Chapter 159

In the live broadcast room, Han Ye saw Lanlan and Vice President Du enter the live broadcast room, his mouth was open and he couldn't say a word.

No matter how stupid he is, he still knows that Vice President Du and Lan Lan came here to seal his mouth.

Seeing the ID at the first place in the VIP seat, Han Ye originally had a lot to say about poison spray, but now he couldn't say a word.

And the more than 200 million fans of Zhenghuan in the King of Glory area who sprayed in his live broadcast room also fell silent in an instant.

In the entire live broadcast room, apart from a few greetings from Vice President Du and Xiao Huya, there were only a few bullet screens left.

Han Ye suddenly remembered the knife in Xingxiu District.

When Xiao Xiao went to Daozi's live broadcast room to slap her in the face online, Han Ye even OB'd him. At that time, he remembered mocking Daozi offline as a coward.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, he will be the next one.

He tried to open his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

A stream of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and fell into his eyes with stinging pain.

He really understood the feeling of the knife at that time.

He doesn't care about all the anchors in the League of Legends area, and he doesn't care about Xiaohuya's Shenhao who spends 400 million this month.

But for Brother Xiao Xiao, the Huya No. [-] Shenhao who earned more than [-] million yuan in half a month, even if he was just chatting with Vice President Du in his live broadcast room, he didn't dare to say anything nonsense!
Because he knows that as long as Brother Xiao Xiao is unhappy, not to mention him, the head anchor of the King of Glory area, he is the top anchor of Huya, and banning him is just a matter of one sentence!

A big boss who spends hundreds of millions a month, he believes that there are ten thousand ways for this kind of person to drive him into the abyss!

The tourists who were spouting before also had the same idea.

Among other things, Xiao Xiao is afraid that Xiao Xiao will notice their barrage, randomly pick one to check their ID, and give them a real meal of fried chestnuts with sugar. Wouldn't that be a disaster?
Xiao Xiao's prestige in the game area has never been accumulated all at once.

This is the accumulation of several activities and countless rewards.

The huge reward, which was so terrifying that a person would not be able to earn it in several lifetimes, was like a big stone weighing on the hearts of all of them.

Vice President Du was speechless for a long time as he watched the live broadcast room suddenly go silent.

Maybe he shouldn't show up this time?

Even Han Ye, who has no brains, is afraid of Brother Xiao Xiao like a tiger.

He even thought that Han Ye might dare to say such stupid things as Xiao Xiao.

League of Legends area, Poison Live Room.

The League of Legends audience of nearly 300 million is even more honorable.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is the God of Tiger Bud!"

At some point, a bullet screen appeared on the public screen of the live broadcast room.

All of a sudden, whether it was spraying about Han Ye or tourists complaining about the glory of the king, they were all copying and sending!
"God of Tiger Bud!"

Although it was only a short period of more than half a month, Xiao Xiao let all the tourists in the game area see his strength!

Just logging in with the account, even without saying a word, is enough to eliminate all discordant voices!
Kaka and the anchors were completely relieved.

As Brother Xiao Xiao's direct anchor, his every word and deed represent Brother Xiao Xiao's attitude.

Although Brother Xiao Xiao may not care about these things, he still feels that it is necessary for him to maintain these honors for Brother Xiao Xiao.

Including Sou Nan and Uzi, they had the same idea before. After all, they were holding an event organized by Brother Xiao Xiao. If they directly hit Han Ye, it would represent Brother Xiao Xiao's attitude.

This is tantamount to digging mine for Brother Xiao Xiao without Brother Xiao Xiao's knowledge, which is a big taboo.

But now, they seem to understand.

In Brother Xiao Xiao's dictionary, there is no word for "recognize and counsel" at all!
For these direct anchors, Brother Xiao Xiao has always been a good guy, playing games and telling happy jokes are common occurrences.

But for the opponent, starting from Xia Nuan, to the knife, and now to this inexplicable Han Ye.

Brother Xiao Xiao is all output directly on the face!
Except for Xia Nuan who started to resist in the live broadcast room, Knife and Han Ye could only accept it honestly.

Kaka remembered what Brother Xiao Xiao replied when he called on WeChat just now.

One word.

This is also the reason why they logged into their account and entered the poison live broadcast room for the first time.

In Han Ye's live broadcast room, Liu Xiao kept chatting with Vice President Du and Xiao Huya, not caring about Han Ye at all.

There were more than 200 million viewers in the live broadcast room, plus Han Ye, the anchor, including the emperors and kings who had bought a lot of gifts just now, no one dared to speak in the live broadcast room.

That is to say, some tourists posted some irrelevant bullet screens.

Several emperors and kings even hurriedly changed back the names of the League of Legends dogs that had just been changed.

If you offend a person of Xiao Xiao's level, let's just watch them fight on Huya in the future, and they don't even have to play.

One is more than 2 million monthly consumption, and the other is 30 million monthly consumption, which is not an order of magnitude at all!
Han Ye looked at all the big bosses who were silent, and kept his head down, pretending to be managing the barrage.

But in my heart, I became more and more anxious.

This feeling is like waiting for the final judgment.

He now has four possibilities.

Less than three years, more than ten years, life sentence or death penalty.

Finally, Han Ye was shocked when he saw the barrage of Vice President Du's excuses to go offline on the public screen.

Sure enough, at the next sentence, brother Xiao Xiao's barrage was typed out.

"Han Ye, do you know that the poison you scolded is the anchor I often watch?"

Han Ye's mind suddenly trembled, and he felt like the sky was falling.

When Xiao Xiao said that, he obviously wanted to stand up for the poison!

He sprayed so many words with poison just now, can he still have a good one?

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I'm really wronged. It's because some black fans are setting the rhythm in the live broadcast room. I couldn't hold back for a while."

"Then you admit it."


Han Ye originally wanted to refute, but in the end he still didn't have the courage to speak out.

Brother Xiao Xiao's aura was so strong that it exploded. It was just a barrage speech, but he didn't even dare to say a word of rebuttal.

"I don't bully you either. Since you refuse to accept it, I will give you a chance."

Liu Xiao ignored Han Ye and continued typing.

"The day after tomorrow is the final of the League of Legends solo competition. I will let them add a separate game. Didn't you say that playing the king game of the League of Legends is the same as cutting melons and vegetables?"

"I remember you were just a waste of spraying poison."

"In this case, the day after tomorrow, you will play a League of Legends solo match with Poison, and if you win, I will give you a bonus of 1000 million."

"If you lose, I won't ask you anything. A [-]-word review on Weibo."

Vice President Du, who was still watching the screen, almost spit out a mouthful of water.

The [-]-word review is a routine he often uses when banning anchors. When did Brother Xiao Xiao learn this?

There is no tuition fee!
(End of this chapter)

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