Chapter 153 Mr. Liu, what do we have (six more)

These days, those who can afford to drive a million-dollar luxury car are, at least, those with assets of over ten million, and they are the kind of bosses with relatively large cash flow.

Although she graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University, she would still feel terrified when she saw this kind of person.

When Liu Xiao's gaze came over, Qu Yue felt that this sharp gaze seemed to see through her whole body.

"Hello, Qu Yue, I want to open a bigger Taobao store, and I need a marketing director at the moment."

Manager Zhang exited the office consciously and closed the door behind him.

In the room, only Liu Xiao and Qu Yue were left.

"A bigger Taobao store?"

Qu Yue was a little puzzled.

If it was just a Taobao shop, she would not be interested, but the "big" Liu Xiao said made her not draw a conclusion first.

"Yes, to build a clothing store, the daily advertising investment in the early stage is about 8 to 10 yuan."

Liu Xiao nodded.

"8-10 per day?"

Qu Yue exclaimed.

"Excuse me, Mr. Liu, how long will your advertising turnover last?"

Qu Yue was secretly excited.

Doing clothing market and store marketing is also a place that matches her ability.

Although Taobao store sounds a bit low, but if it becomes bigger and stronger, it will be a large-scale company!

"There is no decision yet, let's continue to vote for a month."

Qu Yue thought about it in her heart.

8 to 10 votes for a month, which is a publicity turnover of 240 to 300 million.

can do it!

With so much money invested, she is absolutely confident in building the store.

Qu Yue analyzed the current marketing strategies and market prospects of the e-commerce market, and made a rough forecast of Liu Xiao's investment.

After listening to Qu Yue's analysis, Liu Xiao nodded repeatedly.

Many places were the same as what he thought, and some places even put forward more opinions, which made Liu Xiao, the second-handed sword, suddenly understand.

You know, in order to build this shop, Liu Xiao has checked a lot of information recently.

But Qu Yue was able to say so many things after hearing him talk about it for the first time, which proved that Qu Yue did have her own unique ability.

At least, not bad at all in terms of insight.

"One last question, if you come to work, what is the expected salary?"

Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

"Mr. Liu, is your company's office address in Guangzhou or Shanghai?"

"Guangxi, it's more convenient to deliver goods nearby, but if you are willing to be the executive director, you may have to travel frequently to Shanghai to report to me, at least twice a month. Of course, I will come here occasionally."

Taobao stores mainly operate online.

Offline is mainly for chores such as packaging and shipping. As long as the process is arranged and managed well, there is no need to stay there all the time.

Qu Yue was even more satisfied when she got the news of her workplace.

"My ideal salary is 2, 13 per year."

Qu Yue was a little apprehensive.

In fact, her expectation was [-], but after thinking about the children she sponsored, she gritted her teeth and raised a high salary.

5000 yuan more, but a lot of turnover can be added.

"Okay, if you have no problem, just ask Manager Zhang to come in and sign the contract."

Liu Xiao nodded, but did not lower the price.

In Shanghai, it is basically impossible to hire an executive director with 2 yuan, at least 4 yuan is required to start.

That is to say, the labor cost in Guangzhou is lower, so that you can find the company's second in command with a monthly salary of [-].

Among other things, Tiancheng Company, which is engaged in games in Shanghai, none of the programmers have a monthly salary of less than [-], let alone these middle-level management positions in society.

Qu Yue was very pleasantly surprised, and hurried out to call Manager Zhang back.

Manager Zhang signed three contracts, but Liu Xiao didn't have the company's official seal, so he could only sign with Party A.

In triplicate, the intermediary keeps one copy, and if there is a dispute, you can come back and take this contract to sue.

Liu Xiao unilaterally paid 4000 yuan to the agency, so the matter is over.

As for Qu Yue's share, Qu Yue also paid for it alone.

"Mr. Liu, where is our office address? I'll report there tomorrow."

Qu Yue almost jumped up happily.

She is only 27 years old and has achieved a monthly salary of [-] yuan, which is considered very good in Guangzhou.

Looking back, I have funded the children, and I can brag about it with her little sisters.

"Uh, the office location is undecided."

"Huh? What about the staff?"

"Just you, if you want to count more, add me."

Liu Xiao smiled awkwardly.


"Mr. Liu, the Taobao store should already be in operation, right?"

"That's one registered."

Liu Xiao nodded affirmatively.

Qu Yue let out a long breath.

"Registration is registered, but there are no products on the shelves yet."

As soon as Liu Xiao finished speaking, Qu Yue who had just let out a breath almost lost her breath.

Liu Xiao looked at Qu Yue, and Qu Yue looked at Liu Xiao.

The two were silent for a while.

"Mr. Liu, can I break the contract?"

"Sorry, the liquidated damages are 20." Liu Xiao shook the contract.

Qu Yue opened her mouth, feeling like crying.

Qu Yue wanted to snatch the contract from Liu Xiao and tear it up, but after thinking about it, there was still a copy in the agency, so she had to give up this impulsive idea.

"By the way, do you have a boyfriend?"

The two stood at the door of the intermediary, Liu Xiao thought it was not a problem, and wanted to open his mouth to break the embarrassing atmosphere.

"No, single one."

As soon as Qu Yue said this, Liu Xiao didn't know how to answer it.

Helpless, I have no experience as a boss.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. Although there are no channels now, we have funds and can develop in a short time."

Liu Xiao quickly comforted him.

After finally catching an employee, she can't just let her run away like this.

Qu Yue's spirit was shaken, and she remembered the working capital that Liu Xiao had just told her.

That's right, with 300 million operating funds, what store can't be promoted?

If there are no employees, just recruit them.

If there is no office location, just find it.

If there is no supply, choose!
And as the veteran of Liu Xiao Company, maybe there will be even greater benefits in the future!
Thinking of this, Qu Yue cheered up again.

Liu Xiao took Qu Yue to have a meal to enhance their relationship, and then drove Qu Yue home, and then returned to the hotel.

Take out the previous statistical data, and circle all the dealers who have quoted prices before.

Some of the styles that I didn't want to do were eliminated, and finally there were four or five companies left.

"No matter what, the supplier is the most important in this process, and must be strictly inspected!"

Liu Xiao learned about the clothing suppliers in Guangzhou through various channels, and was busy until midnight.

Just after Zhao Ning finished the live broadcast, she made another video call to Liu Xiao.

"Go to bed early, don't make you too tired."

"Thank you for your concern, big beauty."

Liu Xiao teased with a smile.

"Don't be poor, take a rest early after work, and come back if you can't do it, there are many opportunities here in Shanghai."

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao a white look.

"If you really can't do it, I'll come back and do field control for you."

Liu Xiao laughed, chatted with Zhao Ning for a few more words and went to sleep.

Tomorrow, things will only be more!
(End of this chapter)

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