Chapter 17 Draw me a three-color dragon!

More and more tourists poured into the live broadcast room, and soon, the number of people in the live broadcast room stabilized at 70.

Super first-line anchor in the game zone!
Kaka clicked the mouse lightly, and ten bronze gift boxes floated to the center of the screen, and they were opened one by one.

On the right, an accompanying gift box is finally opened.

This attached gift box is the easiest way to get a big gift package.

"Hehe, the time limit expired the first time I opened it, this wave is not a loss!"

Kaka laughed.

Year of the Monkey limited policewoman, Yujing Yasha!

The remaining three are normal skins, and the remaining seven are seven-day experience skins.

The policewoman in the year of the monkey, the official price is 199, and it was drawn out with 100 yuan, and it also comes with three ordinary skins, which is a small profit.

A series of 666s floated on the public screen.

It's really not easy to take advantage of the goose factory!

Kaka rubbed her hands triumphantly, and continued to open the next wave of treasure chests.

"Galen, the golden knight, Kyle, the angel of the last days, the rusty robot, Anne, the little red riding hood."

There are only four normal skins, which add up to less than two hundred.

It is not a loss to simply buy, but it seems a little bit of a loss on the lottery.

"Small loss, small loss, continue to make another move!"

"Magic card Drizzt, city hero Mundo, be careful!"

"Christmas Carnival Nunu, Ice Festival Alchemist, Deep Sea One Kassadin!"

Kaka drove four waves in a row, spending a total of [-] diamonds, but in fact, except for the female policemen who were limited to the Year of the Monkey, the rest were all rubbish skins.

For now, blood loss!
"There is still the last wave of opportunities. Whether this brother can create a miracle with 500 yuan depends on this wave!"

Kaka played a battle song, and went to wash his hands specially.

Click, eleven draws in a row!

Bronze gift boxes were opened one by one in the center of the screen.

"Gothic maid Orianna, power of the four gods Udyr, adventurous spirit Ezreal."

Ten gift boxes were slowly opened, and soon, there was only the last one left!
"Heir of the dragon, Li Qing!"

Kaka exclaimed for a while.

"It's out! It's out!"

"Bull beep bull beep!"


Kaka laughed in the live broadcast room.

He didn't expect to be so lucky, so he drew Long Xia directly!

As far as the current situation is concerned, the market value of a dragon blind is at least 2000 yuan. As for the blue lobster and black dragon blind with colorful skins, the market value is almost 5000 yuan!
It can be said that this fan's 500 yuan is a big profit!
"It's a pity, this brother didn't have the Dragon Blind skin before, if he had it before, then this time he can directly draw the dazzling color."

Although a little regretful, Kaka still couldn't help being proud.

"Carry away, carry away, next one!"

Kaka's luck really exploded in the morning. In the next few accounts, although he didn't draw the descendants of the dragon, he kept drawing limited skins and limited skins.

After more than half an hour, not a single fan paid for it!
The public screen was swiped by all 666.

Liu Xiao also felt a little itchy.

I am also a LOL player, but before that, I have always been a prostitute, and I don’t play much after work.

Liu Xiao remembered that there seemed to be Teemo's [MI[-]] skin on his account, and he bought it with the essence after the system rune was cancelled.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao went straight to Huya Live's account.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] entered the live broadcast room!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] renews the fee for the emperor*6 in the Kaka live broadcast room!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map*1!"


"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map*5!"

Without further ado, just a wave of renewals, five treasure maps cover your face.

Five treasure maps, 2 gold beans, directly surpassed Kaka's first place in the list.

The game area is like this. Although it is very popular, its ability to absorb gold is not strong. Kaka's previous ranking was only a little more than 4000 gold beans, not even enough for a treasure map.

Many tourists who followed Xiao Xiao followed the treasure map and entered Kaka's live broadcast room.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is online again, today is the game zone?"

"Brother Shenhao, this is blooming everywhere!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, do you still count what you said in Baldy's live broadcast room last night?"


Thousands of fans flooded in instantly, and the barrage public screen was full of discussions about Liu Xiao's consumption last night.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for the treasure map!"

Kaka also saw the news on the public screen, and quickly thanked her.

He was also online at the time when Xiao Xiao gave Laolong a brush, and he also heard about the ranking battle in the Xingxiu District last night, so he naturally knew who this brother Xiao Xiao was.

You know, he also went over to give Laolong a wave of gifts yesterday.

Look, it's back!
"There are no skins on the account. If you want a three-color dragon blind, how much do you think is appropriate?"

Liu Xiao typed and spoke.

The three-color dragon blind generally refers to the original color, blue dragon, and black dragon.

The field controller had already registered Liu Xiao's account with room management, and the big golden characters were in the middle of the comment area, so it was hard for Kaka not to see it.

"Three-color dragon blind?"

The hearts of the tourists in the live broadcast room were shocked.

Most local tyrants just stop when they draw a dragon blind.

After all, it is indeed too expensive to gather all three color dragons!
"Shenhao pretends to beep online."

"The three-color dragon blind is only half of the five treasure maps just now."

Many tourists type sourly.

Five treasure maps, but 5000 yuan!
Half of it is also [-]. With so much money, what skin can't be drawn?
"If the three-color dragon is blind, it will cost about [-] yuan."

Kaka thought about it.

He was doing a lottery draw in the live broadcast room, and there has been a lot of turnover in the past few days, but there is not a single fan who wants to draw a three-color dragon blindly!

"That's fine, I'll join the team."

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map*1!"


"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map*5!"

"I will open a lottery for the fans in the live broadcast room, ten people will be drawn for 1 yuan, which is my compensation for jumping in line to the fans."

Another five treasure maps riding on the face!

"Is this Big Brother Shenhao?"

"Is it [-] to join a team? I love it!"

"Brother Xiao will be my biological elder brother from now on!"

Visitors in the live broadcast room screamed "Niubi".

If they can draw 1 yuan every time they jump in line, then they are willing to be wildly paid by Brother Xiao Xiao!
"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for sending out the five treasure maps again!"

Kaka quickly turned on the TV.

Ten bags for 1 yuan!

"Dear fans, as long as you send Brother Xiao's atmosphere on the public screen, you will have a chance to draw a red envelope!"

Kaka was pleasantly surprised.

His one-year signing fee is also quite a lot, almost 300 million.

After deducting various expenses, there will be 80 million yuan left in the hands, and a monthly income of [-] to [-] yuan, which is extremely impressive.

What he cares about is not these few gifts, but the influence that big brother Shenhao has brought to his live broadcast room!

In just a short while, the popularity of the live broadcast room went towards 90!
For the anchors in the game area, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attract fans and make money!

(End of this chapter)

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