Chapter 16 Kaka pumping skin

After Zhao Ning and Tutu of the Lehua union went to the mic, their popularity has basically dropped. From the live broadcast from [-] o'clock to [-] o'clock, the first show of more than three hours was so successful that she couldn't believe it!

The IDs of Lehua and Xiaojuzi, along with Brother Xiao Xiao's reputation, spread throughout the Xingxiu District.

Even the old dragon of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in the game area, and the anchor who is popular with 20 people online every day, went on the account to scan a wave of treasure maps for himself.

Everything is like a dream.

In one night, 45 yuan was collected!

After turning off the broadcast, Zhao Ning changed into casual clothes and planned to go out for a walk to calm down.

"Hi, Zhao Ning!"

Liu Xiao waved at Zhao Ning from a distance.

"Liu Xiao, why are you here?"

Zhao Ning was a little surprised to see Liu Xiao in sportswear.

She knew Liu Xiao's financial situation, even if she rented a house, she couldn't choose Country Garden, right?

Her family conditions are also average, but her luck is good. She bought it when the house price was more than 5000 yuan.

But now, the house price has more than doubled by ten times?
One level costs more than 6!
The rent is close to [-] a month, right?
"Just ran for a while." Liu Xiao smiled at Zhao Ning.

"I'm asking why you live here."

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao a white look.

"I made some money recently, and I can barely afford to live. Everyone must make progress."

"Hehe, it's only been a few days, and I'm already so promising."

Zhao Ning's understanding of Liu Xiao has risen to another level.

To be able to rent a house to live here, at least a monthly income of [-] yuan is required.

"By the way, I just saw your live broadcast, it's amazing, little orange."

Liu Xiao gave Zhao Ning a thumbs up.

Speaking of this, Zhao Ning's expression collapsed.

She would rather not earn so much money than owe Brother Xiao Xiao such a big favor!

"Come on, I'll treat you to dinner!"

Liu Xiao didn't want to go at first, but he couldn't resist Zhao Ning's strong request, so he had to follow Zhao Ning out for a midnight snack.

"System, the money I sent to Zhao Ning should be fine, right?"

Liu Xiao is a little worried, if Zhao Ning treats herself to dinner, will she judge herself to cash out in an alternative way.

"Host rest assured, non-host relatives are not included in the statistics."

Only then did Liu Xiao feel relieved to let Zhao Ning pay the bill.

Although Zhao Ning hasn't gotten paid yet, who knows if the sum of money Zhao Ning used to settle the bill will be judged to be the money she made by herself?

"In my opinion, just let it be natural, Shenhao doesn't eat people, so what are you afraid of?"

After eating a mouthful of meat, Liu Xiao didn't care.

Shenhao is himself, and everyone knows who he is.

"You talk nonsense every day."

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao another white look.

Of course Shenhao doesn't eat people anymore.

After dinner, it was almost twelve o'clock in the evening.

Liu Xiao sighed helplessly.

Because after exercising, a lot of energy is consumed, and the appetite is better.

This is good, one positive and one negative, equal to no movement.

What are you doing this trip by yourself? Isn't it delicious to lie on the bed?

Back home, exactly twelve o'clock.



【Shenhao System

Current Level: Level 2

Get money every day: 1000
Upgrade conditions: spend 10 yuan
Progress: 124/100000]

"It's too slow to upgrade like this, I have to find a way to make some money."

Liu Xiao stroked his chin, thinking carefully.

Although the upgrade can be done by saving three and a half months, for a Shenhao who spends millions online, the contrast now is indeed too great.

However, Liu Xiao, who had a deposit of more than 1 yuan before, didn't think of any good way to make money. Now that the deposit is only 1000 yuan, Liu Xiao can't think of any good way.

With 500 million in hand, it's easy to say, just follow the stars and open a hot pot restaurant, isn't the flow of water flowing?
Or contracting a game or something, it is also a good open source channel.

But Liu Xiao, the funds in reality are indeed too little.

"Forget it, wait a little longer, I will have more funds in my hand in a few days, so I will make plans!"

Early the next morning, Liu Xiao deliberately went out to buy a lot of vegetables to fill up the empty refrigerator.

Although he didn't have a lot of money in his hands, he didn't have to worry about food and drink.

After making a simple breakfast and squeezed a glass of lemon juice, Liu Xiao sat in the living room.

Turn on the projection mode of the mobile phone, and cast the live broadcast of Huya to the 65-inch large curved screen TV provided by the landlord.

Tiger Bud's recently launched Blu-ray quality is indeed a subversive update.

Casting the screen on the TV, no matter how you watch it, the clarity is a kind of enjoyment.

Lying lazily on the sofa, Liu Xiao was very satisfied.

This is called watching a live broadcast!
I didn't have an account number, so I simply strolled around in the game area.

"Good morning, friends. Today is the last day of the Shen Quan Li Qing event. Friends who want to draw a lottery have filled up the diamonds in advance, and then contact the secretary to draw a lottery."

Kaka in the LOL area had just started broadcasting, and over [-] tourists flocked in.

Kaka, Huya signed a contract as a first-line anchor. Although he is not officially recognized as a star anchor, he is almost the same as the scratch man in the afternoon show in the LOL area.

There are 70 people online and more than 6000 VIP seats!

When Kaka plays games, most of them choose to play visual effects and comeback games in low-level games like silver and gold.

Therefore, many tourists jokingly gave him a nickname: the head of Baiyin Village.

It means the boss who is domineering in Baiyin Village.

Kaka is notoriously good-tempered. He has never provoked anyone in the LOL area, and has always had a good reputation.

And in the past few days, it happened to be the money-making activity held by the goose factory, the magic boxing Li Qing special session.

"Friends, please pay attention, anyone who actively adds you as a friend under the name of the little secretary is a liar."

"Little secretary's ID, you can see it by clicking on the village chief's profile picture. Please remember, those who take the initiative to add you as friends, or ask you for your account password, are all liars!"

Kaka kept urging.

Many of the anchors in the game area like them have fallen for liars, so they pay special attention to such things.

"Let's get into the topic next, invite the first lucky one of the day!"

Kaka directly registered as a fan's account on the homepage of Li Qing's Dragon Totem event.

"Very good, five thousand diamonds."

For the dragon totem event, one dollar can be exchanged for ten diamonds, and five thousand diamonds is 500 yuan.

"Generally speaking, at most [-] diamonds can get you a dragon blind, but I'm lucky, I think [-] diamonds can get you!"

Kaka was gearing up and giggling in the live broadcast room.

Liu Xiao still prefers to watch Kaka's live broadcast, especially this kind of real money lottery show, which can resonate with tourists even more.

Kaka directly modified the title.

"For 500 yuan, can you get Long Xia?"

Seeing that the popularity was almost gathered, Kaka officially started the lottery draw.

"Friends who are new to the live broadcast room, this ordinary dragon totem gift box requires 50 diamonds for one draw, which is 5 yuan, ten times for one draw, and 500 diamonds for one draw."

"As for us, it is naturally impossible to play such a low-level game."

"Look at this advanced dragon totem gift box. Open one and get 100 diamonds. Open ten and get one free, 1000 diamonds!"

"This kind of 100 yuan a time is more in line with our status."

Kaka smiled, and the mouse slid to the button that was turned on 11 times.

(End of this chapter)

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