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Chapter 15 Fan Chapter Champion, I want it!

Chapter 15 Fan Festival Champion, I want it!
"I said you have it, and you have it!"

"I said you have what you have!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is really domineering!"

"As expected of a god!"

All of a sudden, the tourists in Baldy's studio followed suit.

The blood in Baldy's body that had been silent for half a year suddenly boiled at this moment!

That's right, as the former first brother, his popularity at the peak is twice that of Xiaofei's now, when did he ever persuade him?

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I want the mid-year fan festival ranking!"

Baldy slapped the table and shouted loudly.

Big deal, borrow money to brush it yourself!
No matter what, it must be ranked!

"I'm talking about champions!"

Liu Xiao typed again.

"If you are unwilling to be ordinary, let me see your attitude."

After typing this sentence, Liu Xiao immediately quit Huya.

The one billion on the bank card cannot be consumed in reality.

And the system's notes also reminded me that the money was used to let me experience the thrill of Shenhao in advance.

Since you want to play, have fun!
I've been playing in Huya for more than two hours, and it's just after eleven o'clock. Although it's a little late for night running at this time, Liu Xiao still plans to go for a walk.

No matter what, your body is your own.

Now that he has become Shenhao, he naturally has to pay more attention to his health, otherwise one day he will die suddenly and burp, wouldn't it be a blood loss.

Although Liu Xiao was offline, he left Baldy with a problem of the century.

He was banned for three months last year, and was stabbed in the back by his own trade union in the next year. He has not stood up until now.

Baldy can't trust anyone now.

As for Brother Xiao Xiao's sincerity.
"Could it be that I'm really willing to be ordinary?"

"Or, I'm just satisfied with participating in the fan festival?"

The fans of Shenhao lost their excitement and quickly dispersed, leaving only a few thousand old fans to accompany Baldy in the live broadcast room.

Seeing Baldy's state, the old fans in the live broadcast room understood it very well.

After all, Baldy had been injured here before!

Everyone has hurt memories. Although the bald man never cares on his lips, everyone knows whether he cares in his heart.

The bald man asked himself, did he really admit defeat?

If it wasn't for the Daheng trade union playing dirty tricks, first reporting himself, and then buying the union to stab him, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose!
If placed on an equal footing, he would not admit defeat!
It was useless for him to refuse to accept it before, but now, Brother Xiao Xiao has clearly stood up to support him.
Could it be that a Shenhao who made millions of dollars without agreeing with each other would make fun of himself?

If brother Xiao Xiao was deliberately set up by the Daheng trade union against him, then his old face is too valuable!
"Made, fuck him!"

The bald man jumped up and cursed loudly in the live broadcast room.

From the annual meeting to now, this is the first time he has swearing!

"Let those shameless beep bastards come here, this mid-year fan festival, I'm bald to join the battle!"

"Hahaha, this is the bald man I know!"

"The bald man from last year is finally back!"

"What kind of bald man is not bald, this is my Brother Hui!"

"Thank you for your constant companionship in the past six months, especially thanks to the resident big brothers in the live broadcast room, Brother Beibei and Brother Tian!"

"Since there are several big brothers and Brother Xiao Xiao's support, this year's annual meeting, he made it up!"

"You're welcome, bald man. Although your big brother group has dispersed, there are still a few of us."

Beibei is also full of pride.

"I made some money in the stock market recently, among other things, I will personally open an Emperor for you, plus a reward of 30!"

His title is a king, and his spending power is not bad.

He was also quite uncomfortable seeing the bald man slump before.

Baldy doesn't want to be on the list, and he doesn't want to take too much money from big brothers like them.

Therefore, Baldy's usual income is not very high in the live broadcast group.

But now, the bald man has stood up again, and as an old fan, he naturally wants to stand up!
"I'm not as wealthy as Beibei, so let's forget about the emperor. I personally offer 20 as a reward, and the two of us will put together 50 for you."

Brother Tian is also typing on the public screen.

Of course, for big rewards like Brother Tian and Brother Beibei, he got [-]% of what he got, so he had to return it.

In other words, Brother Beibei will probably offer a reward of 15 plus 18 from the emperor's money, and brother Tian will be [-] to [-].

"I don't have much money, but I can afford a few packs of cigarettes. This time I support a hundred!"

"I'll give it four hundred, and I'm going to give an author an additional reward for the first order, so it's no use now."

"I'll just support the cost of a meal!"

Thousands of old fans spoke out one after another.

"Thank you brothers for your support!"

Baldy stood up and bowed solemnly to the screen.

Click to open the live broadcast room, directly select the title, and modify it.

"I want to win the championship!"

"Hahaha! It's so cool!"

Baldy laughed.

He hadn't been this happy in a long time.

From the day of failure, he fantasized about such a day more than once in his heart, but as time went by, the chances became more and more slim.

He had almost given up, but he didn't expect that God would give him such a chance today!
Even if he loses, he will still be vigorous!

Brother Xiao Xiao, did you see it?

This is my attitude!My sincerity!
"We want to win the championship!"

"We won the championship!"

Thousands of fans swiped wildly on the public screen in the live broadcast room.

There are only 4000 people, but the impression of 5 to [-] people was registered. The bald man looked at the constantly scrolling public screen with great pride.

"Ma De, please kill Daheng!"

The bald man stepped on the chair and deliberately turned on the hair dryer, blowing the few strands of hair flying back and forth.

"The live broadcast room is suspected of violating regulations and is being rectified."

The live broadcast room was directly mosaiced, and a large white subtitle was displayed in the middle.

Both Huya Chaoguan are typing on the public screen.

"Friendly competition, no cursing."

Shuangshuang also made a special smile in the back.

Simple video blocking, the voice is not blocked, but the bald man can still speak.

"Super Tube, I was wrong, please help me!"

The bald man begged for mercy.

"If I bump into someone who is swearing, it will take 3 minutes. Just wait."

Both slapped hahaha, looking gloating.

The bald man continued to beg for mercy loudly, but it was obviously mostly a joke.

In the live broadcast room, we were supposed to swipe the screen of the champion, but unconsciously, it became all "haha".

This kind of ban is common. After all, live broadcasts are now strictly controlled. As long as there is smoking or swearing, no matter who it is, the video will be banned for 3 minutes.

The old bald man hid behind the mosaic, his face full of depression.

"Brothers, I didn't expect that it would be half a year since I was bald, and I was blocked for a 3-minute mosaic just after I came out of the mountain."

"Forget it, let's get a happy stick by the way."

The old bald man smiled.

The lighter snapped and lit a cigarette.

"Old bald, I regret it a bit."

Beibeige teased on the public screen.

"The old bald is floating, and I also regret it a bit."

Brother Tian followed closely behind.

The fans were also overjoyed to see the big brother taking the initiative to lead the rhythm.

Immediately afterwards, the public screen was swamped with regrets again and again.

"Stop, big brothers, if you go back on your word, old bald, I won't be killed by Daheng's beeps at this fan festival event!"

The old bald hurriedly begged to be let go in the live broadcast room, but in his heart, he was flattered.

He's old and bald, and he's not cold enough!

(End of this chapter)

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