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Chapter 162 Brother Hua, Be Calm and Calm

Chapter 162 Brother Hua, Be Calm and Calm

Brother Jiu led Xia Nuan into the office. He was cheerful when he saw Brother Hua with a bad face, and asked Xia Nuan to go to his office to rest first, and walked in alone.

"Brother Hua, look at your expression, did things not go well yesterday?"

Brother Jiu walked over carelessly, half leaning on the sofa to recharge his batteries.

"This Han Ye is simply an idiot."

The fifth child shook his head, and softly told Brother Jiu what happened last night.

"If you want me to say it, I can't completely blame this Han Ye."

Brother Jiu thought about it, but came up with a different opinion.

As the one who was hit by Xiao Xiao the most, Brother Jiu was a little touched by this.

The scary thing about Xiao Xiao is that you never know what his hole cards are, and the deterrent power of unknown things is terrifying.

From Xia Nuan Zhou Xing at the beginning, to Zhou Xing's ranking in the Knife live broadcast room, Brother Jiu was completely scared by Xiao Xiao.

Now as long as Xiao Xiao is online, Brother Jiu will not be online at all.

Avoid it if you can't!

"If you ask me, this Han Ye must have been frightened by Xiao Xiao."

"Think about it, Han Ye is just a small anchor, suddenly Shenhao, who earns [-] million yuan a month, comes to slap him in the face, and even brings the official Vice President Du and the others to cheer, can you not be afraid?"

"Let's not talk about Han Ye, even if it's a star show anchor like Xiao Fei and Dao Zi who often play games, I'm afraid the first thing will be fooled in my mind."

Brother Jiu's sudden and wise analysis awakened Brother Hua and Lao Wu.

They have been standing in a high position to premeditate the whole incident recently, and they have indeed neglected the person setting of Xiao Xiao's account.

Among other things, even he, the leader of a big group, is afraid of Xiao Xiao, so what about an ordinary anchor like Han Ye?
Being bombarded by Xiao Xiao is a normal operation!

After thinking about this, Brother Hua could only sigh helplessly.

Every time he confronts Xiao Xiao, he is being controlled by Xiao Xiao.

This time I finally came up with a solution to take the initiative to attack, but I didn't expect it to be resolved by Xiao Xiao, and it was still this unexpected method!
"I'll take a few days off and go to the capital to explain the company's signing."

Brother Hua sighed.

During the recent period, his emotions have been completely controlled by Xiao Xiao, and he has completely lost his original wisdom.

In terms of looking at human nature, he is not even as good as Brother Jiu, a playboy.

This time the plan could already be declared a failure, not only did Xiao Xiao not be tricked, but Xiao Xiao turned his back on the army.

He believed that if Xiao Xiao was able to speak so resolutely in Han Ye's live broadcast room last night, he must have already had a plan in mind.

First, he chatted with Vice President Du and others, which caused great psychological pressure on Han Ye.

Then he made a move to defeat Han Ye's psychological defense in one fell swoop, and then took advantage of the situation to propose a solution that he had thought about long ago, the League of Legends solo.

One after another, Han Ye was just circled in by Xiao Xiao.

Brother Hua has to admit that although Xiao Xiao is not run by a union, Xiao Xiao's ability to solve problems and respond to situations is no worse than him, even better than him!

This game, after he set it up, has always been considered unsolvable.

Therefore, when he saw the result today, he lost his composure.

The plan failed, and there were no other activities on Huya for the past two days, and there was no need for him to stay in the union.

Go back to the company for a turn, refresh your mind and come back to fight again!

"Brother Hua, don't worry, Daheng has me here, and there is no problem in daily operation."

Old Five said.

"By the way, Brother Hua, the funds from my side will be available in a few days."

Brother Jiu reminded.

After finishing the activity in the Xiaoxiao game area this time, we will start the Hope Project again, and the next activity will probably be about the same.

"I'll be back in a few days, let's talk then."

Brother Hua nodded, and asked the secretary to buy him a plane ticket.

This time, although Daheng did not win the battle, the navy did not invest much, so there was no loss.

The fifth child doesn't intend to have any conflict with Xiao Xiao, and is ready to develop a wave.

Liu Xiao came back to catch up on sleep, went out to have a meal with Zhao Ning, and talked about Guangxi's experience, and returned to the room, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Zhao Ning went live on the account, and Liu Xiao also went on the Xingxiu section, tipped the host of Xiaojuzi, Xiaoxiao, and then jumped back to the League of Legends section.

Just like what Liu Xiao thought yesterday, the moment Han Ye accepted the solo match yesterday, the focus of the entire game area was on this League of Legends solo match.

At 08:30 in the evening, the number of online viewers in the official live broadcast room has exceeded 450 million, and there are more than 10 VIP seats. There are 23 emperors in the series led by Xiao Huya!
In the live broadcast room, Tiao Nan was explaining the match.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] entered the live broadcast room!"

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

There was a burst of cheers in the live broadcast room.

Brother Xiao Xiao's bravery was still in their hearts last night. They must be fans of Brother Xiao Xiao, who stands out for fans like Xiao Xiao without even a word of disagreement.

As soon as Liu Xiao entered the live broadcast room, the number of account subscriptions began to increase rapidly.

"Good evening, everybody."

Liu Xiao swiped another 5 Huya No. [-], and signaled to the field controller to take out [-] yuan of proceeds to give tourists a lottery.

Seeing that the competition he held was so lively, Liu Xiao was really happy.

The lottery draw on TV started, and the popularity of the live broadcast room has once again increased to a higher level.

"I don't know when Han Ye is going to compete with Poison tomorrow, I can't wait!"

"I want to see Han Ye's face tomorrow!"

"No matter what, the poison must blow up Han Ye tomorrow, otherwise Brother Xiao Xiao will pay 1000 million for that Shabi!"

"That's impossible. Poison is a veteran top laner. Han Ye has never played League of Legends at all. How could he be Han Ye's opponent?"

As soon as Liu Xiao arrived, the live broadcast room became more and more popular about last night, and all the tourists were also looking forward to tomorrow's game.

"The winners and losers of the previous group have already been decided, and Wave D successfully advanced to the top 75."

"And the next game is Xiao Yi, the dark horse from the previous game, against Old Gou Wang Ba Ge!"

Tiao Nan clicked on the randomly arranged match order and announced it in the live broadcast room.

"Xiao Yi's performance a few days ago, I believe everyone can see it. On the third day, he won 9 and lost 1, and entered the final with a high score of 300. Yesterday, in the 150-to-[-] competition, he easily defeated Li Qingqiang has been famous for a long time!"

"However, Li Qingqiang is a jungler after all, and it's normal to be weak in lane, but today he's going to fight against Bage, the top laner dog king."

Scratch Nan said with a smile in the live broadcast room.

He is also familiar with Ba Ge, and Ba Ge is a first-line anchor, and most of the players present have heard of it.

Although he called Ba Ge Gou Wang in his mouth, but Ba Ge's real strength was quite strong.

At least since the game so far, no one has ever been able to single-handedly kill Brother Ba in one round!

(End of this chapter)

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