Chapter 170 The final is coming (the competition in the game area will be updated tomorrow)
Han Ye silently opened the private message.

Seeing that it was an official statement, a bad feeling suddenly appeared in Han Ye's mind.

"Hi Han Ye, anchor, Huya officially confirmed that it is true that you instigated fans to abuse in the live broadcast room. According to the platform regulations, your live broadcast room will be banned for 6 months. If you have any questions, please contact the exclusive signing manager."

The second clause is the breach of contract signed with Huya.

During the six-month ban period, he will definitely not be able to broadcast live, and the liquidated damages are 80.

Triple strike!

"Huya's operation is too ruthless."

Han Ye smiled wryly.

He can barely afford the liquidated damages.

After all, he is the coach of the team, so he still has some wealth in his family.

But the only good news is that this notice was not issued by the network supervisor.

In other words, he has not yet become a tainted artist, and he will still have the opportunity to live broadcast in the future. This is because Huya is showing mercy to him.

But for him, this is still an unbearable blow.

Being banned just after losing the game, it would be unreasonable to call it a coincidence.

This is clearly the official intention of Huya!

However, his fan base is gone now, and it is completely impossible to play a big rhythm to bring back his reputation.

Seeing that the public screens of the fans on the League of Legends side were full of insults against him, Han Ye was completely desperate.

Even if it resumes in 6 months, I'm afraid he will become a thing of the past. The head anchor of Huya King Glory has nothing to do with him!

At this time, the atmosphere in the official live broadcast room was enthusiastic.

The match between Han Ye and the poison completely brought the event's popularity to its peak.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, 90.00% of the popularity in the entire League of Legends area was concentrated in the official live broadcast room.

At the top, five small video windows lined up in a row, and Kaka and other five members of the organizing committee appeared in the live broadcast room together in the form of commentary.

"Next, our summit finals will officially begin."

"As you can see, among the current top 10, almost all the match point players in this competition are there."

"That's right, especially the dark horse Xiaoyi, as a new streamer who uses traditional mid-lane mages, he has almost steadily entered the top ten."

"Gushou Yu is also lucky, relying on the armor-piercing prince, he was lucky enough to sneak into the top ten competition."

Kaka and others analyzed a wave of ten people.

Among the first-line anchors, only Sister Zha and Gu Teyu made it to the top ten.

Second-line anchors, Snake Brother, Coke, Fourteen, Ximen, Bunting, Poison and other veteran anchors have also entered steadily.

Xiao Yi is the only anchor below the third line.

Xiao Yi is still very excited about this meeting.

Survive the top 75, survive the top 36, and survive the top 18.

And now, it has entered the top ten!

Not to mention Brother Xiao Xiao's bonus rewards, just the popularity he has gained in the past few days, and the official recommendation rewards after the competition, at least it can make him a third-tier anchor!
Now, he only needs to win one more round to steadily advance to the top eight and get a super reward from Brother Xiao Xiao!
In the live broadcast room, Xiao Yi's eyeballs rolled around.

There are nearly [-] viewers in the live broadcast room, watching Xiao Yi's operation.

With such free time, Xiao Yi didn't dare to be negligent, and started a self-made round to practice replenishing soldiers.

"Brothers, Brother Poison's strength in the match just now is really terrifying. This round is randomly matched, so don't match him."

"If you lose, you will have to play a rematch."

"Hahaha, there shouldn't be a problem with Xiaoyi's mid lane mage being so stable. Poison is a top laner after all."

"Yes, let's talk about this kind of normal solo game, you just ban his hero and it's over."

Fans in the live broadcast room have high expectations for Xiao Yi.

Especially the tourists who watched Xiao Yi walk all the way before, eagerly hoped that Xiao Yi would win.

In the past few days, Xiao Yi's luck has been good, and the most formidable opponent he has met is the Ba Ge he met before.

"Just don't meet Bunting and Snake. My winning rate is less than 50.00% when I meet Bunting and Snake."

Xiao Yi sighed.

Among the top ten, only Brother Snake, Caiqi and him are considered serious mid laners.

If they met in the first round, at least one of them would be eliminated.

Official live broadcast room.

"Okay, let's enter random matching next!"

From 9 am to 1 am, a total of four hours.

According to the calculation of 20 minutes per group, a total of 12 groups of games can be played.

10 people are divided into 5 groups to fight first.

Then the five losers will enter the live broadcast room of the organizing committee, and compete at the same time. Through the bye method, No.40 will be decided within 6 minutes.

The 6 people who advanced were divided into three groups and the top three were determined.

The three who failed once again passed the bye method and decided the fourth place in the live broadcast room of the organizing committee.

In the end, the four of them competed in the live broadcast room. The two who won won the first and second place in the final, and the two who lost won No.3 in the final.

If there is no accident, the time calculation is just right, some solos will be faster, some will be slower, and the time is about ten minutes before and after.

When it came to the finals, all the contestants were very nervous.

Even the fans who brought their own studio started to get nervous.

"Sister Zha's opponent is the new dark horse Xiaoyi!"

"Gu Shouyu's opponent is the veteran mid laner Snake!"


After a series of broadcasts on the public screen, Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Sister Zha is a first-line anchor and is also very strong, she can play the ad position. In the middle solo, she is definitely not as dominant as him.

On the other side of the live broadcast room, Sister Zha's face turned slightly bitter.

Most of the usual 80 million viewers went to the official live broadcast room, but this meeting will only have about [-] people.

But when they saw the solo sequence, the fans in the live broadcast room were all happy.

"Sister Zha is gone, surrender."

"I've watched this Xiaoyi's match a few times, the middle lane is almost stable, Sister Zha is hopeless!"

"Play an adc, and they will go straight to the traditional mid laner, and you will be gone if you burst out at level six."

"Schadenfreude jpg, hahaha!"

In the live broadcast room, most of the viewers were not optimistic about Sister Zha.

It's not because Miss Zha's strength is not strong, but because the positions are not equal. This kind of matchup is almost looking for abuse.

The first match was the duel between Sister Zha and Xiao Yi.

Sister Zha sighed and clicked into the game room.

After seeing that Xiaoyi banned the three heroes of Policewoman, Lucian and Han Bing in succession, Sister Zha had no desire to fight anymore.

The audience in the live broadcast room knew it well, and so did he.

In front of this stable mid laner, the only thing he can do is to win with $100!

But if an ad makes a slight mistake in front of an ap, at least half of his blood will be lost.

What's more, his level hasn't reached the level where he can't make mistakes at all.

Can't fight!
The game went on quickly, and Xiao Yi banned the same hero twice in a row.

As expected, Zha Jie lost 0/2.

The total time between the two matches was only 16 minutes, and each one was a level [-] solo kill!

"Okay, okay, let's prepare for the resurrection match, this Xiao Yi is simply perverted!"

Sister Zha enlivened the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

When it comes to the resurrection match, the person he most wants to meet is Furu Teba.

He is an adc, and Furutoba is a jungler.

Those who can enter the finals are mixed, but in terms of mixed, Sister Zha feels that he is still better than Furu Tewa.

After all, as a jungler, he hasn't practiced much to make up swords, so he is definitely not as good as him!

(End of this chapter)

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