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Chapter 148 Brother Xiao Xiao Explains

Chapter 148 Brother Xiao Xiao Explains (Adding more for the leader [Zhang 11])
"Brother Xiao Xiao, are you interested in commenting on the game?"

On the public screen, Lanlan's super management account suddenly spoke.

"Explain the game?"

Liu Xiao was a little moved.

The ability to play games is not good, but this does not mean that Liu Xiao's vision is not good. In terms of level, he must be far behind professional hosts such as poisonous milk and dolls. It is still possible to play games.

What's more, this competition was also started by Liu Xiao, wouldn't it be more enjoyable if we could do a commentary for one or two games?
"I don't have professional live broadcast equipment here. If I want to comment on the game, I'm afraid I can't."

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao had no choice but to refuse.

When Lan Lan saw Brother Xiao Xiao's reply, she was overjoyed.

For technical issues, she can do it!

"Brother Xiao Xiao, our technical department can provide audio collection and upload on the computer or mobile phone, just add a small function to your Huya account."

"If you use a mobile phone, the noise may be a bit loud, but if you use a computer, the effect will not be too different. It is better to have a computer-side headset."

Lanlan quickly responded on the public screen.


"I have a computer here, so please help me open it."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile, went to the study and turned on the computer.

The configuration of the computer was already very high, and Liu Xiao bought a series of accessories such as earphones at the top, and the quality of Alien was still trustworthy.

Liu Xiao didn't expect that the Huya officials would leave him such a surprise.

Lan Lan was very excited, and quickly called the technical department to activate the function for Xiao Xiao's account.

As soon as Kaka's game entered the selection interface, a pop-up window popped up on Liu Xiao's account.

A small program that can record headphone sound.

The sound of Liu Xiao's earphones is recorded first, then transmitted to Huya's server, and finally synchronized to the live broadcast room.

Starting the broadcast with the anchor is a process, as long as the network speed is better, there is almost no delay.

Liu Xiao boarded the computer and opened the Huya live broadcast.

Click on the installer and let it run on its own.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, this small program will also be synchronized on the mobile phone. Not only for this competition, if you want to speak in the live broadcast room of the anchor in the future, you can also communicate with the anchor through this method."

Lanlan smiled and narrowed her eyes together.

This wave, another licking success!
Liu Xiao nodded in surprise.

Liu Xiao didn't expect this small program to have so many functions.

Generally speaking, there are two ways for tourists to speak in the live broadcast room.

The first way is to register as an anchor, and then connect with the anchor in the original room.

The second is that the anchor does not open the video, but only opens a voice room, and tourists can connect with the host online after the anchor agrees.

These two methods have many restrictions, some ordinary fans may do it, but the brother Shenhao who has a little bit of status disdains to do the first method, and the second method is only occasionally tried by some big brothers, mostly Just to tease some girls.

However, the function that Lan Lan opened for Xiao Xiao's account does not have these restrictions.

Similar to the previous connecter applet, this speech applet also has a few very simple options.

Connect to Mic, Speak, and Disconnect.

Moreover, it is bound to the entire platform, as long as Liu Xiao enters the host's live broadcast room, he can initiate Lianmai on his own initiative.

Liu Xiao boarded the official live broadcast room on the computer.

Sure enough, in addition to the previous connecter applet, there is another applet on the live broadcast page.

Click on the voice applet loaded by the technical department just now, and select the option of connecting to the microphone.

In the background, Lan Lan saw the reminder of Lianmai, and quickly clicked to agree.


"can you hear?"

Liu Xiao said something softly, and the voice was transmitted into the official live broadcast room almost without any delay.

"Good morning Xiao Xiao!"

"Wow, I heard Brother Xiao Xiao's voice again, I feel like my hormones are going to explode!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao said that he doesn't want males!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao's voice is still so young!"

A group of tourists who heard Xiao Xiao's voice greeted one after another on the public screen.

Brother Xiao Xiao was not going to participate in this exhibition competition, but I didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to do the commentary!

Although Brother Xiao Xiao's commentary level may not be very good, it is the first time for Shenhao to do commentary.

Moreover, Brother Xiao Xiao just spoke, and the voice over there was also very clear, without any noise, and it didn't seem to affect the live broadcast effect.

Everyone became excited at once.

"Sure enough, official dog licking is the deadliest!"

"Has brother Xiao Xiao already become so strong that the government can lick it?" (Hutou laughs and cries)"

"Upstairs, if you also pay [-] million yuan, Huya officials will definitely lick it, and it will be a fancy lick."

"Is it the one with two heavens of ice and fire?"

"Ahem, I prefer to let my girlfriend have hot water (shy)."



"I am pure and can't understand at all!"

"Good guy, cold water is also good, right?"

The lively discussions among millions of people in the live broadcast room turned into question marks all at once.

These bullet screens were all sent by kings and emperors. They are considered to be the gods of Xiao Huya's family. The bullet screens are very clear on the public screen, and Liu Xiao can of course see it.

"You are enough."

Liu Xiao smiled and said.

"It's not enough, Brother Xiao Xiao, we still want more!"

Xiao Huya and other gods and heroes spoke on the public screen one after another.

"Ahem, I'll go in-depth [communication] after I'm offline." Liu Xiao deliberately added an emphasis.

"The summoners of both sides have all entered the Summoner Canyon and are currently confronting each other in the river. Let me first analyze the situation of this round for everyone."

Speaking of competitions, Liu Xiao was quite serious.

Liu Xiao has been involved in League of Legends since S1. Although he hasn't made much money before, this doesn't affect his liking for this game as a prostitute.

No matter which platform's anchor or which team's player, as long as they play well and have achievements, Liu Xiao can name them.

Everyone knows what rich college students are doing, and everyone knows what poor college students are doing.

In the four years of Liu Xiao University, the game he studied the most was League of Legends.

And the ten people on the field, Kaka, Tiaonan, Zitai, Uzi and Liu Xiao have been relatively close recently, so they must know each other.

Although Miss has just arrived, but Liu Xiao has also brushed a wave in the past, and they know each other.

As for the five on the purple side, Liu Xiao had watched their live broadcast before, so he was familiar with the five of them.

Being able to recognize ten players who are competing, the commentary is natural and smooth.

Therefore, as soon as Liu Xiao opened his mouth, he attracted the attention of all the visitors in the live broadcast room.

Many tourists who only knew a few of the anchors pricked up their ears, and they were more serious than when they were in class.

"Let's talk about the blue side first. In this round, the top laner is the talented Revan, the mid laner is the male blade, the bottom lane is Uzi's Wayne and the miss's Lulu, and the jungler is Kaka. sister pig."

"Overall, this lineup is still very good. It has dash, meat, and continuous output. The only problem is that there is no mage. The purple side has made armor in the late stage, and it is not very easy to fight."

"But with Wei En here, it's not a big problem."

"Furthermore, if the blue side rises in the early stage, the purple side may not necessarily have the late stage."

"Purple Fang is Li Qingqiang's blind monk jungler, with relatively high flexibility, followed by Cola's top laner Sword Ji, who can also show off with Ruiwen, and Zhajie and Xia Heng's Ezreal and Thresh, The flexibility is also very high, not to mention Katarina's mid laner, who is already a team hero."

"Generally speaking, the lineup of the purple side, in the final analysis, is to infinitely target the bottom lane!"

"Uzi's Vayne can resist the early attacks. When the big meat can resist, the blue side will win with their eyes closed."

"But if Uzi is caught and collapsed, and lacks continuous core output, no matter how good the others are, they will still lose!"

Liu Xiao said in the live broadcast room.

"66666! Brother Xiao Xiao's analysis is too good!"

"At first I thought brother Xiao Xiao was just playing games casually, but I didn't expect to analyze the lineup!"

"I'm on my knees. Is this the world of the Almighty Boss? With hundreds of billions of corporate companies in hand, there's still time to study the League of Legends game?"

"The most important thing is that it can be studied so thoroughly!"

"Kneel down!"

As soon as Liu Xiao said these words, Gongping twitched again.

Many tourists who were disdainful of Shenhao explaining the game also paid more attention to Xiao Xiao.

Of course, compared to professional game commentators, Liu Xiao's analysis is still relatively superficial, but at this level, it's on top of the second- and third-tier commentators!

For a Shenhao, it is a miracle to be able to do this!
The audience is more tolerant of Shenhao.

After all, as a Shenhao, it is impossible to have so much entertainment time. Being able to analyze so thoroughly can only be attributed to talent!
(End of this chapter)

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