Chapter 161 Is This Han Ye a Fool?
"Welcome everyone to the League of Legends solo competition. This is the official live broadcast room. Today's exhibition match officially begins!"

In the official live broadcast room, Brother Ba was given the commentary seat for today's exhibition match.

As soon as the broadcast started, many tourists clicked in.

"Today should be the top 75. I saw the arrangement of the solo match, and many of them are familiar big anchors!"

"There is no rematch in the top 75, and today is another day of fighting between dragons and tigers."

In the live broadcast room, the audience was very excited.

What happened to Han Ye yesterday was superimposed to today, and many tourists came to watch the excitement.

Just after the broadcast started, Kaka and other talents entered the blue side to select heroes, and the number of people in the official live broadcast room has reached over one million.

In another 10 minutes, the exhibition match officially began.

With the promotion of the official omni-channel, the popularity of the live broadcast room quickly increased to 300 million.

Instead of any decline, there has been a lot of improvement compared to yesterday.

Lao Wu, who just woke up early in the morning, originally wanted to come over to see the situation, but when he opened the live broadcast room, he was immediately confused.

Originally, according to Brother Hua's judgment, the popularity of the League of Legends side today should be partly distributed to the King of Glory side, and then partly to other anchors that are normally broadcasting. It is not bad to have 150 million people in the official live broadcast room.

But it's only early nine o'clock, and there are 300 million people!
The fifth child immediately felt that this popularity was abnormal, and hurried upstairs to call Brother Hua up.

"Brother Hua, something serious happened!"

"The popularity of the solo competition held by Xiao Xiao not only did not drop, but increased a lot!"

The fifth child turned on the phone, opened the live broadcast room where the exhibition match was going on, and handed it to Brother Hua.

"The popularity hasn't lost?"

Brother Hua frowned and sat up.

"Daheng's field controller last night, find two of them."

Brother Hua looked at his phone and waved at Lao Wu.

Lao Wu quickly found two field controllers, and Brother Hua had already gotten up and sat in the office.

"Brother Hua is like this. It wasn't long after Han Ye fought with the poison yesterday, Xiao Xiao came online."

"Then Xiao Xiao jumped directly to Han Ye's live broadcast room."

The field controller kept explaining, but Brother Hua kept frowning.

He always felt that this field control missed the point.

He had predicted Xiao Xiao's reaction after going online, but if Xiao Xiao did this, the impact would definitely be greater.

This morning, the game area should be full of discussions about Han Ye's anger about League of Legends last night. How could he still give the solo game so much popularity?
"Tell me, pay attention to the details, such as what Xiao Xiao did."

Brother Hua clicked another field controller.

Lao Wu made a cup of tea for Brother Hua in time and put it on the table. Brother Hua picked it up and took a sip slowly.

Eighty-ninety degrees of hot water exploded in the mouth, awakening Hua Ge who was still a little drowsy.

"Xiao Xiao first went to the Poison Live broadcast room last night, then jumped to Han Ye's live broadcast room, chatted with Vice President Du Xiaohuya and others, and then asked Han Ye to go to the League of Legends area to solo with Poison Agent."

The other made an effort to recall, telling as many details as he could recall.

They are just small field controllers, as long as it doesn't involve the live broadcast room they manage, these things don't pay much attention.

I can know this because the rhythm was too explosive last night, and some water friends went to the comment area of ​​the star show area to post barrage results.

"You mean, Xiao Xiao let Han Ye and Poison solo League of Legends?"

Brother Hua suddenly stood up, his face full of shock.

"That's what happened."

The field controller took a step back in fear, but still nodded.

"Han Ye agreed?"

"It seems that I agreed. Many tourists swiped their screens last night, and I happened to see some."

"Yes, I agreed. I specially jumped into the live broadcast room last night. As long as he wins, Xiao Xiao will pay him 1000 million."

The other field controller also remembered, and quickly replied.

"Han Ye, you idiot!"

Brother Hua was holding the teacup in his hand, the lid of the cup creaked.

The teacup was thrown to the ground by Brother Hua, and the tea in it spilled all over the floor.

"You go out first."

The fifth child winked at the two of them.

"This Han Ye is really retarded!"

Brother Hua huffed and panted for more than a minute, and took several deep breaths in a row before returning to normal.

He thought about Xiao Xiao spending money on it, and also thought about Xiao Xiao uniting with the anchors of the entire League of Legends area to start a war with Han Ye.

Even, he was applauding Han Ye's mindless spouting last night.

But what he didn't expect the most was that Han Ye would agree to Xiao Xiao's solo in the League of Legends!

"This Han Ye, is he mentally handicapped!"

"An anchor of Glory of Kings, going to play solo with a top player in League of Legends' perennial king segment?"

"He thought he could get Xiao Xiao's 1000 million?!"

Brother Hua slapped the table vigorously, trying to calm himself down.

He really couldn't understand why Han Ye agreed to Xiao Xiao's request.

As long as Han Ye loses in solo, even if some fans of Glory of Kings are not convinced, it will be over.

Most fans will not pay for a loser.

This is the rule of the live broadcast platform.

Without the hard cap and support of more than 200 million Glory of Kings fans, he is a Han Ye, what can he use to play with the official, and what can he use to play with Xiao Xiao?
From the moment he agreed to Xiao Xiao's solo, he was beyond redemption!

Not to mention anything else, he blatantly criticized the League of Legends in the live broadcast room last night, scolding all the millions of viewers and thousands of anchors of the League of Legends.

After confronting the poison, the scolding became even more intense.

There are 200 million fans who are as angry as him, the official will definitely not take the risk of public outrage and hit him.

But as long as he takes this step back, it means that the enthusiasm of the fans on the side of Glory of the King has subsided.

When the time comes and he has never played a match, he will definitely die!
Not to mention anything else, as long as the official catches the point of instigating fans to swear, his live broadcast career will be over!
Brother Hua really couldn't figure it out.

Why did this Han Ye dare to agree to Xiao Xiao? Who gave him the courage to make him feel that he could escape safely after scolding so many people?
This is simply mentally handicapped behavior!

The fifth child next to him basically figured it out.

"This Han Ye is really stupid!"

The fifth child scolded angrily.

If this Han Ye was the anchor of their Daheng, the fifth child would have to beat him to death.

It had nothing to do with Daheng when he was cold, but after so many days of planning the navy plan, Brother Hua made a wedding dress for Xiao Xiao's event.

In just one night, this matter continued to ferment, and the final result was all blamed on Toxic Agent and Han Ye's solo match tomorrow.

At 300 o'clock in the morning, the popularity of the official live broadcast room in the League of Legends area exceeded [-] million. This is still the case that Xiao Xiao has not been online.

In the prime time at night, the incident will be fermented for another day, and Xiao Xiao will go online.
At that time, Brother Hua can no longer imagine how popular this solo competition will be!
(End of this chapter)

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