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Chapter 155 Tell him to open my live broadcast room!

Chapter 155 Tell him to open my live broadcast room! (1200 are ordered plus more)

Lao Wu and Brother Hua stood together, and the computer next to them happened to be Han Ye's live broadcast room.

In the trade union office on the right, several employees in charge of the water army are controlling the account to extract barrage from the dictionary.

Looking at Brother Hua's back, the fifth child felt a burst of fear.

This matter tonight is a complete blowout!

The number of active people in the League of Legends area has been very high in the past few days. In the evening, it will be more than 300 million at least.

As a new branch of the game area, King of Glory has a lot of popularity, with a total of more than 200 million.

At this time, Han Ye's live broadcast room had 450 million viewers!

Most of the tourists on almost two plates are there!

On both sides of the League of Legends area and the Glory of Kings area, there was a lot of noise in Han Ye's live broadcast room.

It can be said that tonight, half of the entire Huya daily active users are now arguing in Han Ye's live broadcast room!
What a scary number is this?

And most importantly, this scolding war seems to have just begun.
Lao Wu never thought that the hole card Hua Ge mentioned would be this!
Brother Hua is too daring to think, and too daring to do it!

This is to roast the whole platform on the fire, and then use a knife to scrape off the scorched skin on the outside, and then eat the meat inside!
"Old Five, do you think Xiao Xiao's competition can still be held this time?"

Brother Hua threw the teacup worn out by the diamond ring into the trash can and sat down on the sofa.

"If this cursing battle is not under control, there will be no way to hold it."

The fifth child wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Millions of people in the entire League of Legends have shifted their focus, and this event can already be said to have been properly smashed.

Including the official live broadcast room of the League of Legends, which only has 30 million people, and they are all using obscenities such as Han Ye's dead horse.

Brother Hua chuckled and nodded in satisfaction.

From the day he established the navy, he has been brewing today's wave.

This time, he has provoked the anger of millions of viewers. Let's see what you can do, Xiao Xiao!
As long as the League of Legends event cannot continue, whether it is Xiao Xiao or the anchor supported by Xiao Xiao, the credibility will be hit, especially for Xiao Xiao, a large-scale event was brought to the rhythm and left behind, and he will have no right to speak in the game area in the future So heavy.

"Unfortunately, if Xiao Xiao is holding an event in the Xingxiu District this time, maybe he can regain the disadvantage!"

Brother Hua shook his head again.

Although it has been confirmed that Xiao Xiao is Shenhao, it is well known that Xiao Xiao and their Daheng do not deal with each other.

He even went to Xia Nuanhe Daozi live broadcast room in person and uttered wild words in front of hundreds of thousands of tourists.

In Hua Ge's opinion, if Xiao Xiao is a guild account, it's okay to say, at least there is a basic bottom line for making money.

But now Xiao Xiao's status as a superhero will definitely bring them more troubles for Da Heng.

Therefore, they have to take down Xiao Xiao step by step, it is best to beat Xiao Xiao to the net!
On Huya, there can only be one No. [-] Shenhao!

Sister Feifei, from the Lehua union, was also a little anxious when she saw this situation in the game area.

Although they, Lehua, have nothing to do with the game area, but for Kaka, B Wen and Laolong, Sister Feifei still intends to sign them.

Originally, they had Brother Xiao Xiao's prestige in the game area, and they, Lehua, were planning to develop in the game area, but now that such a incident happened, it might not be easy in a short time.

In Huya's office, Lan Lan wanted to block Han Ye's live broadcast room directly, but she figured out the relationship before and after the incident and understood that Han Ye's live broadcast room cannot be blocked randomly now.

No matter how much Han Ye rants in the live broadcast room now, it is a fact that hundreds of fans on the League of Legends side insulted him first.

Once Han Ye is banned, the millions of viewers on Glory of Kings' side will probably be more bombed than League of Legends, and she has no right to make this decision.

In the Glory of Kings area, more and more tourists entered Han Ye's live broadcast room.

Han Ye continued to spout wildly in the live broadcast room.

"You League of Legends trash, if you have the ability, try rewarding Huya No. [-]. No matter how much you spray, I promise not to pay back!"

"A group of mentally handicapped children, what kind of presence do they come here to find?"

"Let me tell you, my s1 is the king of skateboard shoes, if you are not convinced, you can try it!"

"Support Han Ye, spray these League of Legends dogs to death!"

"Which dog is not tied properly, come to our King of Glory and bark?"

"Hehe, Glory of the Garbage King, who gave you shame in front of the League of Legends?"

Countless League of Legends fans who have just arrived feel more and more aggrieved the more they listen.

Why are the anchors of Glory of Kings spouting nonsense here, but the League of Legends doesn't even have a single anchor who dares to speak out?
Among the thousands of League of Legends anchors, none of them dared to bring Han Ye back!
Most of the tourists in the League of Legends area don't know what happened before, they only know that Han Ye is here to spout mindlessly!

No matter what the reason was, this level of madness had already touched the bottom line of countless League of Legends players.

The poison was also ob in Han Ye's live broadcast room, seeing Han Ye still spraying endlessly, he was immediately angry.

When he was young, he was a gangster in society. After S1 came into contact with the game League of Legends, he became fanatical and out of control.

Until I encountered a live broadcast, I had a fixed income every month.

Originally, he was getting older, and his vigor had lost a lot. He used to be full of spouts, but now he has restrained a lot, and has become a kind-hearted big brother next door.

But for him, the game League of Legends has long been tied to his life.

The poison made a full circle around the League of Legends area.

The five first-line anchors Miss and Scratch Man are all competing with the official. It is definitely impossible to get ahead in this matter. The five of them now represent the attitude of Brother Xiao Xiao and the official.

Brother Xiao Xiao is not online, once they take over this matter, they will also involve Brother Xiao Xiao.

Among the remaining first-line anchors, Sister Zha and other morning anchors were not there.

For the first-line anchors of the evening show, he, Poison, Gu Teyu and Heidian are qualified.

Seeing that countless League of Legends fans who were sprayed were constantly banned in Han Ye's live broadcast room, the poison finally couldn't bear it.

"Brothers, no matter what the reason is, I don't allow anyone to insult the game of League of Legends!"

"Although my poisonous agent is not a big anchor, I should have the qualifications to talk to Han Ye."

"Today, I am poisonous, and I must save face for the League of Legends!"

Toxic spoke slowly, but the anger of Toxic could still be seen.

"Yes, declare war!"

"The poison is good!"

"Poison to him!"

As soon as the poison agent said this, more and more fans gathered in the League of Legends area.

"Brothers, do me a favor, go to Han Ye's live broadcast room and tell him to open my live broadcast room!"

 All orders plus more!
  Thank you guys for your support!

  For the game plot of the League of Legends, I will try to write it as simple and interesting as possible, so that the old men can enjoy it.

  But this episode won’t be long, after all, we are mainly playing Xingxiu, some old men who like to watch the game zone, after this time, we may have to wait for the next round of game zone activities to go online (keep it off), hehe .

  Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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