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Chapter 142 I Have a Way to Counter Xiao Xiao

Chapter 142 I Have a Way to Fight Against Xiao Xiao

Daheng's fans quickly noticed the news that Xiao Xiao was going to hold an event in the League of Legends area.

After fighting against each other last night, Daheng reorganized his fans again.

Many fans went to Yang Zi's live broadcast room early in the morning to blast, but they didn't expect Yang Zi to ask for leave.

As soon as I learned about it, I realized that sister Yang Zi had surgery in the past few days, and it is estimated that she will not be able to go online for five or six days.

Daheng's fans immediately exploded.

Xia Nuan just proved her innocence in the live broadcast room yesterday, and Yang Zi asked for leave this morning?
Isn't this a proper guilty conscience!
Xia Nuan was even more delighted when she heard the news.

Yang Zi's superb assists confirmed the report she made last night.

The knife was blowing wildly in the live broadcast room.

"Yang Zi is obviously afraid. He wanted to beat Sister Xia Nuan, but he didn't expect to be beaten in the face. Now he can only run away in despair."

The knife gloated for a while.

No matter what the reason was, if Yang Zi asked for leave to leave at this time, Daheng's side must have the upper hand.

"Knife, Xiao Xiao made another big move this morning!"

"Xiao Xiao held a solo event on the alliance platform of the League of Legends section, and the prize money seems to be 4000 million!"

"What's the specific situation, can you tell me about the knife?"

"Will there be an event at Daheng's side? Recently, Daheng has been silent."


Knife was about to continue to mock Yang Zi, but Gongping was suddenly overwhelmed by Xiao Xiao's incident.

Originally, the game area and the Xingxiu area were not connected to each other, but brother Xiao Xiao gave tens of millions of gifts every time, which also caused many tourists in the Xingxiu area to often pay attention to Xiao Xiao.

The knife couldn't help beeping a little.

Although he now understands that Xiao Xiao is not a guild name but a real hero, he still has a lot of hostility towards Xiao Xiao.

Apart from beating Xia Nuan, Xiao Xiao hit him the hardest.

Brother Jiu brushed the magic book Zhou Xing twice. The first time, Xiao Xiao ran to the live broadcast room and output a wave while riding his face. The second time, he was beaten down by Yang Zi, who was supported by Xiao Xiao.

If it wasn't for the trade union navy to turn the tide, he would have to ask for leave now just like Yang Zi.

But Yang Zi really had something to do, and he might just be cool.

"Brothers, I don't know about Xiao Xiao's activities in the game area for the time being, but among Huya's anchors, no one knows Xiao Xiao better than me."

"Go and find out after I download the broadcast today, and report the most authentic news tomorrow morning!"

After broadcasting live for a while, Knife was not in the mood to continue the broadcast, and found an excuse to end the broadcast early.

Just after leaving the live broadcast room and walking to the trade union hall, Brother Hua and Lao Wu and the management of the union were discussing matters.

"Knife, it just so happens that you come to listen to it too. Be careful when you make news tomorrow."

Brother Hua's eyes lit up, and he called the knife over.

"Okay." Knife nodded again and again, found a chair and sat next to Lao Wu.

"As you all have seen, Xiao Xiao held another event in the Kaka live broadcast room this morning, and this time, it is a large-scale event for the entire League of Legends region. The prize money has also been determined, which is 4000 million."

"According to the current news, Vice President Du is also on Xiao Xiao's side. In the morning, he directly drove the super tube into Kaka's live broadcast room, and expressed his full cooperation in public."

The fifth brother reported the situation, and the management of the trade union frowned.

Although Daheng didn't regard Xiao Xiao as the biggest enemy now, they had to guard against what Xiao Xiao did.

Xiao Xiao made a move two or three times, and every time he caused a loss to Daheng, it was recorded in tens of millions!
The knife also lost the confidence in the live broadcast room, and sat aside and listened to the lecture like a primary school student.

"It's not a big deal, and it's not a small thing."

"The main body of Daheng is still in the Xingxiu District. Guaranteeing the interests of the Xingxiu District is our most important thing at present."

"However, there are also lessons from before, so this time we can't let Xiao Xiao play around in the game area at will."

Brother Hua said.

Brother Jiu was a little curious and asked a question.

"Brother Hua, Xiao Xiao's forces are all over the game area now, so we don't need to deal with him, do we?"

For now, he only has a few million funds in his hand, and he is also responsible for the operation of his own small company.

The support from the family is not yet in place, and Daheng has no capital to start a war with Xiao Xiao.

What's more, Xiao Xiao has already confirmed that he is a true hero, and if he continues to fight with Xiao Xiao, who can stand up to Xiao Xiao's frenzied attack regardless of the cost?

After all, as long as there is no activity, no trade union is willing to fight against Shenhao.

Every penny of the union is an asset of the company!
"Currently Xiao Xiao's momentum in the game area, we have no chance to fight head-on."

Brother Hua shook his head.

He just talked with the Huya shareholders of Daheng Group yesterday.

Vice President Du was Huya's external vice president, and he took [-]% of Huya's dry stock.

As the vice president of operations, the terms of the contract with Huya originally restricted the authority of both parties.

In other words, as long as Huya's revenue target can be achieved, no director can deprive Vice President Du of his power!

And the revenue statement for the first half of June was completed so beautifully, Vice President Du was even praised by the company's largest shareholder.

At present, the strength of the directors behind Vice President Du is no less than that of Daheng.

But now, Vice President Du turned into a super licking dog and licked Xiao Xiao wholeheartedly. He had no choice at all.

Therefore, it is no longer possible to curb Xiao Xiao from the platform side.

And as far as the current situation is concerned, it is even more unrealistic to want to fight against Xiao Xiao before July.

Brother Hua didn't intend to fight Xiao Xiao head-on.

After explaining this, the rest of the management became curious.


"Since there is nothing we can do about it, how should we face this event held by Xiao Xiao?"

The fifth child was already a little confused.

Although the data in the game area and Xingxiu area are not interoperable, under the guidance of Xiao Xiao during this time, many players in the game area have also started to play Xingxiu.

If it is not contained, it will definitely have an impact on the live broadcast environment of their big star show anchors.

"In my opinion, it's better to just ignore it. No matter what Xiao Xiao does in the game area, it won't have a big impact on Xingxiu!" Brother Jiu chewed a piece of gum and said carelessly.

There is a saying that is good, since you can't resist, you might as well try to enjoy it.

For example, when he was playing sm games with the little Internet celebrity, he was always handcuffed to the bedside to enjoy it.

"Sometimes, mentality is very important, and if you take it as a good thing, it won't be so uncomfortable."

Brother Jiu chuckled, and in turn comforted Brother Hua and the others.

"Okay, okay, who said I can't do anything?"

Brother Hua felt dizzy for a while.

Brother Jiu shouldn't have been brought to this meeting.

Knife sat aside and said nothing, but he suddenly became curious in his heart.

In the game area, Daheng has no background and no funds. How can he compete with Xiao Xiao?
(End of this chapter)

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