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Chapter 164 This is a trick that you can't learn if you are single

Chapter 164 This trick can't be learned by being single in ten years
"Hey, little greed?"

"Brother Ba, if you buy Tiamat, the little murlocs might stab you to death with two combos!"

"I have all the scripts in mind. The little murloc comes through with a qr skill, Ba Ge flashes to pick up the skill, and then the little murloc shoots over with e skill and picks up a w to ignite, Ba Ge dies!"

"Hahaha, I thought so too upstairs."

"It's not good for you to buy an anti-wear cloak and a few bottles of medicine at 950. You're basically looking for death when you go online like this!"

In the live broadcast room, the audience was in an uproar, but Brother Ba resolutely clicked to buy.

Seeing that Xiao Yi is a strong player who plays traditional ap mages, Brother Ba decided to use his crispy killer trick.

"From today onwards, you all have to call me Brother Unique Skill!"

Ba Ge smiled triumphantly, clicked on the hero and walked towards the line.

In the official live broadcast room, Tiaonan was OBing the little murloc's equipment.

"The little murloc has more than 1000 yuan on him, and he just bought a Yaoguang. In addition to the Dolan ring that he used to wear when he went out, there is no shortage of blue."

"Everyone knows that the little murloc is a hero. There are two heroes, the one with the light and the one without the light. Now that the little murloc is level 6, as long as he consumes one set first, he will definitely be able to defeat Brother Ba's promise in seconds!"

Sou Nan doesn't like Brother Ba very much either.

It's not a question of strength, but that heroes are too suppressed.

As long as Xiao Yi doesn't resist the defensive tower twice in a row, Brother Ba has no chance of winning.

But for Xiaoyi, a strong player in the king rank, the probability of making such a low-level mistake is basically 0.

"Brother Ba has also come out from home, let's see what magic resistance Brother Ba bought."

Scratching Nan just wanted to talk about magic resistance equipment, but when he saw Tiamat that had just been synthesized on Brother Ba's equipment bar, he suddenly became a little confused.

But in the next second, Tiao Nan reacted.

"Hahaha, Brother Ba's equipment is quite thoughtful."

"I take back what I just said, if Xiao Yi has never seen this routine in this round, the chance of Brother Ba winning is at least 80.00%!"

Scratching the male deliberately put on a trick, making the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room itchy and unbearable.

Liu Xiao understood somewhat. Kaka happened to play this routine once during the live broadcast before, but he didn't play it well.

However, Liu Xiao still understood the specific idea.

"Brother Ba still has an idea."

Liu Xiao also spoke on the public screen.

Xiao Yi controls the little murloc to go online.

Seeing that Brother Ba had bought a Tiamat, there were a series of question marks in his heart.

"Brother Ba is a little too contemptuous of buying this equipment. Could it be used to clear soldiers?"

The passive of Tiamat's equipment means that every normal attack can cause splash damage in the surrounding area.

There is also an active effect that will slap the floor, refreshing the basic attack while doing damage to surrounding units.

It's normal for Nuoshou to buy this equipment. In the later stage, he will synthesize a giant Hydra, which is both fleshy and output.

In the early stage, a q skill scrapes the minions, and with the active effect of Tiamat, it is still possible to clear the soldiers.

This is a bit too contemptuous of his little murloc.

He is the Yaoguang Jiadolan ring now, as long as he is given one set of consumable skills, the second set can directly kill this Nuo Shou who has no magic resistance!
Xiao Yi, who originally wanted to replenish troops to win, suddenly became murderous, and his position became aggressive.

"It's over. It seems that Xiao Yi has never seen this routine before. As long as Brother Ba doesn't make mistakes in this round, Xiao Yi will die!"

On the public screen, some fans who knew this routine even kept calling 666.

There are not many people who play bells and whistles in solo matches!
On the line, Xiaoyi's little murloc advanced with a q skill, w poked Ba Ge's promised hand, and immediately knocked out Ba Ge's blood volume of more than 200.

Xiaoyi double-jumped with an e skill, directly jumping out of the attack range of the defense tower.

"Brothers, watch it, it's now!"

Brother Ba laughed loudly, roared, and followed up with a Q flash!
Xiao Yi obviously didn't expect that Ba Ge would show up so abruptly and follow him.

The two had just met, and Brother Ba's outer ring q was already hanging on him.

"A layer of blood rage!"

Ba Ge yelled.

The little murloc was by his side, he took a step forward, directly hit a normal attack, and then hooked the little murloc to his face with an e skill to receive a normal attack, then w continued to refresh the normal attack, and then Then Tiamat refreshes the basic attack.

Five layers of passives in succession, almost finished in 0.5 seconds!

The little murloc's blood line dropped from full to a little over one-third in an instant.

Afterwards, Noxus jumped high and slammed down the guillotine with a big move, followed by an ignite.

Just as Xiao Yi broke free from the control of Nuoshou's e skill, he just flashed out, and was directly hacked to death by Nuoshou's ultra-long-range big move!
The blue square crystal exploded, and a big victory icon appeared on Ba Ge's computer.

"Hahahaha, bull beep everyone!"

"I bully someone, I never fight unprepared battles!"

Brother Ba was beeping wildly in the live broadcast room.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were also stunned, and buckled 66 consecutively on the public screen.

They never thought that the hero Hand of Noxus could play like this when he was solo.

When he was full of blood, there was a sudden Q flash and basic attack, and no one could react at all.

Then during the time when the e skill is used to pull over, the opponent is pulled into the air and cannot use any displacement skills.

The e skill refreshes a normal attack, w refreshes a normal attack, and Tiamat refreshes a normal attack again.

In addition to the previous two layers of q flash and basic attack, there are exactly five layers of bleeding passive!

And these five passive refreshes, as long as you play proficiently, you can finish them all in a few tenths of a second!
For a person with Ba Ge's strength, there is no difficulty at all.

And until the moment when the big move is slashed, the opposite hero may not even disappear from the control effect of being hooked by the e skill.

Especially when facing crispy heroes like mages and assassins, they are 100% sure to kill!
"Hahaha, you don't need to learn it deliberately. This kind of build idea is too risky. Once the opponent is on guard, if you can't lose the opponent at level 6, this hero will be completely useless."

"Also, if you encounter meat or two people, this trick will not work well."

Brother Ba explained a wave in the live broadcast room.

Tiao Nan also explained the operation of Brother Ba just now in the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room with more than 400 million people, hundreds of thousands of 666 bullet screens are constantly swiping the screen.

Why didn't they expect that Nuoshou could still play like this?
A hero who is bound to lose in solo in the middle lane, was actually revived by Ba Ge like this!
And, in such an amazing way!

"I admit that Xiaobazi's strength is different from before."

Liu Xiao smiled and spoke on the public screen.

Among other things, it is just that it is only 0.5 seconds to play a complete set of combos. If you have not been single for ten or eight years, you really can't do it!
(End of this chapter)

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