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Chapter 149 Look, This Is About Human Chapter

Chapter 149 Look, This Is Speaking Human Words
In the live broadcast room, when the director's screen was turned, the screen had already been given to the bottom lane.

Sister Zha and Xia Heng, facing Uzi, the number one ADC in the world, were still quite nervous.

Although they took two flexible heroes, they moved back unconsciously.

As for Uzi, who has experience in countless tournaments, he has played boldly from the very beginning, so that Wayne, a hero who exerts strength in the middle and late stages, showed her suppressing power in the early stage.

"Vayne's promotion to the second level means that this hero has ushered in the first round of qualitative changes."

Liu Xiao was speaking with a smile.

"Some friends may not know that Vayne is a hero whose damage in the early stage is not low. To say that she is weak in the early stage is only because her continuous output in the early stage is not strong."

"In terms of outburst, there are not many ADs who can face Vayne who has surpassed level [-] online, of course, except for skill-based heroes."

Just as Liu Xiao finished speaking, Uzi manipulated the characters on the screen to walk up.

Hiding behind the line of soldiers to ensure that the Q skills of Ezreal and Thresh cannot hit, facing the Thresh who is brushing the shield of the holy relic in front is an aqa.

A normal plus a q skill rolling to refresh the basic attack, plus the attack bonus of the q skill, hit two rings on Thresh's body in one go.

After that, I clicked a flat a, and the real damage of the w skill exploded, and Thresh's blood line dropped by two hundred points in total.

On the public screen, countless 666s were rolling over again.

Although Ezreal took the opportunity to flatten Uzi twice, under the shield of Lulu's w skill, she didn't deal any damage at all.

"I'm coming, Thresh hooks forcibly!"

Li Qingqiang controlled the blind monk, and he had already hidden in the triangular grass on the blue side.

Because of the line pressure, Uzi and Miss are far away from their own defense towers. Li Qingqiang ran over after brushing the blue buff and hitting Toad.

"Wait for me to send it!"

The top laner Coke gritted his teeth, gave up the line of soldiers in front, and shrank directly under the tower.

Although it was an exhibition match, they all understood this truth.

If Uzi is not suppressed, no matter how well they show in the later stage, this game will definitely lose!
A top ad player controls a hero like Vayne, no matter how good they are in a team battle, it is impossible to kill Uzi under the protection of Lulu.

Even if Carter of the bunting can enter the arena, Lulu will be half useless if she turns into a sheep.

As for heroes like Jian Ji who only have a small displacement, as long as the pig girl Ruiwen is there, trying to touch Wei En is just thinking about farts.

"Coke's sword girl is retreating, and Li Qingqiang is already hiding in the grass. This wave of Uzi is dangerous."

Liu Xiao clicked his tongue twice, took the cherries given by the beautiful fitness trainer and ate one, his voice was a bit vague, but still clear.

The audience in the live broadcast room spoke one after another.

"Wow, brother Xiao Xiao actually eats while explaining the game, it's disrespectful!"

"Brother Shenhao's daily life, don't take it seriously at all!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were not annoyed at all, but started joking one after another.

"My friends, don't learn from me. It's not good to steal food while working. After all, you have to love your job and work hard."

"Of course, eat whatever you want when the boss can't see you."

Liu Xiao said with a smile.

While speaking, Liu Xiao took another one and stuffed it into his mouth.

Although this kind of large cherries are expensive, the taste is quite good.

"As for me, I don't have to work part-time, so I'm more casual."

"Finally, let me emphasize again, this is not good, don't learn from me."


"Look, is this a human language?"

"Migrant workers, the soul of migrant workers, and migrant workers are masters!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, may I go to your company to go to work and eat?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, may I sleep when I go to work in your company?"

"Can I fart in the office, please?"

"Is it okay to pick feet (bite)?"


"Um, everything else is fine, forget about the last two, it won't have a good impact."

"Everyone, let's watch the game first. The sword girl on Coke's side has already started teleporting."

"Coke is only at the third level. If there are no people caught in this wave, bah. If you don't get the head, you will definitely collapse if you go on the road again."


"What is population?"

"Noun or verb?"

Liu Xiao suddenly said something, and the audience in the live broadcast almost fainted from laughter.

Some fans who had just entered Huya's live broadcast for a short time were shocked by Xiao Xiao's sudden driving.

"Brothers, if you want to try Brother Xiao Xiao's giant dragon impact, sign up. We will make a group appointment, hoping to attract Brother Xiao Xiao's attention!"

In the live broadcast room, although the audience laughed together, their attention was still on the game.

Uzi knew that the jungler would definitely come to catch him, but he didn't expect to come with a top laner.

Thresh flashed the previous e skill, and directly locked the unprepared Uzi back.

Behind, Li Qingqiang and Coke walked out from the corner, and Uzi was so frightened that he quickly handed in a flash.

Although Thresh's q skill was avoided, the deceleration effect of e skill was still there.

Li Qingqiang made a direct hit with an accurate q skill, kicked over and slapped the floor at the same time, Coke Swordswoman made a critical strike with a q and an e skill, and then directly aimed at Uzi with a w skill.

Not for blocking, just for slowing down!
In the rear, Sister Zha's Ezreal flashed with the e skill to keep up, tapped three times in a row, and directly hit Uzi to death in front of the tower.

Because the pressure line was too far ahead, Lulu also didn't run. Xia Heng's Thresh carried the tower twice, and the limit exceeded the miss's Lulu.

"This wave is very beautiful. Sister Head Bomber took one, and Coke took one. Just like I said at the beginning, as long as the Coke can get the head, it won't be too bad to come down."

On the road, Zitai had already sent two groups of soldiers into the tower, causing Coke to lose a lot of experience.

Liu Xiao analyzed another wave in the live broadcast room, and the tourists nodded repeatedly.

In Liu Xiao's view, although Uzi was caught and killed once, the experience advantage of going on the road has been established.

And scratching the man in the middle lane also suppressed Katerina of the bunting.

As for the jungler Kaka, he chose a pig girl as a non-professional jungler. Even if he is not as well-developed as Li Qingqiang, he will be more effective than the blind monk in the later stage.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is right. Blue Fang Uzi and the others are still strong. Although they were caught and killed in the bottom lane, they can still suppress Sister Zha and the others when they return to the lane."

"As for the top lane and the middle lane, there is still a gap in strength, and the qualifications are professional!"

The tourists nodded.

Uzi was caught and killed once, and Kaka didn't go anywhere.

The first half of the wild area was directly contracted to the middle and upper lanes, and the blue buffs appeared. He only brushed the bottom lane and river crabs, and stared at the bottom lane the whole time.

Li Qingqiang was helpless after coming several times.

With such a guardian around, it is impossible to catch him alone!
"I'll send it right away, wait for me."

Coke looked at the remaining 20 seconds of teleportation and felt it was another chance.

Although he was overwhelmed by his status, after leaving Tiamat, there was still no problem with Qing Xiaobing.

In the later stage, a giant hydra comes out, and it can also quickly become fleshy.

"Wuz, pay attention, I didn't go online after returning home in the middle, I guess I'm going to go down."

Chou Nan tapped the teleport on the Summoner's skill, and laughed in the live broadcast room.

"Then I'll sell a wave, don't grab the heads of this wave, I want to get five kills!"

Uzi mentally calculated the skills of the summoner on the opposite side, and immediately became excited.

As a professional player, he added the reminder of scratching the man, and looked at the position of Coke on the road, and he guessed a rough idea!

(End of this chapter)

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