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Chapter 145 Brother Xiao Xiao Has Money Ability

Chapter 145 Brother Xiao Xiao Has Money Ability

Early the next morning, the salesman from the 4S shop called and told Liu Xiao that the Land Rover had arrived, they were going through the handover procedures, and they could drive away after getting the license in the afternoon.

After calculating the time, the efficiency of the 4S store is quite fast.

At present, I have saved 40 to 50 yuan, and tomorrow I will gather [-] yuan, and the basic start-up capital will be almost the same.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiao didn't hesitate, and directly registered a personal store on Taobao.

The store deposit is 1000 yuan. Not long after paying the money, a message of approval popped up in the background.

The name of the store has not yet been chosen, mainly because the clothes to be sold have not yet been decided, and Liu Xiao is not in a hurry.

Wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to go to the market to make a decision.

"It's time to find some people."

Liu Xiao thought for a while, then pouted.

If Liu Xiao wants to set up a Taobao store, it is naturally impossible to make a small fuss.

As soon as the store's products are on the shelves, Liu Xiao will start crazy marketing.

Advertisement investment of at least 10 yuan per day!
As long as Taobao recommends it in place, there is no problem with the order quantity.

These days, marketing is very simple, just spend money desperately!

Tiger Bud Live.

Uzi, Tiaonan, Miss, and Zitai, the four anchors of the afternoon show, chose to start broadcasting and connecting early in the morning.

They just received a notification from Vice President Du that the activity interface and hyperlinks on Huya's side have all been completed, and will be fully launched in the League of Legends area at 9:[-] in the morning.

"The nine o'clock event is online, so stay tuned!"

As soon as the tourists woke up in the morning, they saw the headlines of several top anchors.

"Wow, did the event start so early?"

"I'm so excited, I don't know how many anchors will sign up this time!"

"I obsessed in a few player groups yesterday. Even though some of the stronger players are not streamers, they plan to sign up for the competition!"

"Huh? Can you sign up even if you're not an anchor?"

"You're an idiot upstairs, you applied to be an anchor, and you got down in half an hour."


Early in the morning, the heat in the League of Legends area exploded.

The live broadcast rooms of each anchor are full of bullet screens discussing this event.

Some small anchors couldn't even take care of the live broadcast. The live broadcast of Kaka and the others was on their mobile phones, but their eyes were fixed on the homepage of the League of Legends section.

Clicking on the mouse in the hand, the web page is constantly being refreshed.

"Good morning, friends. After a while, that is, in 20 minutes, the registration for this event will start."

"And from 9 o'clock, the five of us will join hands with other anchors in the game area to conduct an exhibition match in the official live broadcast room."

Kaka smiled and promoted in the live broadcast room.

This time, the official is full of sincerity.

The matter with the game party has been negotiated, and the permission of a thousand live broadcast rooms has been successfully obtained.

During the three days since the start of the competition, the five of them will go online in the morning and play a few exhibition matches with other anchors in the League of Legends area to promote.

After noon, the solo matches will be broadcast in rotation in the live broadcast room, giving each participating anchor a certain chance to appear on camera.

However, the official live broadcast room will not open until 9 o'clock. At this time, the audience is basically crowded in the live broadcast room of the five members of Kaka.

Especially Kaka, he was originally the anchor of the morning show, and he is still very well-known among the morning visitors.

At this time, the popularity of the live broadcast room is close to 200 million!
In normal times, a proper super first-line anchor!
"Exhibition game?"

"Who will participate in this exhibition game?"

"Sister Zha, will they come? I hope Sister Zha will line up against Uzi!"

"Good guy, are you hoping that Miss Zhan really explodes?"

"Hahaha, if that's the case, ask for sister Zha's psychological shadow!"

"No, I want Brother Xiao Xiao, I won't watch without Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Yes, yes, Brother Xiao Xiao is required for the exhibition competition!"

"Thousands of blood letters begging brother Xiao Xiao to play!"

In the five-person live broadcast room, the public screen was in chaos, full of tourists who wanted to watch Brother Xiao Xiao play an exhibition match.

"I said you guys are too ruthless. If we fight Brother Xiao Xiao, there is no way for us to win."

Uzi put on a bitter face in the live broadcast room, pretending to be a very strong brother Xiao Xiao, which made the tourists laugh heartily.

"Brother Xiao Xiao's hero has five skills, which can't be beaten normally."

"That's right, Brother Xiao Xiao has two big moves no matter which hero he plays!"

"We don't care, ten thousand blood books!"

Seeing all the barrage on the public screen, the five felt helpless for a while.

The current fans are not easy to bring!
"How about this, let's ask Brother Xiao Xiao when he's online later, if Brother Xiao Xiao wants to play, we'll bring Brother Xiao Xiao together."

Tiao Nan took the initiative to speak in the live broadcast room, and only then calmed down the barrage.

During this period of time, the tourists in the game area really have a soft spot for Brother Xiao Xiao's Water Friends Competition.

It doesn't matter anything else, the ability to make money in one hand is simply earth-shattering!
For example, Uzi, the number one ADC in the world, was also successfully defeated by brother Xiao Xiao's power.

As soon as Liu Xiao went online and entered Kaka's live broadcast room, he saw all the barrage on the public screen wanting to see him play an exhibition game.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] entered the live broadcast room!"

The red No. [-] Shenhao special effect covered most of the screen, showing Xiao Xiao's noble status.

"Forget about the exhibition match, I'll ob with everyone for a while."

Liu Xiao chuckled and spoke on the public screen.

It's okay to play occasionally, but it's not very interesting if you play often.

It's not that interesting if you use too much banknote ability. It's better to watch the real high-end game.

The tourists were disappointed when they saw Brother Xiao Xiao's barrage.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is the big boss, and he usually has a lot of things to do, so he might be in the company's office in the morning, so it's not appropriate to play games.

Kaka said with a smile.

"That's right, a big boss like Brother Xiao Xiao must be very busy."

"Brother Hua is often offline, let alone Brother Xiao Xiao. I'm afraid it takes a long time to sign for a job with a net worth of more than [-] billion?"

"Just look at the daily life of the richest man, Boss Wang, haha."

When Kaka said this, the audience in the live broadcast room reacted one after another.

Brother Xiao Xiao, who can rake in hundreds of millions, must be the boss of a large group in reality, right?
This kind of big shot must have a fast pace of life, and it is not easy to spare some time to play live broadcasts. How could it be possible to be idle every day playing exhibition games or something?
A kind of fan who knows that Brother Xiao Xiao's exhibition game is rare, and is even more proud of having watched Brother Xiao Xiao's game twice before.

"We will launch in the official live broadcast room in a while, and randomly invite anchors to start the exhibition match. With the official battle room opened by the League of Legends, everyone can see the first perspective of the game in the first place."

After Kaka talked about the exhibition game, he said the rules of the solo game again.

Soon, it was 9 o'clock in the morning.

At this moment, countless anxiously waiting anchors clicked the refresh button on the webpage almost at the same time!

A huge pop-up window pops up on the homepage of the League of Legends section.

Above, the sword girl Irelia stands on the top of the mountain.

Down below, countless clansmen are looking forward to it.

Tiger Bud Live: League of Legends Super Solo Match!
(End of this chapter)

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