Chapter 166 The Game Begins

Liu Xiao watched the live broadcast for more than an hour, and stopped paying attention.

Today's game is still in the category of knockout rounds, and tomorrow night will be the real final.

Liu Xiao went to B Wen's live broadcast room for a while and then went offline.

Coincidentally, Qu Yue called.

"Mr. Liu, we have already negotiated with the dealer here. First, a batch of 5000 short sleeves has been put into storage, and our employees are packing them here."

[Liu Liu's Clothing Supermarket] has officially launched on Taobao.

There are 5000 types of 10 short sleeves, all of which have been added to the store product list.

Liu Xiao signed another 10 yuan today, and directly transferred 20 yuan to the company account, allowing Qu Yue to use it for the promotion of these two days.

After connecting for more than an hour, Liu Xiao finally understood what happened in the Taobao store in the past two days.

"Well, starting tomorrow, contact the Taobao channel first, and it's best to go directly to the home page for recommendations and hot sales recommendations."

"Then find some brushes, and start with a monthly sales of around 3."

Liu Xiao thought for a while and said.

To be the boss of a Taobao store, there is no one who does not pay orders.

This is already a default industrial chain in the industry.

Moreover, this is also a way to quickly increase the reputation of the store, and it will not harm other people. Liu Xiao is also happy to take advantage of the loopholes.

After all, these days, it is still delicious to eat soft rice after drilling a hole and putting in some "energy".

The cost of making 1 orders is not high, and 3 yuan per order is only [-] yuan.

Plus the promotion fee of 17 yuan is enough to maintain the promotion activities for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

"Okay, I will contact you in a moment and try to finish it before noon tomorrow."

Qu Yue nodded.

"The courier side has almost negotiated. One piece costs 5 yuan, and our clothing price is 99 for three pieces, which is not expensive."

Excluding express delivery and the cost of 20 per piece of clothing, on average, the profit of a piece of clothing is at least 10 yuan.

If 5000 pieces come down, it will be 5 yuan.

A capital of 10 yuan and a gross profit of 5 yuan are considered a great return on investment.

Of course, all of this must be based on the premise that sales channels have been built.

Without the daily advertising investment of [-] yuan here, it would be a dream to do it.

Moreover, the profit of this kind of short sleeve is not high, and what is currently being built is the channel.

When the store is launched in the later stage, those single products with a profit of more than 100 will be listed.

Liu Xiao's ultimate goal is to become the number one super store on Taobao, with daily sales of at least 50 or more!
However, in the past few days, it is not bad to be able to earn out the 10 yuan invested every day.

"The money invested cannot be counted as experience points, otherwise the upgrade speed will be faster."

Liu Xiao sighed.

Investing in fixed assets and corporate assets, the money cannot be used as an upgrade experience.

The system will judge success only if the money is used for daily consumption and squandering.

But for Liu Xiao, the impact of this is not too great.

With the double card, as long as you can earn 50 a day, that is a net profit of 100 million.

Even if the tax is deducted, there is still an income of 80 million.

To achieve this goal, Liu Xiao needs to continuously invest money into it.

However, this time is not expected to be too long, at most a month, which is about the same.

There is a double card, making money is just a matter of how much.

Early the next morning, Liu Xiao first communicated with Qu Yue, and then went to the gym.

From the last time to today, Liu Xiao has been deserted for several days.

When the exclusive beauty coach received a call from Liu Xiao, she rushed over without stopping.

"Brother Xiao, I'm done with business matters."

The beautiful coach first took Liu Xiao to warm up.

"It's okay, I still have time to exercise these two days."

Liu Xiao smiled.

Although he didn't exercise in the past few days, Liu Xiao ran a lot of places every day, and the muscles that were already tense became more firm because of this coordinated movement.

The beautiful coach squeezed and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Brother Xiao, in the past few days, apart from the necessary stretching of the tendons and ligaments, all you have to do is swim to beautify your lines."

"If your muscles are sore, just tell me, and I will give you a massage right away."

The beauty coach gave Liu Xiao another assessment.

The body fat rate is lower, and the abdominal muscles have begun to show.


Liu Xiao nodded.

The effect of the exercise is really good, especially the one-on-one personal teaching of the beautiful coach, which benefited Liu Xiao a lot.

After working on it all day, she vented her exuberant energy around the beautiful coach, and when she got home in the afternoon, Liu Xiao didn't want to move at all.

"You're working too hard."

Zhao Ning bought a lot of vegetables and was busy preparing hot pot in the kitchen. When she saw Liu Xiao lying dead on the sofa, she couldn't help laughing.

"I can't help it. The beauty coach is too ruthless. I feel like I've been squeezed dry."

After touching a pack of milk, he gulped it down.

"Speaking is not serious at all."

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao a white look, and her face turned slightly red.

Liu Xiao, who had just finished exercising, was indeed in good shape. Zhao Ning glanced at it, but couldn't look away.

"By the way, Xiao Ning, I watched your live broadcast yesterday. It seems that you have already started to sing "Life, Life, Life, Love" from Chinese Paladin [-], right?"

"Well, I actually wanted to add a little rap to it, just like Preference, but I never felt it."

"However, it should be available soon, and the cover version will be available in mid-July at the latest."

When it comes to music, Zhao Ning gets excited all at once.

But in the past few days, Zhao Ning and Brother Li's cooperation has also gone wrong.

Brother Li's mind doesn't seem to be on Brother Xiao Xiao's side, but he often communicates with the second and third-tier anchors on Daheng's side.

Hearing Zhao Ning talk about Brother Li, Liu Xiao also frowned slightly.

"I hope to hear your fairy sword collection soon."

Ignoring Brother Li's affairs for the time being, Liu Xiao got up and sat at the dining table, watching Zhao Ning put plates of hot pot dishes on the table.

He stole a piece of ham and threw it into his mouth, chewing it happily.

"I have enough money recently. I only live broadcast for four hours a day. I'm not too busy. I can make songs at other times."

"I'll go to the recording studio in two days and record a demo first."

"When the time comes, let me listen to it first!"

Liu Xiao chuckled.

After eating, there is a dishwasher at home, and the dishes can be thrown directly in.

Zhao Ning was going to broadcast live at night, so Liu Xiao didn't keep Zhao Ning to play.

I went to the bathroom to take a good shower and put on dry clothes. It was already 8 o'clock in the evening.

Liu Xiao turned on the TV and projected Huya's live broadcast on the LCD screen.

Today is the last day of the competition, and the final of the solo competition will start soon.

And before the finals, there was the solo match between Poison Agent and Han Ye, the highlight!
(End of this chapter)

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