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Chapter 171 Brother Xiao Xiao's Popular Science

Chapter 171 Brother Xiao Xiao's Popular Science
Time passed quickly, and Liu Xiao was fascinated watching it.

Although they are only streamers in solo, their strength is not bad, even compared to some professional players.

Of course, it is definitely incomparable to the top professional players like Uzi and Theshy.

Gu Teyu was eliminated in the first round and the second round, barely getting No.10.

Sister Zha was unlucky and only got No.9.

The two sighed for a while.

"I hope there will be ad's solo match in the future, let's see if I don't blow their dog's head off!"

"Sister Zha is already very good, it's very good for ad to be in the top ten."

"Yes, Sister Zha is not a mid laner after all."

The audience in the live broadcast room expressed their comfort.

"The biggest highlight of this game is probably still here with Xiaoyi."

Everyone did not expect that Xiao Yi, an unknown anchor, would come out at this time, and even entered the finals now.

Among those who advanced to the finals, only Bunting and Poison could compete against Xiao Yi.

Bunting is a traditional mid laner, and the heroes played by Poison are relatively neutral, and they can also play a dozen in the mid lane.

"Next, it's today's real final."

"Currently, the top four are Xiao Yi, Bunting, Poison and Coke."

"Among them, Xiaoyi and Bunting are the old mid laners, while Poison and Coke are the top laners."

"Yes, the two top laners can reach the finals, there is no doubt about their strength."

miss said with a smile in the live broadcast room.

Coke mainly plays Jian Ji, but his hero pool is not bad. Qinggangying, Raven, and even Jess, who are extremely aggressive top laners, can be played.

Like poison, it belongs to a player who can hit and hit.

"Next, enter the final random!"

On the screen, the pairing result is quickly given.

Xiao Yi faced the colorful flag.

Coke meets poison.

Those who lose can only fight against each other to decide No.3.

And the two who won will compete for first and second place!

"This round, it's the real king vs. king."

"The four of them are very powerful king-level players. Xiaoyi and Caiqi mainly play in the middle, but as far as the hero pool is concerned, Xiaoyi is deeper. I don't know what kind of excitement the two of them will bring to us in this round. Game?"

Kaka said.

Millions of viewers in the live broadcast room are looking forward to it.

The strength of Xiaoyi and Caiqi is beyond doubt. Both of them have proved their strength with countless solo results in the past.

One is a new third-tier anchor, and the other is a veteran second-tier anchor.

Xiao Yi rubbed his hands vigorously.

If this round is lost, the chance to fight for No.1 will be missed forever.

Even though he was facing the veteran mid laner Bunting, Xiao Yi was not too hypocritical.

Entering the game, he directly banned Carter, who had dropped the bunting, and then conveniently banned Jie and Raven.

"I have to say that Xiao Yi has done a lot of research on the anchors, and he immediately banned the three best heroes used by the bunting."

The scratching man shook his head.

In his opinion, if he wanted to win against a player like Xiao Yi who was particularly stable, he had to choose these unexpected assassins.

If Xiao Yi releases the Assassin hero with the colorful flags, then Xiao Yi has little chance of winning.

A peak assassin in the game of kings, single-killing at around level 6 or forcing a wave of traditional mages, dare not say that he is the king when he goes out!
For example, scratching the man, as long as he releases the male knife, no matter how stable Xiao Yi is, at level 6, he will definitely be able to jump over the tower and change!
This is the characteristic of a hero. At the same level, it has nothing to do with the operation relationship.

But Xiaoyi was not careless, and banned these three assassin heroes, it would not be so easy for Bunting to kill solo.

Bunting was also helpless, so he could only choose Akali, who was playing well recently.

Xiao Yi was very stable, and chose Ryze with control skills and instant damage.

When Ryze beats Akali, it basically depends on proficiency.

The stable acceleration after releasing ew basically gave Xiaoyi room to be invincible.

"In this round, it still depends on the operation of both sides. Akali is not too disadvantaged against Ryze. As long as the Xia Formation is used well and don't rely on Ryze's too many skills, she can still fight!"

The two sides officially entered the game.

As soon as Xiao Yi went online, he directly clicked the e skill to eject and clear the soldiers.

After two rounds of e plus general attack, the first wave of minions has been captured.

On the other hand, Bunting is a bit miserable, because of short hands, Xiao Yi has been crushed under the tower since the beginning of the game.

After Akali's revision, the original q was single-target damage, but now it has become group damage, and it is not easy to make up the knife under the tower.

After reaching the sixth level, Xiao Yi retreated a lot in a row, avoiding the strong period of the colorful flags.

"Xiao Yi is really stable."

"Avoid the strong period of level 6, this is to win by making up the knife!"

In the official live broadcast room, Kaka was also a little helpless.

Bunting had no choice but to meet this kind of opponent.

Soon, 100 knives were reached, and the crystals of the bunting exploded directly.

For two consecutive rounds, Xiao Yi banned the three commonly used assassin heroes of Bunting, and then chose the traditional mage.

In 10 minutes, we successfully won the game!
"Brothers, don't blame me for being so cheap, No.1 has a bonus of 2000 million!"

Xiao Yi giggled in the live broadcast room.

He definitely wouldn't do that in an entertainment game.

But such a large bonus, the temptation is too great.

Originally, he wanted to be in the top eight, but now that he has the chance to win the championship, Xiao Yi naturally spared no effort!

In the second game, Poison defeated Coke 2:1.

At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, Du Yao and Xiao Yi officially entered the finals.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, do you want to comment on the final game?"

Just as Liu Xiao received the 10 yuan quota for the day, he heard Kaka and the others asking questions in the live broadcast room.

"Okay, it's okay anyway."

Liu Xiao smiled and agreed.

After all, it was the competition he held, so it would be fine to make a guest appearance in the finals.

Furthermore, the solo match didn't take long, and there was basically no difficulty.

As soon as the audience in the live broadcast heard that brother Xiao Xiao was going to explain again, the barrage suddenly became lively again.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is going to connect to the mic, everyone remember to record, I will play it in an infinite loop tonight!"

"Whoever has a photo of brother Xiao Xiao, I'm going to frame it and enshrine it!"

"I want to sleep with a doll that is 1:1 with Brother Xiao Xiao, and I must be able to feel the wealth code, right?"

"Upstairs, you can put that stuff in, and the negative distance will make you feel better!"

Liu Xiao went to the study and turned on the computer, and opened the applet in the live broadcast room.

Putting on headphones and pulling out the microphone, it really looks like a professional anchor.

"Good evening everyone, I'm Xiao Xiao, and I will be the commentator for this game."

Liu Xiao cleared his throat slightly, and gave a short self-introduction in the live broadcast room.

"And the fans who just talked about wanting to frame me on the public screen don't need to be so troublesome. I will tell you a little trick to get good luck."

Liu Xiao chuckled.

Countless viewers in the live broadcast room immediately pricked up their ears curiously.

Shenhao's online science popularization, even if they understand a little bit, can benefit them a lot!

For a moment, the 500 million viewers were as obedient as elementary school students, looking at the screen obediently, waiting for Brother Xiao Xiao to start speaking.

Even Kaka, a few well-known anchors, couldn't stop their hearts.

"This little trick is actually quite simple. Everyone can do it, especially girls, and the effect is more obvious."

Liu Xiao deliberately paused, and then spoke again.

"Every time after going to the toilet, don't wipe backwards when wiping with paper towels, you must remember to wipe forwards, remember! Remember!"

(End of this chapter)

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