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Chapter 156 Support from all League of Legends streamers!

Chapter 156 Support from all League of Legends streamers!

As soon as the poison agent said this, the effect it brought was simply explosive.

Tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room rushed to Han Ye's live broadcast room and shouted frantically.

The millions of League of Legends fans watching in the Glory of Kings area immediately clicked back to Poison's live broadcast room after seeing the news.

"The poison is good, I support you!"

"Han Ye is too arrogant, fuck him, fuck him!"

"Let's call someone, you wait for the poison!"

"This dog is in need of cleaning up. Don't worry about the poison, we are your strongest backing!"

Under the guidance of huge public opinion, no matter the OB in Han Ye's live broadcast room, or those who played in other anchor live broadcast rooms, flocked to play.

In just ten minutes, the popularity of the Poison Live Broadcasting Room has already exceeded one million!

For him, a first-line anchor with 50 million daily online users, a million popularity is already the pinnacle of his live broadcast career.

Tiao Nan's live broadcast room, today's last game ended in his live broadcast room.

After broadcasting with so many rhythms, the psychological pressure of scratching the man is still great.

Especially at the moment when the poison agent came forward, Sou Nan, Uzi and others also fell silent.

This kind of thing should have been upheld by these top-tier head anchors, but because the solo match was co-organized by Brother Xiao Xiao and the official, and now Brother Xiao Xiao's meaning is not clear, and it is inconvenient for them to make a move.

But what they didn't expect was that the poison was picked up!

Today's game has ended, and Mao Nan and others chose to download the broadcast one after another, parachuting all the fans in the live broadcast room into the poison live broadcast room.

At around 12 o'clock in the morning, in the live broadcast room of Poison Agent and Han Ye, the popularity of both parties had reached their peak.

Countless League of Legends fans went to Han Ye's live broadcast room, constantly swiping the name of the poisonous agent.

"Han Ye, you are a piece of rubbish, there is poison, you are nothing!"

"The dog is still barking here, if you have the ability and poison to connect the wheat!"

"The poison told you to cut his live broadcast room!"

"Han Ye, go to the Poison Live Studio!"

In the live broadcast room, Daheng's series of trumpets were still in a frantic rhythm, and even used the name of poisonous fan to insult Han Ye continuously.

Millions of League of Legends fans swiped their screens one after another.

"What is his poison?"

"A bunch of rubbish, what right do you have to talk to me?"

Han Ye saw millions of people swiping the screen on the public screen, and his mind became hot. He ignored the live broadcast, cursed a few words, and directly clicked on the live broadcast room of Poison Agent.

It's not his fault in this matter, Han Ye is not afraid at all.

"Hot dog, if you have anything to say, please say it quickly. A small anchor has gained so much popularity, it should be almost the same?"

Han Ye opened his mouth, mocking uncontrollably.

"Han Ye, I now ask you to apologize to all League of Legends players!"

Poison suppressed his anger and tried his best not to curse.

"Apologize? I'm Daonima, why don't you apologize to me?"

"Dog thing, relying on the rhythm to spray me here?"

"I don't even look at what you are, a hot dog!"

Han Ye slapped the table vigorously and roared angrily.

He, Han Ye, is the head anchor of Glory of Kings. He was already very angry at being declared war by such a small anchor as Poison Agent, and now he is asking him to apologize?

"Well said, what is his poison!"

"The emperor [the trash of the League of Legends] sent out a treasure map*1!"

"The emperor [the trash of the League of Legends] sent out a treasure map*2!"


An emperor who often played Glory of Kings was also angry. He changed his name and frantically swiped treasure maps in the live broadcast room.

"Let's talk about the first point first. You said that your s1 is the king rank. At that time, where did the League of Legends have the king rank?"

"Let's talk about the second point, s1 uses skateboard shoes to become the king, I want to ask you, do you know any heroes in s1?"

"I don't know what your purpose is to say this, but in front of millions of people criticizing League of Legends like this, do you think you are doing the right thing?"

"You insulted our League of Legends like this, shouldn't you apologize to us?"

Poison suppresses anger.

No matter what the purpose of Han Ye is, in the eyes of most League of Legends fans, this is provocation!
"Let me tell you, I also often play League of Legends. If you are not convinced, go online and solo with me. The loser is called Dad!"

"Or you come to Glory of the King and I solo, if you don't have the guts, go back as soon as possible, don't be ashamed here!"

"Am I right? The more than 200 million viewers of Glory of Kings in my live stream can make their own judgments. There's no need for you League of Legends dogs to bark here!"

"It's still the same sentence, the live broadcast platform, if you have the ability, you can brush the big brother in my live broadcast room, if you don't have the ability, get out early!"

"I, Han Ye, don't need your preaching!"

Han Ye has completely lost his composure.

The support of more than 200 million fans in the live broadcast room gave Han Ye unlimited confidence, and he spoke without hesitation, and the entire League of Legends area was hated!
In the live broadcast room with more than 200 million people and close to 300 million people, the poisonous agent clenched its fists.

Looking at the dozens of elder brothers in Han Ye's live broadcast room opposite him constantly scrolling through the treasure map, Du Yao felt helpless in his heart.

The live broadcast platform is like this, no matter how much you scold on the public screen, it can't match the big brother's brilliance.

The special effects of gifts one by one are enough to cover up all the barrage!
As an emerging King of Glory area, the audience is relatively young, and there are still many people who consume impulsively.

It’s not that there are rich people on the League of Legends side, but with the development of the League of Legends to this day, the audience is getting older, and consumption is more rational. It is definitely impossible to be as big as the King of Glory side.

"This Han Ye is a bit too arrogant, isn't he?"

"The emperor [a little tiger bud] enters the live broadcast room!"

A barrage of emperors popped up on the public screen of the poison live broadcast room.

Immediately, dozens of admission notices for emperors and kings popped up continuously, and a large number of ordinary nobles entered one after another.

In less than 5 minutes, the original number of VIP seats increased from 2000 to 3500!

Among them, there are five emperors and more than 30 kings!

"The emperor [Kaka] enters the live broadcast room!"

"The Emperor [Scratch Man] enters the live broadcast room!"


Another series of barrage prompts.

But this time, all the hosts came in!
All the anchors are all down the broadcast, log on to your own account and come to the poisonous agent live broadcast to add you.

The number of emperors soared to 12, and the number of kings reached 50!
In the early hours of the morning, having so many big brothers online is almost the full power of the League of Legends area!
The originally helpless poison suddenly felt warm in my heart, as if the momentum of my youth had returned.

He is poisonous, he is not fighting alone!
Behind him, there is the entire League of Legends section!

Among other things, the fact that Xiaohuya and Kaka were able to go online already represented the attitude of a person in the game area.

And this person's attitude is a reassurance!

Then his poison, what else is there to be afraid of?

It's done!
"Han Ye, did you just mock us that there is no one in the League of Legends area?"

"Please open your eyes wide and open my VIP seat to have a look!"

Looking at the countless elder brothers and anchors at the VIP seats, Poison Agent felt extremely proud.

No matter what the reason is for you, Han Ye, or you are being used by someone, but since you dare to say so much, it means that this is your own idea!

Anger can make a person lose his mind, but it can also expose his truest thoughts.

"We're late, but we shouldn't be late, right?"

Kaka smiled and spoke on the public screen.

Thinking of the phone call just now, Kaka was even more excited.

(End of this chapter)

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