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Chapter 158 The hand speed of a 4-year-old man!

Chapter 158 The hand speed of a 40-year-old man! (four more)
Liu Xiao learned how to behave today, instead of driving for 15 hours straight, he got on and off the expressway halfway.

Last time, the 14-hour drive was close to 15 hours, almost leaving Liu Xiao on the road.

I randomly found a better hotel in the local area to stay. Liu Xiao originally planned to find two girls to sleep with on the mobile phone software, and play the game You Wear I Guess and then go to bed, but I didn’t expect Kaka and Xiaohuya The news came at this time.

Hearing the narration of the two, Liu Xiao immediately became interested in this matter.

To be honest, Liu Xiao plays both League of Legends and Glory of Kings games.

After all, there are quite a few rich women in Glory of Kings, and Liu Xiao's previous purpose was not pure, and he was thinking of finding opportunities in the game to get rich overnight.

Liu Xiao has a good understanding of poisonous agents. When he was young, he was ignorant, but now that he is a little older, his temper has improved a lot. He is a good-natured anchor in Huya.

Coupled with Xiao Huya's voice, Liu Xiao basically figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

It was nothing more than some trolls who used the rhythm in the past, and Han Ye was so angry that he cursed in the live broadcast room.

Perhaps Han Ye had complaints about the League of Legends before. He didn't keep his mouth open, and directly scolded all the anchors and tourists in the entire League of Legends section, and refused to admit it after scolding.

And this has successfully angered fans of the entire League of Legends sector, and is currently confronting Han Ye represented by Poison.

First, he made a WeChat call to Xiaohuya and Kaka, Liu Xiao tidied up his things a bit, and also clicked into Huya's live broadcast.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] entered the live broadcast room!"

A golden-red barrage lit up, and the logo of No. [-] Shenhao appeared on the public screen.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Poison quickly opened his mouth to welcome.

He didn't expect that Brother Xiao Xiao, who seldom appeared in the early hours of the morning, would go online because of this incident.

"Hey, it's so lively today."

Liu Xiao looked at the number of people in the live broadcast room, and then at the ranking of nobles in the public screen area.

The Shenhao of Xiaohuya's series basically came to two-thirds.

As for Kaka and other anchors in the League of Legends area, none of them were left behind, including Miss, who had just live broadcasted not long ago, opened an emperor and jumped into the live broadcast room.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good evening, brother Xiao Xiao, are you here to sanction Han Ye?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, that Han Ye is too much, just scolded everyone in our board!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is here, Han Ye must be in trouble!"

Seeing Liu Xiao go online, the public screen burst into cheers.

In the eyes of tourists in the League of Legends area, brother Xiao Xiao is the God of War in Tiger Bud!

As long as Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move, no matter whether it is Shenhao or the anchor, none of them can withstand a round of bombing!
What's more, Brother Xiao Xiao is also quite a good person, and he also pays a lot of benefits.

The live broadcast of Han Ye was still broadcasting on the screen of the poisonous agent studio.

On the public screen, Xiao Huya typed out several consecutive questions, but Han Ye was still spraying poison.

Brother Shenhao on the platform didn't dare to spray, and neither did the League of Legends tourists who had offended everyone. Now he can only catch the poisonous agent to vent his anger.

But the fans in the King of Glory area don't care so much, and Xiao Huya has nothing to do with them. For a while, the public screen is full of greetings to the League of Legends.

"These days, there are so many rhythms in playing a game."

Liu Xiao sighed helplessly.

This matter is easy to solve, at worst, just brush it up, and then find the official to investigate the truth of the matter. I believe that with so many words Han Ye scolded, it is not too much to ban him for a day or two.

But the key is the solo match in the League of Legends zone tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

The competition is at a critical point these two days, if this incident continues to escalate, the competition organized by Liu Xiao will be meaningless.

As the first event he personally organized, Liu Xiao didn't want this event to end in such a hasty way.

After all, Liu Xiao still has feelings for the game League of Legends.

Suddenly, Liu Xiao's eyes lit up.

Since there is no way to suppress the rhythm of this matter, it is possible to integrate this rhythm into the activity!
"Poison, your hero should be Sword Girl Irelia, right?"

At the public screen, Liu Xiao asked a question.

Poison was taken aback for a moment, but he still nodded again and again.

Irelia is his signature hero. In these versions, he has defeated many professional players by relying on Irelia as a hero.

"If you and Han Ye are asked to play a wave of solo, do you have any problems?"

"Of course, Brother Xiao Xiao, don't look at Han Ye's ferocity, saying that he is a king of the League of Legends, but in the qualifying game of the national server, I have never met him in a round."

Poison replied with a smile.

Playing League of Legends solo with an anchor of Glory of Kings, if you can't win, you will really laugh to death.

Liu Xiao nodded.

This is pretty much the same as he thought.

Although Poison is not in the top 10 of the national server, it is still very strong. It is not a star and a half stronger than bastards like Ba Ge.

Hitting a bragging anchor of Glory of Kings would be a bit flattering to say you hit him with your feet.

It's not a game after all.

A smirk appeared on the corner of Liu Xiao's mouth, and he clicked directly into the King's Glory area and into Han Ye's live broadcast room.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] entered the live broadcast room!"

The unique emperor's logo reappeared, and the next moment, the first place in the VIP seat was replaced by Liu Xiao's account.

"Good evening, Brother Xiao Xiao."

Xiaohuya, who had scolded Zhenghuan, was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly typed on the public screen.

Just like the two or three emperors in Han Ye's live broadcast room were nothing in front of him, he always regarded himself as a younger brother in front of Xiao Xiao.

Han Ye, who was still crazily targeting the poison, couldn't stop the swearing from his mouth.

He may not know Xiao Huya, but he is very familiar with Brother Xiao Xiao's name!
Before Han Ye could speak, another two barrages appeared.

"Huya Super Tube [Lanlan] enters the live broadcast room!"

"Huya Super Management [Vice President Du] enters the live broadcast room!"

As soon as Lan Lan and Vice President Du entered the live broadcast room, they greeted Xiao Xiao on the public screen.

Seeing the two speaking on the public screen, Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

"It's hard work not getting off work so late."

Vice President Du was also helpless.

Such a big incident happened in the middle of the night, and he was still worried about how to solve it, but Xiao Xiao went online at this time.

Normally, for an anchor like Han Ye who is so crazy and spouts shit, he would have given him a three-day ban to reflect on it.

Even, if the review on Weibo is less than 1 words, give him a three-day black room to play.

Whether I read or not is my business, and whether you write or not is a matter of attitude.

But today's matter is not so simple. In the final analysis, it was the rhythm of a few tourists from the League of Legends area.

If he just banned Han Ye like this, I am afraid that the millions of fans on the side of Glory of the King will blow up their nests.

An explosion of tourists on a plate is no joke for Huya.

Therefore, he can only choose remote OB.

But now that Brother Xiao Xiao has entered Han Ye's live broadcast room, he can no longer pretend.

If this brainless Han Ye suddenly convulses Xiao Xiao, then the relationship he has maintained with Xiao Xiao for so long will fall apart.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

For Huya, the chaos of the Glory of Kings section for a few days is nothing compared to the loss of a hero like Brother Xiao Xiao on the platform!
Two powers harm each other whichever is less!

Vice President Du's book currency has been put on the ban option.

As long as Han Ye dared to have an idea, his ban button would be clicked immediately.

He promised to slap Han Ye almost to death before Han Ye uttered the first word!
As an old man in his 40s, his hand speed was unmatched by anyone present!

(End of this chapter)

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