Chapter 143 Bye Competition System

"In this world, there are many things that can be done without money."

Brother Hua smiled mysteriously.

"There is one very important thing in the game area that can be used by our Daheng."

"But now, Daheng has met the conditions for this matter. I want to give them a heavy blow during the days when their activities are the most lively!"

Brother Jiu originally wanted to ask again, but Brother Hua just made up his mind not to speak.

Several people felt itchy in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do.

"Forget it, let me know if there is anything."

Brother Jiu sighed helplessly.

"By the way, old Jiu, how is Brother Li?"

Brother Hua asked.

"It's okay, 70 percent."

Jiu Ge replied.

In the past two days, under Brother Hua's arrangement, Brother Jiu went to Brother Li's live broadcast room several times, and added Brother Li's WeChat.

Although he is wild and unrestrained, he is from a famous family after all, so he still has some eyes for people.

In his opinion, this brother Li's character is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

There is a relatively high probability that Daheng will pull Brother Li over from Xiao Xiao.

"Alright then, keep an eye on this matter first, and tell me if you have any questions." Brother Hua urged.

Brother Jiu made an ok gesture, and went to the live broadcast room of the trade union to find a girl who had just downloaded the broadcast and went out to be happy.

Brother Hua sat on the chair, thinking non-stop.

Now, Daheng has just stabilized the trade union through the navy, and Xiao Xiao will definitely not come over if he wants to hold an event in the game area.

Calculated in this way, at least before July, their Daheng can still develop blood.

And in the process, Xiao Xiao can also be stabbed with a knife, so that Xiao Xiao's activities cannot continue.

When the time comes, Brother Jiu's family will have the funds in place. Under the circumstances of the ups and downs, Daheng still has a good chance of winning the round.

At noon, Liu Xiao spent again accompanied by the beautiful coach.

Children can do the splits in at most three days after opening the ligaments.

But it takes at least half a month for an adult to open the ligament.

Liu Xiao's body's softness is not bad, now that he bends down and stretches out his hands, his wrists can already touch the ground.

"There's a long way to go."

Liu Xiao stretched his waist, the bones all over his body creaked and creaked.

"Come here today."

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Xiao stopped exercising and asked Zhao Ning to have dinner together.

The two met in the underground garage and got into Zhao Ning's Wuling Hongguang mini.

"It's no fun to go to Wanda every day. Today I will take you to Shanghai with one Michelin star."

Zhao Ning was eager to try, so she started the car and walked outside.

Zhao Ning went to Michelin restaurant once and spent 1500 yuan per person.

This is still a situation where I dare not eat well.

But for Zhao Ning now, this little money is no longer a big deal.

After enjoying a Wellington at the Michelin restaurant and ordering a few black truffle pastries, the two went home satisfied.

"Xiao Ning, do you plan to release a collection of cover songs?"

Liu Xiao was lying on the passenger seat, turning his head to look at Zhao Ning.

A white dress and just the right makeup added a touch of playfulness to the originally beautiful Zhao Ning.

"Singing a cover collection? I have had this idea in the past two days."

"But it probably won't work recently. It's okay to cover songs in the live broadcast room, but if you want to release a compilation, there are still more processes to go through."

"I think the [Preference] you sang last time sounds very good."

Liu Xiao said with a smile.

"If there is a chance, I hope you can publish a collection of the three fairy swords, and the effect will be very good."

"Okay, then I'll try next time."

Zhao Ning nodded heavily, taking Liu Xiao's words to heart.

If you want to debut as an Internet celebrity and become a star, you must have your own album and new songs.

But this process will definitely be very long, and cover songs are a transitional stage to achieve this goal.

What's more, her voice is really suitable for cover singing, with a wide range span, and many song conversions can be realized.

Even, you can make a song mix!
Of course, the best thing is to be original.

For example, the Fairy Tale Town of [Sister Fat] next door.

One song became popular all over China!
It was exactly six o'clock in the afternoon when Liu Xiao came home.

Kaka and Tiaonan sent a message in the group, saying that the preliminary planning of the event has been completed, and they are negotiating with the official side about recommending and promoting places.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, take a look at the planning of this event. If possible, we will announce it in the live broadcast room at night."

Liu Xiao clicked on the pdf sent by the man.

"The event will last for a week?"

Liu Xiao was a little surprised, but it made sense after thinking about it.

The game is a best-of-three best-of-three format.

The two sides are still solo in the middle, but the winning mode has changed to one blood, one tower, one hundred knives.

The contestants play a total of three rounds, and the first to win two rounds wins.

Calculated in this way, it takes about 20 minutes for a group of people to solo, plus the scattered organization time.

The first three days were audition competitions, and the officials would automatically match registered anchors into the room, and a large number of anchors would perform solo at the same time.

And for these three days, there will be a points-based competition to ensure that capable anchors can be selected to the maximum extent.

After three days of audition, there will be 300 anchors left to enter the official competition.

Kaka's three organizing committee members each broadcast an average of five hours a day, which adds up to 25 hours of live broadcast time.

A group of people can play 20 groups of solo for 75 minutes a day, that is, 150 people.

300 people are divided into two days of competition, and the top 150 will be determined.

On the sixth day, there will be another comparison, and the top 75 will be determined.

Then on the seventh day, officially entered the finals.

One person had a bye, and the remaining 74 people were divided into 34 groups and finished their solo during the morning live broadcast.

35 winners will be determined, with one bye again, and the top 18 will be determined at noon!
Before the afternoon, the top 9 will be determined, and the remaining 9 losers will have a rematch, and one person will be selected to join the finals.

In other words, there will be 10 top players participating in the finals!
And in the evening, it is the night of the finals. The official will open a special live broadcast room and contact the League of Legends game developer to open a game room. Kaka and the five will serve as hosts and directly connect to the official live broadcast room to explain the game.

10 into 5, the remaining 5 losers have a bye in the rematch, and No.1 is decided to join the normal competition. The remaining few people will be ranked 7th to 8th in the competition according to their rankings, and they will receive gifts from Brother Xiao Xiao.

And the remaining 6 people will decide the final winner and ranking in a series of battles.

Liu Xiao read the rules of the game discussed by Tiaonan and the others in one breath, and was immediately pleasantly surprised.

In particular, the set bye mechanism can greatly enrich the fun of the game.

Every other time, someone will have a bye and jump directly to the next round of the game.

Compared with the simple even unconditional solo, the fun has increased a lot.

After reading some details of the game, Liu Xiao felt that there was nothing to add.

The scratch men and the others have done a lot of research on League of Legends games. In this aspect, they really brought Liu Xiao a big surprise!

(End of this chapter)

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