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Chapter 147 Where there is Uzi is the battlefield!

Chapter 147 Where there is Uzi is the battlefield! (Four more ask for a monthly ticket)
Brother Ba looked at the comments on his barrage, and after selectively ignoring some of them, suddenly realized.

No wonder he couldn't get in the room. It turned out that when Tiao Nan entered the name of the room in the live broadcast Jianfang, the other anchors had already typed and searched.

He only searched after Tiao Nan gave the password, so naturally he was a few seconds slower than others, and the speed of entering the room also slowed down.

"My God, these people are so scheming!"

"My Ba Ge refuses to accept, I will enter the next game!"

He had to play several exhibition matches in the morning, and now that he knew the trick, he would still have a chance to enter the next match!

Brother Ba first entered the room number into the search bar, as soon as the competition between these five people was over, he would immediately click search!
Liu Xiao also jumped to the official live broadcast room.

As Shenhao who organized this competition, there are still some cards.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"


"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *10*[-] combos!"

Click on the gift column directly, and give away 1000 Huya No. [-] in the live broadcast room!
"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for the million-dollar gift!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is so arrogant!"

Kaka and others were very pleasantly surprised.

In the past, the income from the official live broadcast room belonged to the official.

But in June, Vice President Du was too full to eat. In addition to the anchors who wanted to show favor to Brother Xiao Xiao, he directly divided the income from the official live broadcast room among five of them.

That is to say, each of them can get 20 gifts for Brother Xiao Xiao's one million gift!
If half of it is deducted to the hand, there is also an income of 10 yuan.

The audience in the live broadcast room showed Brother Xiao Xiao's atmosphere one after another.

"It's been a long time since I've distributed benefits to fans, so let's start with a million-dollar lucky draw."

Liu Xiao was in a good mood, chuckled, and typed another barrage.

After all, it was an event organized by him, so it was interesting.

The million-dollar lottery is just a gift of 200 million, which is really nothing to Liu Xiao.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *2*[-] combos!"


Apart from anything else, it's Huya No. 20 with 100 groups and [-] rounds!
[A Little Tiger Bud] A group of gods and heroes also made moves one after another.

On the official live broadcast list, Liu Xiao ranked first with a weekly list of 300 million.

Below, Xiao Huya and others are all treasure maps.

Of the [-] gift lists displayed on the list, none of them are below [-]!
"Brother Xiao Xiao is generous, thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Thank you brother Xiaohuya, thank you brother Xingye, thank you all the brothers who sent gifts!"

Kaka and the others looked at the gift floating on the screen and exclaimed.

Chaoguan opened the TV red envelope in the live broadcast room for the first time.

The audience in the live broadcast room was roaring and tsunami again, excitedly turning on the TV, and constantly sending barrage.

On the Huya platform, when other anchors send tens of thousands of red envelopes on TV, at least 66 light sticks are required, which means six yuan and six draws, and the probability is relatively low.

However, with the anchor supported by Brother Xiao Xiao, you can often use free tiger food, or a zero-cost bullet screen lottery!
At most, one dime a fluorescent stick can participate.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, I got 1 yuan!"

Many fans exclaimed on the public screen.

"Winners don't need to private message any anchors, the official will contact all fans to hand out prizes in person."

Lan Lan also boarded the super tube and came to the live broadcast room to help control it.

In just a short while, the popularity of the live broadcast room has exceeded 400 million, and it is still rising rapidly!

The audience was full of joy, and Liu Xiao was also very happy watching.

In the live broadcast room, the five of Uzi's scratching men took a look at the anchor on the purple side opposite, and immediately smacked their mouths.

The five on the opposite side are all well-known anchors, and they often meet each other when they are ranked in the national server.

Li Qingqiang, Xia Heng, Zha Jie, Bunting, Coke.

Among the five, the strongest is Li Qingqiang, who has been in the top ten in the national server all year round.

However, Xia Heng and others are not weak at all, and the accounts of the five people are all kings!

If you add Kaka and the other five, these ten people are all kings, and they are not low in the ranks of kings!
Uzi is currently No. 12 in the national server, Li Qingqiang is No. 15 in the national server, No. [-] in the national server, and Coke is No. [-].

Ten people, four of the top ten in the national server!

"I've seen some of the game!"

In the live broadcast room, the tourists who saw the opposite lineup were also very excited.

Li Qingqiang is a professional jungler. Like his name, he mainly plays blind monks.

Xia Heng is a professional support, and he is Vincent's partner in the live broadcast of Zhanqi. He has a deep hero pool.

Sister Zha is the ad position. This season, she has been the king several times in the double row.

Bunting mainly plays the hero Katarina, who is mainly a mid-lane assassin.

As for Coke, the main player is the sword girl top laner!

There is no conflict in the positions of the five people, and they can all get the most suitable positions for them.


With a ding, ten people officially entered the game selection interface.

"This one won't ban heroes, right? The exhibition match, let everyone show their best form."

Miss suggested.

"Okay, okay, help me get Vayne, help me get Vayne!"

Uzi nodded excitedly.

The reason why he is called the world's number one ADC is because of the hero Vayne the Night Hunter.

And on his account, there is even the only skin given to him by the fist of the League of Legends head office, Dementor!
At this time of great attention, of course it is time to show off.

"666, once Gouzi's Wei En comes out, Li Qingqiang will be inappropriate again!"

"Hahaha, this one is absolutely beautiful, I want to jump to the Uzi live broadcast room to watch him being targeted like crazy!"

After the two sides randomly banned a few unused heroes, the miss on the first floor directly locked Vayne for Kaka!

[Let's hunt those who fall into darkness! ] Wei En's voice was very deep, as if indicating that this game would not be easy.

Scratching Nan took down Tailong, the male blade he is best at, and this is the hero he has ever been on the national server.

Miss chose Lulu as a support.

And Kaka chose a pig girl as the jungler, and finally took Raven, and returned to his old line of top laner.

Tourists who originally wanted to take Ashe by looking at their status will inevitably be a little disappointed.

The hero of the purple side will also be finalized soon.

Li Qingqiang is a jungler with Blind Monk, Coke Swordsman is a top laner, Ezreal is a shooter, Xia Heng Thresh is a support, and Carter is a mid laner with Bunting.

"Hey, this one is really serious, they are all famous heroes!"

"Bull beep bull beep, great gods gather, there is nothing wrong with this anchor competition!"

"I think this game may be a [-]-[-] split, and both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages."

"Yes, if Uzi can't get up, there is a high probability that the blue square will be gone."

In the live broadcast room, a small number of viewers have watched all 10 anchors.

Except for Miss and Kaka's replacement, the other 8 people all took their famous heroes!
Kaka played the most in the mid laner, but because he gave it up to the scratch man, he would definitely not be able to beat Li Qingqiang in the jungle, so he directly chose a pig girl and prepared to produce pure meat.

And miss plays the best mid laner, and the support strength is also average.

But both Zitai and Uzi are stronger than their opponents.

Therefore, the strength of the two sides is not bad.

Two flashpoints.

One is the status of top laner, the top laner in the previous profession.

One is Uzi, the current professional shooter!

"Coke and Sister Zha are not bad, even if you can't beat them, it shouldn't be a problem to hold on."

"Just now I said that Sister Zha couldn't fight Uzi, now Sister Zha is really going to explode!"

"The bunting and scratching men's middle lanes should be opened 4-6, at most [-]/[-]."

"Kaka didn't get the position, the wild area is definitely not Li Qingqiang's opponent."

As for the top and bottom lanes, the audience is not very optimistic about the purple side.

Zitai and Uzi are two professional players whose strength is obvious to all!
"This caught me infinitely, you should be on guard against Li Qingqiang."

Kaka speaks in the team voice.

"Don't worry, the teleportation I brought will provide unlimited support for the next road."

"I teleport too."

Chou Nan controlled the male knife to go out, clicked on the Summoner skill, and a message popped up directly on the public screen.

The crowd was speechless.

With brother Xiao Xiao here, everyone can be caught infinitely.

Brother Xiao Xiao is not here, everyone will catch him infinitely.

The audience is also happy, this one seems to be worth seeing even if brother Xiao Xiao is not around.

Where there is an Uzi, there is a battlefield!
(End of this chapter)

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