anchors.

Although it is to make the live broadcast of League of Legends more interesting in the future, it can also help many unknown and powerful anchors stand out.

After Kaka announced the list of the organizing committee, the competition rules have not yet been announced.

Over a million viewers couldn't bear the loneliness and dispersed one after another, bringing this explosive news to the live broadcast rooms of various anchors.

In just a few minutes, the popularity of the League of Legends area of ​​Huya's live broadcast soared to No. [-] on the entire platform!

(End of this chapter)

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