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Chapter 141 The platform strikes again!

Chapter 141 The platform strikes again! (Second, ask for a monthly ticket)
On the platform, there are many anchors like Xiaoyi.

For big anchors, they may also choose to give up the competition because of losing face.

For example, some first-line anchors such as Zhajie, Black Shop, and Xiaozhan are hesitating.

But for the little anchor, there is nothing to consider at all.

Originally, there were not many people in the live broadcast room, no matter how miserable the abuse was, there were only a few people watching.

On the contrary, as long as you get a ranking, even if you are the eighth, it is still a reward of 20 gifts, and a net income of 10 before tax!
The rules of the competition have not yet been announced, and the various anchors in the League of Legends area have already had a falling out in various QQ groups and WeChat groups.

In the Kaka live broadcast room, Vice President Du was speaking on the public screen.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, if your event is held this time, it will definitely be good news for the anchors in the League of Legends area. Many unknown and powerful anchors will be up, and the League of Legends area will definitely be much more lively by then."

"I'm just playing casually, and you can join in if you have good ideas."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, Huya will fully cooperate with such a good event!"

Vice President Du patted his chest hard to reassure.

Vice President Du is really sincere this time.

In the first half of June, the referral rewards for the Fan Festival in May have basically been cashed out.

The game rewards from the last promotion and the recommended positions of the June Hope Plan will also be cashed out before the end of the month.

Originally, according to his intention, during the rest of June, he wanted the entire platform to recuperate.

Raise fans, raise unions.

With the blessing of Miss and Brother Li's popularity, let the major anchors speak for each other, and give the unions a sigh of relief.

At the end of June, when the major trade unions get their money back, he will evaluate the platform situation, and if it is suitable for further activities, he will launch a new model.

But if it's not suitable, it's okay to raise it for another half a month.

He is not in a hurry now, after all, less than 20 days have passed since June, and the entire platform has already made more than [-] million turnovers.

The revenue tasks for the third quarter have all been completed, even if there are no activities.

But what he didn't expect was that in just a day or two, Xiao Xiao started this solo competition in the game area again.

The total bonus has doubled compared to last time, up to 4000 million!
For such things that the platform does not need to pay a penny, Deputy Du always supports with both hands and feet.

Because of Xiao Xiao's relationship, the revenue reports for the past two months have been very decent. Although Brother Hua has been making trouble on the board of directors, the company's power is still in the hands of the executive vice president.

Cooperating with Xiao Xiao to hold an event is just a matter of his words.

And the most important thing is that after he cheated Xiao Xiao last time, he was always worried.

Although he gave a [No. [-] Shenhao] compensation, Vice President Du was still afraid that Liu Xiao would leave the platform and withdraw from the Internet.

With him alone, he is definitely not Daheng's opponent!
"Sou Nan's studio is in charge of the planning of this event. If you have any ideas on the platform, you can contact Sou Nan or Kaka. After the specific event flow comes out, just let me have a look."

Seeing Vice President Du insisting, Liu Xiao also nodded in agreement.

It will indeed be more lively to join hands with the platform to do this activity.

"Okay, I'll arrange the recommended resources here, and I will definitely make this event a lively one!"

Vice President Du was overjoyed and quickly replied on the public screen.

After swiping two treasure maps for Kaka and saying hello to Xiao Xiao, Vice President Du went to the backstage to arrange things.

As for the Kaka live broadcast room, it completely exploded after Vice President Du left.

"This is my brother Xiao Xiao's card!"

"It's too strong. The first time Brother Xiao Xiao held an event, Vice President Du personally appeared, and the second time he held an event, Vice President Du still personally appeared!"

"Did you find out that when Vice President Du helped Brother Xiao Xiao to hold an event, he didn't take any benefits, and he didn't ask for anything. You can imagine how terrifying Brother Xiao Xiao's identity is!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is the emperor of Huya, not to mention Vice President Du, even the board of directors should be polite!"

In the live broadcast room, many fans of Xiao Xiao were proud.

They are fans of God, and this is what they fancy.

As Shenhao, he has more cards than ordinary fans!
Like today's brother Xiao Xiao, no matter where he goes, don't the anchor and tourists have to welcome him?
And fans of Xiao Xiao's family like them also have face on the platform.

This is the deck!
Liu Xiao went offline after interacting with water friends for a while in the live broadcast room.

As soon as the elder brother left, the fans in the live broadcast room felt less pressured and started discussing as they wished.

Kaka is also honored.

"Brothers, in order to celebrate that this event has entered the planning stage, three big packages are here!"

Kaka didn't hesitate, and directly sent out three large packages worth 5 yuan.

He's not short of money right now, and it's not a big deal to give some back to fans.

"Kaka atmosphere!"

"Cow beep, bull beep, 5 yuan pack of free tiger food!"

"You are the most honest anchor I have ever seen, other anchors have to give gifts to participate in the lottery!"

"Just because of this, I'm a fan!"

In the live broadcast room, many new fans subscribed.

The total number of Kaka's subscriptions has skyrocketed from more than 400 million.

"Thank you for your support. Brother Xiao Xiao has rewarded me with tens of millions. I also have some income now. It is appropriate to give fans some benefits."

"As for this event, I assure you that we will join hands with them to make the event beautiful!"

Kaka looked at the rapidly rising subscriptions and was in a surprisingly good mood.

He now understands how terrifying Xiao Xiaoge's identity is.

Although I don't know what Brother Xiao Xiao does in reality, it's not difficult to guess based on the attitude of Huya's executives.

You know, even the veteran gods on the platform, Brother Jiu and Brother Hua, don't have this kind of treatment!

When Vice President Du saw Brother Xiao Xiao, he was even closer than his own father!

And as the facade anchor launched by Brother Xiao Xiao's game area, his status will naturally rise.

In just half a month, from the regular popularity of about 70 as a first-line anchor, it has already broken a million!
Just now, the number of tourists who came because of public opinion, plus the fans in the original live broadcast room, has exceeded 150 million.

This is the popularity of super first-line anchors.

Of course, when the popularity passes, the number of people in the live broadcast room will definitely drop by hundreds of thousands.

But in the first half of the month, it will be stable and stable, and with the blessing of the event, I am afraid that in July, the popularity will really stabilize at 150 million.

At that time, he will be the first-line anchor in the League of Legends area in the morning, and it will be Tiao Nan and Uzi Moore in the evening.
Maybe you have to add a miss.

However, he is the only super first-line anchor of the morning broadcast of League of Legends!

 Thanks to Bubble Gum: 1888 Book Coins for the reward

  Thank you for the reward of 1888 book coins

  Thanks to the stars who wake up from the dream: the reward of 999 book coins

  Thank you Lord Do: 588 book coins for the reward

  Thanks to staunch: 588 book coins for the reward

  Thank you Gentleman Jie: 300 Book Coins as a reward

(End of this chapter)

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