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Chapter 140 All major anchors compete!

Chapter 140 All major anchors compete! (addition for [Zhang 11] leader)
In the live broadcast room of Huya's number one bastard, Ba Ge, Ba Ge was very excited when he saw the news of the event being reposted by fans on the public screen.

As the number one mess in the League of Legends, his laning ability is very strong.

Although the battlefield has been moved from the top lane to the middle lane, the difference is not very big for him.

Go online, resist pressure, fill up the tower knife, get meaty, and fight back!

He has already figured out a series of procedures in his mind.

"Brothers, since it is an event organized by brother Xiao Xiao, I must participate!"

"Brother Ba is invincible! (5 cents for this article)"

"Brother Ba Niubi, you must be the first in this competition! (1 yuan for this article)!"

"Brother Ba, are you really going? It would be embarrassing if you lose to the little anchor."

Brother Ba hesitated for a while, but nodded heavily.

No way, the bonus is too tempting!
No. 1, a full 2000 million gifts, No. 21000 million.

Even if it is the last place, there are 20 gifts.

Having been on the top of the canyon for so long, Brother Ba is still very confident in his skills.

In this world, except for a master like Theshy, no one can single-handedly kill him online!
As long as there are enough dogs, there is a chance to fight back!

And the most important thing is that his hero pool is relatively deep, and there are many heroes that can be used for mixing.

On the other hand, the hero pool of other top-level streamers is relatively shallow, and many of them only focus on playing one hero.

Calculated in this way, the probability of him getting the ranking will be greatly improved.

"Brothers, domineering people are not talented, this event is guaranteed to be the eighth place!"

Brother Ba chuckled, and blew a bull beep in the live broadcast room.

Even if there is only 20 gifts for the eighth place, it is still quite a lot for a second-tier and first-tier anchor like him.

He is not greedy!

And another group of anchors who are very confident in their own strength chose to sign up without hesitation.

The pinnacle of League of Legends appearance [Coke] is a high-end streamer who focuses on playing the hero Wushuang Jianji. He is usually active in the late night file, and has just stepped into the threshold of second-tier anchors. The maximum number of people in the live broadcast room is maintained at just over 20.

Huya's popularity is not high, and Huya's signing fee is not much, but with his handsome face, he has gained a group of fans, and he can earn more than [-] a month by tipping.

As soon as the news of this event came out, Coke immediately felt that the opportunity had come.

Even if you can't get a good ranking, as long as you can show your face in the event and show off your game skills, you will definitely attract a lot of fans!
You know, the spending power of female fans is generally higher than that of male fans!
Starting from Coke, a group of anchors who are very confident in their own strength have also made plans.

Lang D, Bunting, Tiger God, Tao Ge, Wuhu God!

Gu Teyu also saw the barrage message.

He is a jungler. He usually plays a hero like Evelyn. If he is banned by the opponent, he will also play an assassin jungler like Prince.

Although he is in the top ten of the national server all the year round, his playing position is jungler after all.

The last knife and line suppression on the line are definitely not as good as others.

"Brothers, I'll forget it, this kind of pk match is really not suitable"

Gu Teyu just wanted to refuse to participate, but suddenly, the barrage on the public screen changed direction one after another.

Gu Shouyu's pupils burst out, he slapped the table vigorously, and let out a cheap laugh.

"I will participate! How can such a grand event be missed, I Furuteba!"

"Guys, from today until I play, I will only play mid lane!"

"If you don't get the top eight in the game, you will shave your head on the live broadcast!"

"Fuck, is it so realistic?"

"Hahaha I laughed so hard, the shit is all over Piyanzi, I just held it back!"

"Looking forward to the marinated eggs."

"Looking forward to the marinated egg +1!"

As Gu Shouyu, who has been on the list of national uniforms all year round, he has made many bold words.

Why can't make it to the top three in the national server within half a month, shave off all the hair, and so on, more than once.

Of course, the hair on the head is shaved, but the fans don't know if the other parts are shaved or not.

"This guy is too realistic. He couldn't talk about it just now, but the official just announced that he would cooperate with Brother Xiao Xiao to play the game, and immediately turned his face."

"It's not the best jungler in the national server, but he is the cheapest player in the national server!"

"Use the sword without practicing the sword!"

Furute Yu ignored the jokes from the fans, just laughed.

It was originally a competition held by brother Xiao Xiao. Furutoba wanted to participate in it at first, but after thinking about his own situation, he decided not to participate.

After all, he is a jungler, playing against other streamers, and he has a 30.00% chance of making it into the top eight.

And the greater possibility is to be eliminated in the first few dozen.

Unlike top laners like Ba Ge, at least they have laning skills and can be meticulous.

As a jungler, it would be too ugly if he was blown up online.

But just as he was about to refuse, he saw many viewers swiping the screen saying that the official was haunted.

The last time the official teamed up with Brother Xiao Xiao to hold an event, there were quite a few recommendations!
But this time, Brother Xiao Xiao's scene was even bigger, and it was only for the League of Legends area, so the recommended resources were not all divided by the anchors of their area?
Even if the laning foundation in the middle is not good, he still has to go!

The recommended position is the anchor's life!

Not to mention the big anchors above the second line, not to mention the small anchors.

It has been almost half a year since Little Yi came to Huya to broadcast live, but the number of people in the live broadcast room has never exceeded [-].

As a technical anchor, he mainly focuses on mid-range units, and the most played are mage heroes, and his strength is among the top 20 kings of the canyon.

Xiaoyi is indeed very strong, but on the live broadcast platform, he has never had much chance to take off.

Originally, he planned to go to Douyu to see the situation, but now Brother Xiaoxiao's activities made him temporarily change his mind.

"Xiao Yi, you can sign up and try it out. Even if you get beaten up by other anchors, there is no loss, right?"

"Yeah, Xiao Yi, just now I saw that the official has also issued a statement, and we must cooperate with Brother Xiao Xiao to do a good job in this event."

"This kind of solo match in the middle position is really suitable for you."

"No.1 has a bonus of 2000 million!"

In the live broadcast room, only a few fans spoke one after another.

"Don't worry everyone, I will definitely participate in this event."

"The event organized by brother Xiao Xiao is really friendly to us little anchors!"

Xiao Yi nodded heavily.

His strength is indeed good, but when it comes to the real peak, he is definitely not comparable.

However, in his opinion, it is relatively easy to beat the top ten of the national server of a non-middle unit like Gu Teyu with his strength.

During the live broadcast, a powerful anchor like Wuhu God also met many times.

[-]-[-] is not a problem!
If he can get in the top eight, all his electricity bills during this period will be back!

If you're lucky, you'll be in the top four.
That's a minimum gift income of 300 million!

He didn't sign a labor union, so as long as he got a gift of 300 million, he could find a way to sell it, and after adding a discount in half, he could get 120-130 million at least!
Get rich overnight!
(End of this chapter)

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