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Chapter 152 The Beauty Professional in Marketing

Chapter 152 A Beauty Professional in Marketing (Part [-])

The sales attitude of the 4s store is very good.

I sent Liu Xiao more than 10 maintenance and a complete set of driving recorder, reversing radar, reversing display and other things, and I also gave Liu Xiao a set of leather cushions. After the installation, the car was delivered to Liu Xiao .

After driving on the internal road for a few laps, Liu Xiao was still very satisfied.

This million-dollar luxury car, whether it is the ride experience or the driving experience, is very good.

"Mr. Liu, no matter you have any questions, you can contact me as soon as possible."

The 4S store salesman handed the business card to Liu Xiao in due course.

"Okay, there must be a lot of troubles for you in the future."

The license plate was already on, and a series of procedures took more than half an hour.

A series of fees at the vehicle management office are also paid by the 4S store.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Xiao and Zhao Ning rushed home one after the other.

There is an SUV in the front and a city electric that is less than one-third of the Land Rover in the back, which looks very interesting.

After renting a parking space, Liu Xiao parked the Land Rover in the underground garage.

"I'm going to go to Guangzhou at night, and it will take three or four days to come back."

"I wish you good fortune!"

Zhao Ning smiled, reached out and stroked her long hair behind her ears, and took out a cute little white bear backpack from the car.

"That must be." Liu Xiao nodded.

It is about 1500 kilometers from Shanghai to Guangzhou.

The average speed limit on the highway is around 100-120.

In addition to stopping and resting in the service area, the average speed is at most 100, except for drag racing.

In other words, it would take about 15 hours for Liu Xiao to drive there.

Depart at [-] o'clock this afternoon, take a wave of night trains, and arrive almost tomorrow morning.

"It happens to be familiar with getting off the bus, and it's not interesting to always take the high-speed train by plane."

"Unfortunately, the co-pilot lacks a beautiful woman."

Liu Xiao looked at Zhao Ning jokingly.

"Sister Yang Zi is undergoing surgery for the past two days, Baldy and I have to live broadcast a match with Daheng, so we can't ask for leave."

Zhao Ning spread her hands with a smile.

Now she faintly has the posture of becoming Huya's first sister. Her younger sister Zhao Keke is at home on vacation, and she has been dragged over to control the scene.

Things are getting closer and closer.

"Okay, then I'm ready to go."

Liu Xiao nodded.

When I went home, I packed up two pieces of clothes, and took all the charging cables, mobile phones and the like.

Just after getting in the car, the phone suddenly ding-dong, and Zhao Ning sent a WeChat message.

"Pay attention to safety and don't drive tired."

"Don't worry, I'll call you when we arrive."

Liu Xiao looked at the phone, and didn't start the car until the other side replied "OK".

I have to say that it feels good to have someone caring about you.

There are still a few days left for the audition in the game area. After returning from this inspection, they will just be able to catch up with the finals.

Silent all night.

There were fewer cars at night, so Liu Xiao drove a little faster.

Men's proficiency in driving will increase much faster than women's from the moment they test their driver's license and practice driving.

At the beginning of eight o'clock in the morning, I had already got off the Guangzhou Expressway.

After calling Zhao Ning to report safety, Liu Xiao found a five-star hotel and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already past five in the afternoon.

There are many types of hotel buffets, and the room fee is more than 3000 a night, all of which are free.

After eating some food in the restaurant, I found a front desk and asked about the address of the talent market.

The talent market is usually closed in the afternoon, and what Liu Xiao is looking for is the headhunting company next to the talent market.

A Modu Land Rover parked at the door, and several headhunters noticed it immediately.

"Hi boss, what do you need?"

A thin and small man's eyes lit up, he pushed open the door and rushed out.

"I need to recruit an executive director, who is mainly responsible for the docking of clothing sales business."

Liu Xiao took a look at the storefront, the appearance of this headhunting company is quite good, it looks a bit powerful.

"Executive Director, what level is it? We still have some resources here."

When he heard that he was recruiting an executive director, the look in the skinny man's eyes became even brighter.

"You sit down. My surname is Zhang. You can call me Xiao Zhang."

The two sat down in the store, and Manager Zhang poured Liu Xiao a cup of tea.

"My company's monthly turnover is at least 300 million, please recommend a better executive director."

"Okay, I'll look for it."

Manager Zhang thought for a while, and found several resumes in the computer system.

"Boss, what's your name?"

"Liu, Liu Xiao."

"Boss Liu, there are a few of us who meet the requirements for your request."

Manager Zhang nodded and found three resumes in the computer.

"This one is a graduate student of the Finance Department of Fudan University, with two years of work experience, and the company is Tencent."

"Fudan is located in Shanghai. You should know something about it. It is one of the top universities in China."

Manager Zhang said with a smile.

"The second one is a graduate student from Xi'an Jiaotong University, majoring in marketing, with three years of work experience."

"The third one is a postgraduate student at Cambridge University, majoring in finance, just a sea turtle, with 6 months of work experience."

Manager Zhang printed out all three resumes, but the column of contact information was not displayed for the time being.

Except for the Cambridge one, which is a man, the other two are girls.

Although Cambridge University is good, Liu Xiao still passed directly.

How can Shenhao's company have a creature like a man?

Not to mention Cambridge University, even Stanford also passes!

When Manager Zhang saw Liu Xiao directly throwing aside the resume of his brother who graduated from Cambridge University, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

If Manager Zhang is the boss, the first person to interview, regardless of salary, would definitely be the graduate student from Cambridge University.

Although the other two girls are also capable, but according to Manager Zhang's understanding, Xiao Mi will definitely not do it.

At present, it seems that this boss named Liu Xiao is obviously looking for a woman!
"That's good. It's six o'clock in the evening. Can you call me and ask if she has time for an interview now?"

Liu Xiao looked at the time.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, I just went to have dinner after the interview.

"Okay, I'll contact you right away." Manager Zhang nodded.

No matter what, he is just an intermediary, the power to choose lies with both parties, and he will earn a commission.

Even if the two of them agree to go to the hotel at night, it's none of his business.

After all, what he issued here is a serious labor contract, not a slip of the tongue.

Liu Xiao chose the postgraduate student of marketing from Xi'an Jiaotong University. His name was Qu Yue, and he had a lot of experience on his resume.

"Boss Liu, Qu Yue is nearby, come here in about 10 minutes."

Manager Zhang said.

"Okay, what's your charging standard here?"

"At the executive president level, 20% of the monthly salary of the signed contract will be drawn."

Of course, this is only part of what Liu Xiao has to pay. If the order is successful, Qu Yue will still have a sum of money to call the agency.

Liu Xiao nodded.

An intermediary is a bit expensive, but it is much faster than trying your luck in the talent market.

Qu Yue happened to be looking for a job nearby, so she arrived relatively quickly.

A tall beautiful woman in a suit walked into the agency, and Liu Xiao's eyes lit up immediately.

If the beautified photo on the resume can score 90 points, the gap is not too big in reality, it is probably a little beauty with 85 points.

The most important thing is that he is relatively tall. With the support of seven or eight centimeters high heels, he looks 175 already.

"Hello Boss Liu, I'm Qu Yue, nice to meet you!"

Qu Yue was still a little nervous.

The million-dollar Land Rover outside gave her a lot of psychological pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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