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Chapter 151 Boss Liu is going to pick up the car

Chapter 151 Boss Liu is going to pick up the car (addition for the leader [Zhang 11])
After another round of commentary in the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao asked Lan Lan to give the commentary rights to several other famous first-line anchors.

Seriously speaking, explaining this matter is quite a lot of brains.

After being addicted to commentary, Liu Xiao turned off the microphone, and watched for a while in the live broadcast room.

At noon, the exhibition game officially ended.

"Next, our solo competition for this event will officially begin."

The anchors of miss scratching men's evening shows have already been broadcasted, and they will go online in the afternoon, leaving Kaka as the anchor of the morning show to explain the solo match.

At the end of the exhibition match, the popularity of more than 400 million has gone, but it has remained at around 300 million, and the happy Kaka is almost lost.

With so many tourists, as long as one-tenth of them are converted, it is enough to send him to the top line!
The official has established a matching mechanism on the event interface, and the anchor can automatically associate with the game to enter as long as he clicks.

The points obtained will also be updated in real time on the activity list.

As for the heroes and equipment used by the two sides in the game, they will also be updated on the game interface.

Although it is not difficult to achieve this, as long as the data is communicated with the game party, it is enough to see the official's good intentions.

It has to be said that for this competition, the official has indeed spent a lot of money.

In the exhibition match just now, Brother Ba, who hadn't entered the room, clicked in the first time.

"Brothers, although we didn't make it to today's exhibition match, we will definitely be able to participate in tomorrow's exhibition match. As for now, we're going to play the solo match!"

Ba Ge actually has his own ideas.

According to his observation, many powerful anchors choose to settle down in these two days, and wait until the third day to play solo.

But in Brother Ba's view, this will definitely crowd many powerful anchors on the third day. If he, a bastard, also plays at that time, he might be banned.

Click Match on the activity interface, and a pop-up window pops up on the game terminal.

Ba Ge immediately entered a solo room.

"Wow, Brother Ba, you are so lucky!"

"This is invincible!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were amazed.

The anchor who matched opposite happened to be one of the few powerful female anchors in the lol area, Xueqi!
"Hahaha, it's safe, it's safe."

Ba Ge laughed out loud.

Although Lu Xueqi's strength is also good, but Xueqi is playing the AD position, and her rank is not as high as him.

The superposition of the two phases is naturally not his opponent, after all, there are not many men as thin as him!

At the same time, Kaka randomly selected a group in the official live broadcast, and it happened to be the match between Ba Ge and Lu Xueqi.

"The protagonists of this game are the well-known top laner Dog King Ba Ge and the powerful female anchor Xueqi in the game area."

Kaka's eyes lit up, and he showed the two of them the footage of the live broadcast room.

"Wow, my Xueqi is here!"

"Is it that big, big, big Xueqi?"

"My Xueqi is big and powerful, whoever has tried will know!"

Soon, the game entered the ban selection interface.

Xueqi also obviously found Brother Ba, and chose to ban Dashu, Nair and Goutou.

"Brothers, since the opposite is a female anchor, let's let her go."

Brother Ba smiled, and banned three heroes casually, without deliberately targeting them.

"Really! A gentleman! (1 yuan for this article)!"

"Hahaha, my bully brother still loves the female anchor very much."

Brother Ba smiled triumphantly, and picked out Kenan at random.

Lu Xueqi chose a Picheng policewoman.

"The two sides officially entered the game."

"Kenan doesn't have a female police chief, but his explosive ability is higher than that of a female police officer. Neither of them is a mid-range unit. It's hard to say whether this game will win or lose, but according to my analysis, Ba Ge should be stronger. "

Kaka analyzed with a smile.

Brother Ba controls Kenan, and when he goes online, he hits a q, which just predicts Xueqi's dodge position.

"See, this is the strength of the top laner on the national server!"

The female police officers before the third level are all quite powerful, and Brother Ba has no intention of confronting Xueqi.

As a hero, his strength is at level 6.

Although Xueqi tried every means to suppress Ba Ge, but after all, she was the king of the national uniform, even if she tried her best, she couldn't suppress Ba Ge by much.

"As you can see, Brother Ba is only two minions away from level 2. Lu Xueqi has just been promoted to level 6, but the policewoman's ult is generally useless in solo."

As soon as Kaka finished speaking, Brother Ba got stuck to level 6, a qa flashed, and then he directly opened Dalian.

Lu Xueqi quickly flashed the range of Ba Ge's big move, but Ba Ge still stunned her with w at the last distance.

The e skill was turned on, and Brother Ba went up to draw two consecutive A points and ignited, and won the first game without a doubt.

"Although Ba Ge is usually said by fans to be very good, but that is said in the top [-] of the national server. This time, Ba Ge's handling is full of details!"

The audience in the live broadcast room dialed 666 one after another.

The solo matches in the first three days were destined to be somewhat boring.

When masters are out of the circle, they will inevitably encounter a series of small anchors.

This is why the carousel was chosen for the first three days of the event.

Some anchors with average strength will never leave the country in the official live broadcast room.

Ba Ge won two games in a row and easily won 10 points for the first victory.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I feel like I can win 10 consecutive victories!"

Ba Ge got 10 points and was very happy.

Liu Xiao looked at it for a while, and then the sales manager of the 4S shop called, inviting him to pick up the car in the afternoon.

The current qualifiers are relatively boring, Liu Xiao is not very interested in it, so he called Zhao Ning, who was fine, and drove to the Motor City in Wuling Hongguang.

Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning have become more and more familiar recently, and they have to say hello when they go out to do anything, and they often chat on WeChat.

"If you want to be a Taobao store, you still need a lot of advertising investment in the early stage. Do you have enough money?"

Zhao Ning was a little worried.

She doesn't know much about this aspect, but she knows that if Taobao stores want to start up, they must burn money in the early stage.

It can even be said that it is good to not lose money in the early stage.

"Almost, go to Guangzhou tomorrow to see if we can negotiate a better downstream supplier."

Liu Xiao smiled.

Liu Xiao doesn't know if other people make money or not, but if he loses money if he can get 10 daily limit plus the double card, no one in this world can make money.

"If you need financing, remember to tell me, I still have some money recently."

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao a white look.

She still has more than 1000 million in her hand. If Liu Xiao's capital chain is not enough, she can still help Liu Xiao.

After getting along for such a long time, Zhao Ning still knows Liu Xiao's character quite well, so even if she lends out the money, she can feel at ease borrowing it.

"Don't, don't, I don't dare to ask for your investment. You don't even want the share of the shares you bought last time."

Liu Xiao waved his hands repeatedly, pretending to look disgusted.

I gave Zhao Ning a share of 5 yuan, but within two days, a suit worth [-] to [-] yuan was sent over.

Liu Xiao originally wanted to pull Zhao Ning to do it together, to give a [-]% meaning.

But thinking about what happened last time, and Zhao Ning is not short of money recently, think about it or forget it.

The relationship between the two is getting better and better now. If the rules of the Shenhao Card are accidentally triggered, things will explode.

The two of them remembered what the other had done at the same time, and laughed unconsciously.

Others were eager to get a little more money into their hands, but the two of them chose not to cooperate in starting a business because they didn't want the profits they made.

Zhao Ning looked at Liu Xiao, who was lying beside her on the co-driver with her head in her arms and her face full of contentment, feeling helpless.

This guy, why doesn't he take the initiative to say something?
(End of this chapter)

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