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Chapter 14 I Said You Have It, You Have It!

Chapter 14 I Said You Have It, You Have It!

Seeing that many tourists explained the reason, Xingxiu tourists exploded with a bang.

It's not that the emperor has never seen the ward rounds, but most of them give away Huya No. [-] or something, and give five treasure maps at once. This is really a mine at home!
"Damn it, it would be great if you brushed me a wave!"

"Is it still too late to be Lehua's anchor?"

"Thousands of blood, I beg Huya to grant me the anchor permission, I want to go up and lick Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Several live broadcast rooms were jubilant, and all kinds of funny friends spoke one after another.

10,000+ tourists are extremely satisfied.

I thought that Xiaojuzi was the end point of eating melons, but I didn't expect that there would be more melons to eat!

Liu Xiao continued to scroll down, as long as it had Lehua in its name, it would be five treasure maps.

Countless tourists followed behind Liu Xiao, constantly pointing at the treasure map on the screen, and followed Liu Xiao through one live broadcast room after another.

"Brother Xiao's ward rounds!"

"The ward round army is here!"

"The Shenhao army has arrived!"

The tourists are typing.

On the Huya platform, there is also a group of alternative fans.

God fan!
These tourists like to follow the eldest brother to wander around the various live broadcast rooms and watch the program effect brought by the eldest brother when he pretends to beep.

And the eldest brother also enjoys the support of these fans.

Liu Xiao's current subscriptions have exceeded [-].

For a person who has just played Huya for a day, [-] subscriptions a day is unthinkable!
Yang Zi will be very excited.

According to the order of the Lehua union on the live page, the next one will be my turn!
"Look at Yang Zi, this guy is happy."

The fans in the live broadcast room laughed.

"Hahaha, I'm a poor guy, brother Xiao Xiao's reward is so good, of course I'm looking forward to it."

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] entered the live broadcast room!"

A message prompt popped up on the public screen of the live broadcast room, followed by thousands of tourists.

"Brother Xiao's ward rounds army is here!"

"Get ready for Baotu to wash your face!"

"This is the No.12 anchor, right?"

Careful tourists have made statistics.

In the previous eleven anchors, each paid [-] yuan.

This is 27!
Adding this in, it's 30 rounded up!

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao to enter Yangzi's live broadcast room! Yangzi wishes you a happy day, always happy, and wonderful moments! Yangzi wishes you good health, smooth career, and success!"

A section of the belly script that had already been typed was quickly read out, and it almost used up a lifetime of skill.

Liu Xiao was taken aback.

I've been playing live streaming for so long, but this is the first time I've seen someone with such a face licking a dog.

"You are very good!"

Liu Xiao smiled and typed on the public screen in the live broadcast room.

Yang Zi was all excited.

My own investment was right, and my flattery was successful!
Now, it's finally my turn to eat!

Liu Xiao lightly tapped his index finger.

"Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out [Treasure Map]*1 in the Lehua and Yangzi live broadcast rooms!"

"Emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out [Treasure Map]*10 in the Lehua and Yangzi live broadcast rooms!"

Swipe out ten treasure maps in a row!

"Yang Zi has a big meal!"

"Sure enough, only farts are king!"

Thousands of tourists who followed laughed.

Yang Zi's appearance can only be described as average, but his eloquence is really contagious.

"Thank Xiao Xiao for the treasure map!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is so arrogant!"

Yang Zi shouted hoarsely, his mouth crooked.

Ten treasure maps, that's 5 yuan!
After splitting, there are also [-] in hand.

That's a lot of money!

"You're an interesting person."

Liu Xiao typed a barrage and left the live broadcast room directly.

The bald man was sitting on the chair. Although he was still laughing and joking with the audience in the live broadcast room, the anxiety in his eyes revealed his mood.

At this moment, he had some doubts in his heart.

Brother Xiao Xiao, can't it really be the guild number of the Lehua trade union?
Tonight, from the front to the back, it was all about the live broadcast room of the Lehua trade union!

"The bald man may be cold this time. The venture capital invested 2 yuan, but the elder brother didn't see it!"

"Baldy don't cry, it's not the first time for you anyway."

"Is it the first time for the bald man? Why does the upstairs know?"

"Upstairs, I can testify that it is indeed not the first time for the bald man."

The bald man looked helplessly at the barrage that was running further and further away, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

It seems that his fate is really bad, and he can't eat the bowl of rice from big brother.

"Come on, come on, let me call everyone, let me be your eyes!"

This song was sung by Brother Li recently, and it once dominated the entire Douyin screen. Baldy, as the anchor of Shouting Mai, naturally knows it.

Just when Baldy had just finished singing, Liu Xiao clicked into Baldy's live broadcast room.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao to Baldy's live broadcast room!"

The bald man was overjoyed.

He had already given up, but he didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to come in at this time!
Bet right!

"Welcome Shenhao!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good evening!"

Fans in Baldy's studio greeted each other.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent [Treasure Map]*1 in Liang Kai and Xiao Hui's live broadcast room!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent [Treasure Map]*10 in Liang Kai and Xiao Hui's live broadcast room!"

Without further ado, Liu Xiao directly sent ten treasure maps!

"Baldy, dinner is ready!"

"Let's have dinner!"

All of a sudden, countless barrages of dinner being served were swiped across Baldy's live broadcast room.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Xiao Hui, you have been banned for several months, and half of your head has been bald?"

Liu Xiao typed, laughing and joking.

"Where did Brother Xiao say that? This is mature, mature."

The bald man rubbed his head and laughed.

He was blocked for three months at the beginning, if the Liangkai union can give him a push after he comes out, the first brother on the platform will still grab it!
But because of a problem with the trade union, last year when the year was held, at the last moment, the previously agreed 200 million yuan was not paid out for himself.

This also directly caused him to be trampled by Xiao Fei from the Daheng Union for half a year. Until now, he couldn't stand up, and instead became colder and colder.

After so many things, his mentality has long matured.

It is still in the Liangkai trade union, and it is only because of contract constraints.

After all, the penalty for breach of contract is more than 200 million, which he can't afford now.

However, in mid-July, his contract expired.

The world is so big, you can go anywhere!
"Mid-year fan festival, do you have any ideas?"

Liu Xiao continued typing.

"Fan Festival?"

The bald man smiled wryly.

Now that I am in such a state of despair, what fan festival do I still think about?

On the weekly list, currently the highest is Liu Xiao.

Add up the rest of the list, not even 3 yuan!
This is also because of the support of several big brothers.

Baldy's monthly income for more than half a year has basically hovered between [-] and [-].

Although it wasn't low, he still had to play some necessary activities, otherwise he wouldn't be able to maintain the live broadcast room with thousands of people.

Therefore, you can save up to seven or eight thousand a month.

"To be honest, I have ideas, but I don't have the strength."

"I said you have it, and you have it."

The golden dragon revolved around the font, Huya's thickest emperor font, the bald man's heart trembled when he saw it.

"I said you have it, and you have it?"

Suddenly, Baldy's long-silent heart seemed to be beating violently.

His face flushed slightly.

Xiao Xiao, the big brother who is in the live broadcast room, can spend more than 100 million in one day, a ruthless person!

If he supports him, then this fan festival can really win a place!

PS: Please note: This article does not overlap with the real world, let alone the timeline.

(End of this chapter)

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