Chapter 163 Xiao Yi vs. Ba Ge
With a solo dark horse and a strong top laner, this game almost became the most interesting solo game tonight.

Xiao Yi clicked into the game room.

Because of the continuous success of the operation in the past few days, Xiaoyi's live broadcast room has already had more than 1000 viewers.

And this is the reason why the official live broadcast room took away most of the popularity.

I believe that after the game is over, it will not be too difficult for his popularity in the live broadcast room to increase to 5000.

Of course, if this competition can continue, his popularity will be even higher.

Xiao Yi's hand holding the mouse couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Although he has practiced in the Korean server for a long time these days, Xiao Yi still attaches great importance to encountering a top opponent in the national server like Brother Ba.

"Brothers, this round is actually not bad. Although Ba Ge is powerful, he is the top laner after all. In such a short line in the middle, the advantage of meat tanks is still not as good as that of mages."

Xiao Yi entered the ban selection interface and spoke in the live broadcast room.

The official teamed up with the League of Legends game team this time, and the solo room opened is the same as the normal ranking game, but there are only two summoners.

The setting of game victory has also been changed. As long as you get the first blood, or a tower and make up to 100 knives, the enemy crystal will automatically explode.

It was supposed to be in the finals on the Smash Bros. map, but Huya still locked the map to Summoner's Canyon.

Xiao Yi chose to ban Brother Ba's bear, tree and stone man.

These three heroes are the three best played by Ba Ge.

Moreover, these three heroes all have group damage skills. With Ba Ge's level of replenishment, even if he is under the tower, he will not miss a few more repairs.

On Ba Ge's side, he chose to ban the three heroes Clockwork Demon, Ryze and Syndra.

The game officially enters the selection interface.

"As you can see, Xiao Yi has done a lot of homework. The three heroes of Brother Ba were banned, and their strength dropped by at least [-]%."

"As for those friends who say to take Galen, let's forget it. This hero is definitely not popular in high-end games."

Scratch Nan said with a smile in the live broadcast room.

While speaking, Brother Ba had locked on his hero.

Hand of Noxus, Nork!

Noxus Guillotine!
Known as the Hand of Primary School Students, the Hand of Promise!

"Wow, is Brother Ba serious? Nock is chosen for this kind of game!"

"Brother Ba is too ruthless. This hero is basically hit by a hammer when he hits the middle lane. As soon as he sprinted, he ran under the tower. How do you chase him?"

"That's right, this hero has an advantage in chasing talents on the long road!"

The audience in the live broadcast room talked a lot.

It is indeed difficult for this hero to play in the middle.

Short hands, no movement, very easy to be shown.

Liu Xiao also couldn't understand Brother Ba's thoughts.

Even if the big tree bear and the stone man are banned, there are still powerful meat tanks like Ornn and Sion to choose from, so why choose a primary school student?
On the selection interface, Xiao Yi couldn't see the hero selected by Brother Ba.

Three traditional mid lane mages were banned, and Xiao Yi directly chose a little murloc.

Mage Assassin, he also played very well.

"Hey, the little murloc is playing Nock!"

"I'm afraid Noke will be shown to be stupid! (laughing and crying)"

For the little murloc hero, the q skill and the e skill are both displacement, and the damage is extremely high.

Although he is a melee assassin mage, at the same level, playing a promise in the middle lane is the same as playing a game.

Maybe in the later stage Nuoshou can fight against the little murlocs after making magic resistance, but this is a solo match, and he definitely won't be able to last until that time.

Entering the loading interface, Xiao Yi was secretly delighted when he saw the hero selected by Brother Ba.

The promise player is very simple, hide from the outer circle q, and avoid the five-level passive.

With the same operation, the little murloc will definitely beat Nock!

On the other side, Brother Ba laughed.

"The match has officially started. The two heroes are fighting in close combat, so we can only show off our expressions here."

Scratching the man looked at the two who kept pressing ctrl+F4, and couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, Brother Ba's heart is probably cold, and the skill also has Flash Ignite, and the little murloc ran away with just one e skill."

"Looking forward to Ba Ge being abused!"

"Brother Ba is invincible! (5 cents for this article)"

Xiao Yi didn't feel any pressure either, he manipulated the little murloc and learned an e.

Going online, he slapped Xiaobing with his hand, and even splashed into Brother Ba's promise hand.

Relying on the deceleration skills, Xiao Yi easily walked out of Brother Ba's attack range, and slowly followed the little soldiers behind.

Use an e skill first, and the pawn line will definitely push to Brother Ba.

This also means that he will advance to level 2 first.

"Brother Ba, you can't do this either!"

In the live broadcast room, a kind of audience watched Ba Ge put a q skill on the spot after being slowed down, and they all burst into laughter.

"Hey, what do you guys know? Let me tell you the truth, as long as I wait until level 6 and save another 950 yuan, this little murloc will die!"

Brother Ba calmly manipulated Noke to make up the knife.

He has a long sword + 3 red go out, 3 bottles of red medicine, but 450 health points, plus his own recovery, is enough to replace the blood on his body with a new one.

In other words, if Xiao Yi wants to kill him, he must kill two blood tubes before he returns home at level 6!

The little murloc's damage is very high in the early stage, but it has a fatal flaw, that is, it is an AP hero.

Playing two or three sets of skills online is basically empty mana.

And it is impossible to kill Nok, who has two blood tubes, without equipment before level 6!
With this in mind, Ba Ge basically stayed next to the defense tower.

But with his skills in making up swords, even if Xiao Yi was crushed to death, most of the pawns that should be made up were still made up.

Xiao Yi also felt the difficulty of Brother Ba.

Go up and take a shot with the e skill, then poke twice with the w skill, and then come back with the q soldier.

He has used this smooth consumption skill three times, and the blue has been completely emptied, but Brother Ba still has two hundred and seventy-eight blood lines.

Now it is level five, and the little murloc without blue is just a cannon trooper.

Even if there is ignition on his body, it is impossible to kill Brother Ba.

Xiao Yi had no choice but to push a wave of soldiers to go home early.

"Our chance has come!"

Brother Ba's eyes lit up, and he hurried out of the tower to collect a wave of soldiers.

"The money on him is exactly 950, everyone please pay attention, this wave can already declare the death penalty for this little murloc."

Brother Ba clicked Back to City, and said with a smile.

"Blow it and you'll be beaten seven or eight knives, and a cannon cart was missed halfway, how do you think you won!"

"Even if they don't kill you now, as long as they make up 100 knives, they can win!"

"Yeah, it's useless if you go down like a dog."

In Brother Ba's live broadcast room, the audience also looked a little anxiously.

It's been 6 minutes, the two sides are at level 56, Xiao Yi has 49 make-ups, and Ba Ge only has [-].

And once Xiao Yi goes home, the equipment will definitely be better than that of Brother Ba, and Brother Ba will be completely unable to bear Xiao Yi's consumption.

They really couldn't figure out why Brother Ba was so confident.

Brother Ba returned to the spring, and mysteriously clicked on the equipment bar.

"Look, everyone, this piece of equipment is perfect for my solo!"

(End of this chapter)

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