Chapter 165 Got Tickets to the Finals
In the live broadcast room, watching the controlled hero be killed in an instant, Xiao Yi was also confused.

At the moment he was killed, his head was still in a daze.

Originally, he thought he had the chance to win, but he didn't expect that such a shocking reversal would come in just a few seconds.

Open the game record, and look at the damage caused by Brother Ba.

Within 1 second, including the instant damage caused by igniting, a full 879 points of damage were dealt.

And his level 6 little murloc's HP is only 690 points.

In other words, Brother Ba's combo can kill him without even lighting it up!
"I am convinced."

Xiao Yi couldn't laugh or cry.

Fortunately, the match was best of three rounds, otherwise today I would have been cheated to death by Brother Ba in this round.

"Brothers, there are still two solo opportunities, I have to be steady."

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

The last round was indeed careless, but there are still two rounds left, and he must win them all.

Soon, the second game officially started.

Xiaoyi still banned the three heroes from the previous game.

As for Brother Ba, he banned Clockwork Demon, Little Murloc, and Ryze.

"I'm using the ball girl this round, Syndra."

Xiao Yi chuckled.

If Brother Ba releases him as a hero, then he will not be polite.

Brother Ba chose Sion, who has a shield, flesh and group injuries, and he is still a good line hero.

But this time, Brother Ba was not so happy.

The hero Syndra is different from other mid laners.

Her q skill is to explode in a small range and condense into a ball. The damage is not low, the mana consumption is not high, and the cooling time is very short.

From the beginning of the game, Xiao Yi began to control the blue crazily.

The q skills one after another kept exploding under Ba Ge's feet.

Even if he has been using the shield of the w skill, he can't bear it.

Relying on his frankness and teleportation skills to replenish blood and reach level 6, although life is a bit easier, the gap in replenishing troops is not small.

But in this round, Xiao Yi didn't give Brother Ba any chance.

In addition to the necessary harassment, it is constant replenishment!
At 11 and a half minutes, Xiao Yi rushed to Bage's big move and used the q skill to make up the last long-range minion.

Brother Ba's crystal exploded instantly.

100:87 minions, Xiaoyi won with 13 minions.

"In this round, you can see that Xiao Yi's game foundation is very good. In the 11 minutes of the game, in the case of constantly harassing Brother Ba, he only missed six or seven small soldiers, which is already very good."

You know, the hero Sion's e skill is very disgusting, and can push the opponent's minions far away.

It's easy for the opponent to underestimate the damage of the minion and fail to make up for the tail knife.

To be able to reach this level under the harassment of Thain, the basic ability is already considered professional level.

"In the second round, we congratulate Xiao Yi for winning."

"In the third round, if Brother Ba doesn't come up with any amazing heroes, I'm afraid he will still lose to Xiao Yi."

"Xiao Yi's mid lane mage is too stable, I don't see Ba ​​Ge having any chance of defeating Xiao Yi."

The scratch man sighed again and again.

After all, Brother Ba is a top laner anchor. Against Xiao Yi, a traditional mid laner, it is not easy to win a game by surprise.

If there is no good routine in the third game, I am afraid it will have the same ending as the second game.

"Tiao Nan, if you were to face Xiao Yi, are you sure you can beat him?"

"Old Scratch, I want to see you and Xiao Yi face off!"

"Old Scratch's strength is good, but Xiao Yi is also quite strong, I guess it's [-]-[-]!"

In the live broadcast room, millions of viewers were discussing.

They have already seen Xiao Yi's strength. In the traditional mid laner position, Xiao Yi's stability is simply a must!
Every little soldier, every move, hardly gives the opponent any chance.

"I play a lot of mid-laner assassins. Against a traditional mage like Xiao Yi who is particularly stable, if I play ranked, I will choose to roam other side lanes to open up opportunities."

"When he grows up, he will fight with the jungler by jumping the tower. If he can't be killed by force, he will choose to report to the regiment and force him to join the battle."

"But if it's a solo match, against Xiao Yi, I guess the outcome is 4/6, I'm 4 and Xiao Yi is 6."

"After all, in the early stage, the assassin's damage is generally unable to rush to the tower. When everyone's strength is similar, it is convenient for the traditional mage with long hands to replenish troops."

Scratch Man chuckled.

Xiaoyi, on the other hand, aroused Touan's competitive heart.

Tiao Nan is also a mid laner, and he is also a little bit happy to see him.

"In the future, if I have a chance, I will solo with Xiao Yi in my live broadcast room. Friends who are interested can come and see it then."

"Okay, let's enter the third game!"

"As you can see, Brother Ba has already banned Xiao Yi's three heroes, Syndra, Clockwork Demon, and Little Murloc."

"As for Xiao Yi, he is still the third one to be banned. This is to lock all of Ba Ge's best heroes!"

Brother Ba was also helpless for a while.

The heroes of his big bastard are locked, and he can only play these less proficient heroes.

But after all, it is not as smooth as the bear and the stone man.

And there is only one routine that he can do well in the king-level solo.

He doesn't know how to play other half-meat top laners such as Jian Ji and Ruiwen.

After thinking about it, I still chose a hero goat Aoun who can play equipment online.

Entering the game, Brother Ba was even more speechless.

Xiao Yi directly chose a small mage mid laner.

There is a wide range of e skills that stun him, and he can't touch the opponent at all.

Under Xiao Yi's crazy oppression, Ba Ge made up for 10 minutes of pawns. Finally, in the 11th minute, Xiao Yi's side reached 100 pawns first, and the crystal on his side exploded.

"Congratulations to Xiaoyi for advancing to the top 75."

Brother Ba replied sourly, showing a humble smile.

He didn't expect that he, a player who originally planned to enter the quarterfinals, would be cut down by Xiao Yi, a dark horse.

"Brother Ba doesn't cry, your strength is not bad, it's mainly about being a hero."

"We will come again next time, but this time there will be no rematch, what a pity!"

Losing $100 is no shame.

"Congratulations to Xiaoyi for winning this solo match, and congratulations to Xiaoyi for advancing to the top 75 and getting a ticket for tomorrow's final!"

"Please look forward to Xiaoyi's match tomorrow, and see if Xiaoyi, a dark horse, can pull another big anchor off the horse again!"

Scratching the male briefly summed up the wave, and continued to start the next group of solo live broadcast.

In the live broadcast room, Xiao Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

In this competition organized by brother Xiao Xiao, Xiao Yi's ultimate goal is to enter the top 8 and get a bonus.

But I didn't expect to meet Ba Ge, a powerful anchor, today, so that he had to use the business routine to deal with Ba Ge.

Although it is not honorable to win the game by relying on CS, he has won anyway.

And tomorrow's final tickets have already been obtained, and the chance to get the top eight is already close at hand!
(End of this chapter)

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