Chapter 146 Official Broadcast Room

Home page pop-up window display!

In the League of Legends area, almost all the anchors who were interested in signing up clicked in immediately.

After all, Tiao Nan's team is not particularly professional. Although the effect of the promotional posters they made at that time was good, it was obviously inferior to Huya's official ones.

The most important thing is that Huya officially added other elements to the poster.

Huge poster interface.

Irelia's figure stands on the top of the mountain, her resolute face clearly visible.

In the distance, a golden-red giant dragon was swimming in the sky, and the golden-red light reflected, making Irelia even more sacred.

3D rendering technology!
For a poster, Huya directly used the frame rate operation that is only used when making animations.

Click on the poster, and you can see almost every hair of Irelia on it, and on the golden-red dragon in the distance, the four small characters of the first Shenhao in a special color flash slightly.

Various special effects make this poster look more layered and naked-eye 3D.

Tap the poster lightly, and the screen instantly jumps to the event details page.


"The official poster is made, it's awesome!"

"This rendering is too clear, the Blu-ray 10M is not so clear!"

"My God, I enlarged the poster to 1000% on the computer, and it's not blurry at all!"

"Don't look at this as just a poster animation, but it will cost at least 100 million yuan to render such a picture frame by frame to this level!"

Rendering technology plus glasses-free 3D technology, the cost is not low at all!

Some knowledgeable tourists spoke on the public screen.

Countless tourist anchors couldn't help but marvel.

The strength of Huya's official technical department is indeed terrifying!
It was only yesterday afternoon that I said that I would help Tiaonan and the others to do the event. In just one night, the event interface was made, and the rendering was so clear!

"It's better to say that the level of Huya pit money is very high! (laughing and crying)"

"Hahaha, the upstairs is brilliant!"

"In order to make money, of course the official website has to do a better job on this event interface, but it only cost 100 million yuan for this event interface, the official has really paid a lot of money!"

"Can you speak eight sentences in English in six seconds? If you can, you can become a glorious programmer like me, with a monthly income of hundreds of millions at your fingertips!"

"Aren't you talking about the billions of hairs upstairs?"


The public screen is still noisy, but at the same time, tens of thousands of people have already clicked into the event interface.

The anchor with the highest attention is the first to click on the registration interface.

"Brothers, the rules of the competition are the same as they said last night, so I won't repeat them here. Let's sign up as soon as possible to see if we can be the first to sign up."

Gu Teyu smiled, and clicked the button below to sign up immediately.

Fill in the room number of the live broadcast room and the account number of the anchor, and soon, Gu Shouyu received a pop-up message.

[Congratulations, you have successfully signed up for the League of Legends solo competition! 】

Click on the event again, and the registration button has changed to the registration order.


"No, I'm the 820th one to sign up?"

"These people are beasts, aren't they so fast?"

Furutoba stopped talking completely.

Don't these people take time to open the interface?
It's only 9.02 points now.

In just 2 minutes, more than 800 anchors signed up!

"This competition seems to be more intense than expected."

Gu Teyu looked at the registration numbers that were still jumping on the page, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

For some reason, he suddenly regretted signing up.

He's a jungler, why is he soloing?
If he really didn't even pass the audition, would he be sprayed to death by then?
What's more, he seems to have made a bold statement about shaving all his hair
In the live broadcast room, Brother Ba was rubbing his hands vigorously.

As soon as the event came out, he decisively signed up.

This name must be reported. Unlike Gu Shouyu, he is a real online powerhouse, with a big tree in his hand, and I don't know how many kings have died.

However, Brother Ba is not in a hurry to play the audition. From now on, there are three days, which is completely enough. Right now, he is in OB Kaka's live broadcast room.

This exhibition match has brought together all the popularity in the Huya League of Legends area. If he can play a few games in the official live broadcast room, it will have a great publicity effect on him.

Vice President Du has given Kaka and Zuan the rights to the live broadcast room.

Kaka clicked first, and the two live broadcast rooms were instantly connected.

Soon, the live broadcast room of Uzi and the others was quickly linked to the official live broadcast room.

The official live broadcast room is the game perspective.

And the row of hyperlinks in the upper left corner is related to the Kaka five's own live broadcast room. Just click to enter, and you can see their first-person perspective immediately.

This is also a benefit from Huya. With just such a link, within seven days, at least 30 million followers can be gained!
"Open room, open room!"

Uzi yelled on the public channel.

This kind of crowded activity is Uzi's favorite.

"Hello fans in the live broadcast room, the exhibition competition will start soon, please wait a moment."

Scratching the male boarded the authority number, and directly pulled out a live broadcast room.

He first pulled Kaka and the others into the room, and chose the blue side.

"The data of all League of Legends anchors signed by Huya has been entered. You can search for this room on the custom interface. The password is 6 zeros. If there are any anchors who want to play exhibition games, please do so as soon as possible."

Scratch Man announced the password of the room.

This account is specially used to build a house, and the main account of the anchor of the League of Legends area is entered in advance. Normal tourists and anchors of other platforms who have not entered it will not be able to find this room.

Tiaonan just announced the room password, and the anchors of the entire Huya platform were blown up.

Brother Ba almost searched the room with the speed of his entire life, and then frantically clicked on the password field.

[This room is full. 】

"Fuck, what kind of god speed are these people!"

Brother Ba took a deep breath and jumped back to the official live broadcast room again.

On the screen, the five seats on the opposite side of the purple side are already filled.

"Hahaha, elder brother Ba, don't fight with others!"

"Brother Ba Niubi (5 cents for this article)!"

"People started to search for the names of the rooms when they were building their houses live. Of course you are not as fast as others."

"The hand speed is not enough, and the traditional craft still needs to be practiced more."

"Traditional crafts, this has to be practiced on the website, right?"

"In the past, there was a county called Aomen where the water transport was in chaos. A river official surnamed Kan thought of a notice. All water transporters had to go to the county to get a pass, and then solved the problem of water transport chaos. To commemorate this event, the local Everyone summed up this matter as: the proud family surname is the River River Officer, and the license is issued in the county!"

"Upstairs, you are too good, please ask for the website!"

"I want to get the license too!"

(End of this chapter)

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