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Chapter 157 You Should Be Glad Brother Xiao Xiao Is Not Here

Chapter 157 You Should Be Glad Brother Xiao Xiao Is Not Here (Third Watch)

Daheng Union, Brother Hua watched the rhythm of the live broadcast room on both sides getting stronger and stronger, and a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

In the League of Legends area, all Shenhao and the anchor gathered in the live broadcast room of the first-line anchor, Poison Agent.

This must represent Xiao Xiao's attitude.

"It's still too young, as long as you dare to pick it up, you will lose."

Brother Hua was completely relieved when he saw the battle between the two sides.

He originally wanted to do something, but he didn't expect Han Ye to be so cooperative.

Daheng just let the navy lead the rhythm, and Han Ye dared to blatantly spray the entire League of Legends section.

This kind of irritable and thoughtless person is simply in line with Hua Ge's plan this time.

This wave of rhythm almost made Han Ye, the god assist, fly away.

Although Xiao Xiao couldn't be injured, but Xiao Xiao could still be disgusted.

Brother Hua never expected Han Ye to be able to pass Xiao Xiao just now. What he has to do is to open up the game area that was originally monolithic and give them room to enter in the later stage of Daheng!

If Xiao Xiao didn't answer, he lost face.

Xiao Xiao took it, and Li Zi lost!

If it were him, he would definitely choose to ignore it, and the loss of avoiding a wave of rhythm is much less!
But no matter what, the solo event organized by Xiao Xiao might not be very interesting if it goes on.

Even if this matter can be resolved tonight, it is estimated that this matter will be the most discussed on the platform in the next few days.

For the solo match, the enthusiasm will definitely be minimized.

In the live broadcast room, Han Ye saw all the emperor numbers in the poison agent live broadcast room, and his mind suddenly became sober.

The idea of ​​being rhythmically brought to mind was also the first thing that came to mind.

But now, two or three Big Brother Emperors and a dozen Big Brothers in the live broadcast room have started to change their names to get gifts, and there is one Big Brother Emperor who is not a local tyrant in his live broadcast room, but just a permanent resident in the Glory of Kings area, riding a tiger is hard to get off!
"I, Han Ye, am not targeting everyone. I'm talking about the part of the League of Legends tourists who have no brains, and the part of the animals who come to the live broadcast room to lead me!"

"There is still poison, can you figure out the situation before spraying it?"

"I don't understand things clearly, what kind of presence are you looking for here, where is Pennyma?!"

Han Ye took a step back and changed the previous full section to some rhythmic League of Legends tourists, but Han Ye was not so polite to Poison, the host who took the initiative to bring his rhythm.

It's just a first-tier and second-tier anchor who is already dying, so why dare not offend?

"We support you, everyone in the League of Legends area is stupid!"

"That's right, what is this poisonous agent? I don't understand anything, so just come here and ask us to apologize, and say hello!"

Tourists in the Glory of Kings area were excited.

"What you said has exposed your low quality."

"What I'm saying is, no matter what reason you're saying, but you're insulting the game League of Legends, insulting fans of the League of Legends section, that's wrong."

Toxic took a deep breath.

"I ask you again now, to apologize to the League of Legends!"

Poison spoke in an orderly and calm manner.

Compared with millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, the gap was immediately discovered.

From the beginning to the end, the poison did not utter a single foul word, but in terms of momentum, it firmly occupied the top!

"Poison, you are the most qualified anchor I have ever seen, I would have scolded you if you changed it!"

"This Gou Ri's brain is sick, what does it have to do with our League of Legends area if someone brings him rhythm?"

"That's right, can it be said that someone else fucked up his girlfriend, and he can be forgiven for messing up someone else's girlfriend backhand?"

"What the upstairs said is too true, this person is a badass!"

"Where is such absurd logic in this world! Support poison!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room spoke in support.

"I'll pay you a gift! You rubbish, what right do you have for me to apologize?!"

Han Ye slapped the table loudly.

"Did you see the big brother fans in my live broadcast room? As long as the fans in my live broadcast room are there, you black fans and your poison are rubbish!"

"Don't think that you can make progress by grasping a little fallacy!"

"The big brother in your studio?"

Xiao Huya smiled disdainfully, and jumped directly to Han Ye's live broadcast room.

"Just these few rubbish, I don't know where I stole tens of thousands of dollars and ran out to open an emperor, so you dare to call it the big brother?"

The emperor's exclusive font appeared on the public screen, Han Ye felt ashamed and angry, and clicked with his right hand, but he couldn't find the ban button.

"Hahaha, look at what this bee wants to do, to silence the emperor!"

Han Ye's public screen was originally displayed in the live broadcast room, and it was originally for the fans in the live broadcast room to see the black fans in the League of Legends area.

At this time, Han Ye's operation had just come out, and most of the audience in the poisonous agent live room opposite had seen it, and immediately burst out laughing.

Emperor, that is the most honorable title on the platform, it is impossible to be banned by anyone.

Even if the emperor yells at the platform, it can only be banned by the official, with a reasonable explanation and an announcement at the end.

"It also said that our poisonous agent is a small anchor. I'm afraid it's Han Ye who is the small anchor. He doesn't even know the rules of the platform!"

"During the live broadcast of the poison agent, Han Ye is probably still breastfeeding, so he can't argue with the brat!"

"Little Huya, we respect you an inch, don't push yourself too far!"

Several emperor brothers in Han Ye's live broadcast room were also angry.

"Hey? Are you still in a temper?"

"Let me tell you, even if brother Xiao Xiao isn't here tonight, I can blow you away by myself!"

"And what kind of bastard are you, Han Ye, who dare to scold the tourists in our entire League of Legends area?"

"Can I think that this also includes us emperors in the League of Legends area?"

[A Little Tiger Bud] Typing continuously in Han Ye's live broadcast room, I didn't save any face for Han Ye and Han Ye's eldest brother in the live broadcast room.

Emperor, we should also divide them into three, six, and nine ranks!

If you spend 40 million yuan a month, you can also open an Emperor, and if you spend 400 million yuan a month, you can still open an emperor!

As for the emperors in Han Ye's live broadcast room, their spending power was not even comparable to that of some kings who spent a lot of money.

Just these few people, dare to pretend in front of his little tiger bud?
As soon as Xiao Huya said this, Han Ye's face turned green.

The previous Xia Nuan who insulted consumers had just been banned for six hours, no matter what he said, he would not dare to insult his elder brother in public.

"I'm scolding those black fans and the poisonous agent, the idiot anchor, so naturally it has nothing to do with other viewers."

Han Ye quickly explained.

"Then what did you mean by the useless idiots in the League of Legends area?"

Xiao Huya was not forgiving.

The emperors in the live broadcast room did not dare to speak anymore.

In the poison live broadcast room, watching Han Ye's live broadcast, the tourists who were originally very angry also started to brush up hahaha.

"I thought this Han Ye was so tough, so he would bully tourists."

"Tsk tsk tsk, if he says a few words about Big Brother Little Huya, I'll give him a high regard."

"That's it? I don't think he can do it either!"

"Didn't you find out that none of the emperors who gave Han Ye gifts just now dared to move after Brother Xiao Huya passed by?"

"Just like Brother Xiao Huya said, bullying the weak and fearing the hard, it's just something without a brain."

"He should be glad Brother Xiao Xiao is not here today, otherwise he will definitely be kicked out of the net. Brother Xiao Huya has already given him face!"

(End of this chapter)

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