Chapter 169 Crushed easily!

When Han Ye saw the gray screen, cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

First blood is 400 yuan!
Giving a sword girl such a big advantage in the early stage, he no longer needs to be right in this lineup.

After going online, Han Ye obediently stayed under the tower.

And the poison doesn't matter so much, brush to level 5 and go home, directly buy a Tiamat.

The goal of this round is to push away the opponent's crystal.

Facing Han Ye's stupid style of play, it is impossible to jump over the tower to kill and expand the advantage in the early stage.

Poison simply pushed the line and left, and then used Tiamat to swipe wildly in the wild.

After all, it is unlimited solo, you can go anywhere on the entire map.

Although Han Ye was eager, he could only hide under the tower helplessly.

With his current equipment and level, as long as he dares to go to the wild area to find poison, he will definitely die!
Once a wave of death, he really exploded.

"As you can see, the poison agent is still expanding its advantages. It is currently two levels ahead of Han Ye and is the first to reach level 11."

"At present, Poison has cloth armor shoes, the power of three phases, and three pieces of Tiamat equipment!"

The poison came out of the spring and walked directly towards the middle.

Han Ye's sword girl huddled under the tower. She had just scraped together a small anti-armor, cloth armor shoes and a small wooden hammer, which were more than a star and a half behind the poisonous equipment.

"Hey, the poison didn't go to the wild area this time, what is it for, is it going to get stronger by jumping over the tower?"

The poison blocked a wave of soldiers and sent a large or small wave of soldiers into the tower.

"I feel that the poison is a little impatient. Han Ye is wearing defensive equipment. It is not a wise choice to jump the tower at this time."

miss is a little nervous.

The poison had been very stable just now, but after returning home, it immediately became more aggressive.

You know, to cross the tower with a sword girl full of blood and skills, it is not possible to be ahead of a big one!

Han Ye also knew this. After using his ult, as long as he hits a flaw, it will have an acceleration effect.

As long as the w skill is used well, it is enough to stun the poison under the tower!

Han Ye controlled Jian Ji to replenish troops slowly, waiting for the poison to attack first.

In front of the computer, Poison sat forward to ensure his full concentration.

If it continues to develop, wait for Jian Ji to get fleshy, and then farm and replenish equipment, and the two will be 1v1 in the later stage, then it is really hard to tell the outcome.

The hero Daomei is perverted, but the hero Jianji is not weak at all!
Once the half-flesh sword girl is formed, the poison agent is really not sure that it can win.

Therefore, he can only choose to take the risk of jumping the tower at this time!
As long as they can rely on the equipment advantage to kill another wave, this game can be won steadily.

At level 11, the q skill can easily kill long-range soldiers.

Poison q started, piercing through the ranged soldier closest to Han Ye, and directly facing Jian Ji ordinary.

Passive plus Conqueror, two real wounded hits, even if Han Ye has a small anti-armor, he can't stand it.

Controlling Jian Ji to turn an aq 90 degrees, knocking out a flaw in the poisonous agent.

Then, the big move was directly hung on the poison, and the basic attack was pulled aside by accelerating.

Poison put an e skill under his feet, and then pulled it out in seconds.

Han Ye's pupils shrank, and his w skill was quickly released towards the poison.


Uzi exclaimed and applauded again and again.

"For this wave of Poison, I intentionally used my e skill to trick Sword Fairy's w into blocking. As long as this w is tricked, Poison will be invincible!"

Han Ye saw that his skills were being cheated, and without hesitation, he flashed towards the second tower.

Poison did not hesitate, flashed to keep up, and locked Han Ye with a big move.

By being passive with a q, it was worn on Han Ye's body.

"One knife!"

"Two knives!"

"Three knives!"

Under the passive blessing of the three items, Han Ye didn't resist a few times at all!

A trace of poison came out of the tower, leaving only the body of Han Ye Jianji lying in front of her second tower.


Liu Xiao gave a compliment.

The poison used this time to push down Han Ye's tower.

Then I went to the wild area to brush the wild monsters again before going home.

After coming out, the giant Hydra has also been made.

"As you can see, the outcome of this game is needless to say."

"With the current equipment of Poison, the resistance to seven or eight defensive towers is the same as scratching an itch. With the addition of three items and the attack bonus of Hydra, unless Han Ye stays in the spring, he will not be able to escape the fate of being forcibly killed by jumping over the tower." !"

As expected, in the 30th minute of the match, Poison pushed all the way and directly pushed away Han Ye's big crystal.

0 dead, 340 knives!

At the moment when the competition was frozen, there were 6 magical costumes on Poison's body, and the grids were all sold out.

And Han Ye's body is only worthy of the Three Gods costume.

Which one is strong and which one is weak can be seen at a glance!
"Poison Bull Beep!"

"The poison is too good. It is worthy of being the king of the national uniform. Compared with some strong-mouthed kings, I don't know how much stronger it is!"

"Han Ye is mentally handicapped, now you know that League of Legends is not so easy to rant, right?"

"The arrogant one, isn't it the king of s1 skate shoes?"

"A waste, lose the face of the glory of the king!"

"We don't have this garbage anchor in Glory of Kings!"

In the live broadcast room, many Glory of Kings players who came to OB were also angry.

A few days ago in the live broadcast room, he kept talking about how rubbish the League of Legends is. He has been the king for several seasons.

They don't play League of Legends, but the two games are basically interoperable, and they can still understand the rules of the game.

Han Ye, who had boasted about bull beeping, lost so badly now, which directly angered all of them.

Many of them were fans who supported Han Ye and made a lot of money that day.

"Garbage Han Ye, who can't even beat a first- and second-tier League of Legends anchor, dare to say that the League of Legends is garbage?"

"As far as I know, the level of poison is not comparable to that of many professional players, right?"

"Let's not talk about professional players, even if it's an anchor like Tiaonan, the poison may not be able to beat it."

"Look at Uzi's live broadcast room. It's the world's number one ADC, and there's a talented live broadcast room. It's also the number one top laner. I thought Han Ye was so awesome, so he went to provoke him!"

"This idiot, I used to be a fan of him, Gou Ri is just a bragging idiot!"

"You can't say that, Han Ye is playing King of Glory, not League of Legends."

"Upstairs, you should wake up. What Han Ye said at the time was that the League of Legends is rubbish. You can't talk about the glory of the king when you are solo, right?"

Some fans who originally wore Han Ye's brand also removed Han Ye's fan brand immediately.

no way.

If you are a fan of such an idiot bragging anchor, you will be ridiculed to death in other live broadcast rooms?

Liu Xiao looked at the big word "Victory" on the public screen, and smiled.

He was not surprised by this result.

He has watched the live broadcast of Poison Agent many times. No matter what, it is at the peak level of the national server. It is simply too easy to beat a non-professional Han Ye.

Although looking at Han Ye's positioning and operation, he must have studied poisonous agents before.

But the strength is there, even if you choose a hero with a bit of restraint, you can't play the hero's attributes.

Being hanged and beaten, that's all expected!
Han Ye's face was pale, and he sat in front of the computer in a daze.

He thought that he would lose, but he never thought that he would be defeated in such a devastating way!
If Poison is playing a long-range hero, I am afraid that the defense tower will fall faster, and he will lose faster.

He could already imagine what kind of madness he would face after the broadcast started.

At this time, a private message popped up from Huya's backstage, and Han Ye clicked on the content of the private message dully.

(End of this chapter)

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