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Chapter 154 The Alliance and the King's Plate Confrontation

Chapter 154 The alliance and the king plate confront each other (seventh update)

Early the next morning, Qu Yue came to the hotel to ask Liu Xiao to report.

"Today we are mainly talking about channels, one principle, quality first."

Qu Yue is a local, and she is fairly familiar with Guangzhou, which saves Liu Xiao a lot of trouble navigating.

During the whole day, after talking about five companies, and seeing three or four companies, Liu Xiao has a lot of understanding of the clothing industry in Guangzhou.

In the evening, Liu Xiao invited Qu Yue to dinner at the hotel.

"Currently, there are quite a few big brands, but most of them are OEM shops. Clothes produced on a poor-quality assembly line can become hot sellers with the Septwolves brand on them."

"Even if it is a genuine product, the price discount is not great."

Liu Xiao shook his head.

What he is looking for is the product with the highest profit margin without making black-hearted money. As long as the quality is qualified, it doesn't matter whether it is a big brand or not.

After all, the system has a double card, so that the funds can be obtained to the greatest extent and the system can be upgraded quickly.

"Mr. Liu, today's short sleeves are of good quality. They are made of pure cotton and the patterns are pretty good. The price is 20 yuan a piece."

Qu Yue handed the photo to Liu Xiao.

"How about this, sign this one tomorrow, and then start Taobao promotion!"

Liu Xiao thought about it for a while, then nodded.

He stayed in Guangzhou for three days, chose a location for the company, and recruited more than a dozen ordinary employees, all arranged by Qu Yue.

Every day, the amount of the system will be credited to Liu Xiao's account on time. Up to now, there are already 80 funds available for use.

For the first batch of goods, purchase 5000 pieces in advance, and the cost of each piece is about 20 yuan.

Liu Xiao directly paid 30 for the goods at one time, leaving 10000 pieces of replenishment quota left.

The company invested about 20 yuan and named it [Liu Liu's Clothing Supermarket].

The Taobao store also has the same name.

"Starting tomorrow, I will add 10 yuan to the company account every day. Your goal is to spend this 10 yuan every day!"

There is still 30 activity funds in hand, which is enough to deal with some emergencies.

After explaining to Qu Yue, Liu Xiao drove back to the capital again.

Everything is on the right track, it depends on how to promote it later.

At the same time as Liu Xiao was driving back, Huya was broadcasting the League of Legends section, and the major anchors were broadcasting live.

Yesterday, the top 300 players were determined and officially entered the finals.

Today is close to the early morning, and the top 150 will be decided soon.

Poison is still pretty good.

In the match just now, he beat his opponent 2-0 with Shang Shandaomei, and easily won the advanced ranking.

For him, a veteran top laner, as long as there is only one hero left, it is enough to make the opponent feel desperate.

"Poison, poison, the King of Glory cheated!"

"Poison, someone insulted the League of Legends!"

"The people over there are too stupid, what are they talking about first there is the glory of the king, and then there is the League of Legends!"

Suddenly, the rhythm of shouting 666 suddenly changed in the live broadcast room, and countless fans crazily cursed the glory of the king on the public screen.

Toxic Agent saw that there were trolls taking the rhythm, and originally wanted to ban it directly.

He is also old, and he has long passed the age of fighting for power, and he doesn't want to do things like scolding trolls.

But after a closer look, it seems that most of them are his own fans.

Even, some people's fan cards are already in their twenties, and they are often active in the group, and he knows them all.

When these people started spraying in the live broadcast room, they were a little bit beyond the knowledge of poison.

For a while, the poison was also a little foggy.

"No, stop arguing, what's going on?"

Poison immediately asked questions.

"Poison, go to Glory of Kings and search for an anchor named Han Ye."

"Yes, go and see Han Ye, this idiot is really shameless!"

"This dog, stupid thing!"

"You can understand the poison just by looking at it!"

"I didn't even want to pay attention to the dead horse thing, and blacked out the entire League of Legends with a crazy rhythm!"


As soon as Han Ye was mentioned, the audience in the live broadcast room cursed again.

It wasn't just Duoji's live broadcast room, including the scratch man, miss, and the official live broadcast room where the competition was being held, all of them posted the words Han Ye's dead horse for a while.

In addition, there are also many speeches about "Glory of the King World No. [-]".

Many tourists went to the Glory of Kings area curiously to take a look, and within a minute or two, they were almost blown away.

"Glory of the King is a film game? You black fans in the League of Legends area have the ability to fight against the king. One hundred of you take turns. I, Han Ye, will lose a game. I will give each of you 1 yuan in red envelopes! "

"A group of dogs, are you spraying Nima here, looking for Nima's presence?"

"A group of dogs will bark on the Internet, but in reality they are just a group of silly keyboard warriors!"

"Go back to your League of Legends area, you are not welcome in the king section!"

Han Ye stopped playing the game, and sprayed wildly at the public screen.

Seeing Han Ye raving about League of Legends on the public screen, the League of Legends fans who just came over couldn't help it.

"Hehe, when I was playing League of Legends, the king's code hadn't been coded yet. Why do you have the face to complain about League of Legends?"

"I'm a silver in the League of Legends. It's easy to beat the king. Can you tell me if your king has gold content?"

"Since when did the film game dare to mock my father?"

"Did the Glory of the King escape from the League of Legends? Need someone to tell me?"

Han Ye was furious, and slammed the table hard, making the table thump loudly.

"It's not me. Although I am the anchor of Glory of Kings, I also play League of Legends. I am the king of the s1 season. You black fans, what else do you have besides being a king with a strong mouth?"

"I hate you scumbags!"

"My s1 uses the king on the skate shoes, you dogs, do you have the ability to try one?"

"The diamonds of Glory of Kings, why don't you pay the silver, the dogs are calling you horses here?!"

As soon as Han Ye said this, the tourists from the League of Legends area completely exploded.

You know, during the s1 season, the League of Legends rank mechanism hadn't come out yet. At that time, it was a point system, and those with more than 2000 points were considered the peak level of the national server.

There is no such thing as a silver and gold king rank.

At the time of s1, the hero of skateboard shoes has not yet been released.

Han Ye's daring to spray indiscriminately in the live broadcast room undoubtedly touched the bottom line of all players in the League of Legends area!

For a while, even some tourists who originally came to visit the two areas of Glory of Kings and League of Legends did not support Han Ye.

They usually watch League of Legends, so they naturally know what's going on.

But some fans who don't play PC games, only play the mobile game Glory of Kings, actually support Han Ye.

The reason is very simple, hundreds of fans from the League of Legends area came over, and they first swiped the glory of the king in the live broadcast room, which is a film game.

If it wasn't for these trolls' rhythm in the live broadcast room, Han Ye wouldn't have started scolding.

The host's anger was only a few rebuttals, but it attracted more people to complain in his live broadcast room.

When will the one who cursed first be justified?
"Brothers, go to other live broadcast rooms to call for support!"

"Our King of Glory can't be cowardly, support Han Ye!"

"The emperor [the trash of the League of Legends] sent out a treasure map*1!"

"The king [a group of silly beeping League of Legends dogs] sent out a treasure map*1!"


An emperor took the lead in changing the ID, and this wave of rhythm spread to the entire game area!
In Daheng's office, Brother Hua stood by the window, the ring rubbed against the teacup in his hand, making a screeching sound.

 Today is the seventh update, with an average of 2200 words per chapter, which is more than 15000 words.

  All the debts owed in the previous period have been fully repaid!

  The seventh watch is here, tickets are here!
(End of this chapter)

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