Chapter 172 The end of the game
"Take a tissue and wipe it forward, will you get good luck?"

"Although I think it's impossible and a bit silly, but since Brother Xiao Xiao said it, must try!"

"Why do girls feel better after doing it?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is worthy of being a godly hero. He speaks with a level, and such filthy words can be so deep!"

"I can't think about my sister, I'm so worried!"

Liu Xiao looked at the bullet screen on the public screen and no one could understand it, so he sighed helplessly.

As a ruthless joker, sometimes it is so lonely.

"Okay, now let's enter today's final."

Liu Xiao turned up the volume of the microphone a little.

"To be honest, I never thought that Poison could make it to the finals. Although Poison's strength is good, compared with Xiao Yi, there is still a big gap."

"Especially after the hero is banned, the strength of the poison will definitely be further compressed."

Unlike anchors like Kaka who need to take into account the reputation among the audience, Liu Xiao speaks directly when he has something to say.

Although it was a bit of a suspicion of suppressing the poison, none of the audience in the live broadcast room raised this question.

The game quickly enters the game interface.

Xiaoyi still chose a traditional AP Syndra, while Poison was a normal one, taking an assassin hero, Zed.

"It's rare to see Poison playing Zed. If Poison's Zed is good, this little Yike is a bit dangerous."

"As long as there is no misuse of the poison, Level [-] will definitely be an operational node."

The pawn line comes out, and the game officially begins.

The poison was uncharacteristically, he learned a q skill at the first level, and he didn't love Xiaoyi at all.

Syndra qs, the poison moves a little bit, and then throws a dart in the opposite direction.

Ranged minion poison does not replenish at all, only melee minions.

Poison knew very well that it was impossible for him to beat Xiao Yi with a last knife in this round.

His chance is only at level 6.

And before level 6, what he has to do is to drag Xiao Yi to prevent him from returning to the city, and then try to ensure a healthy blood volume!
The poison does not need the fighting style of the little soldiers at all, and Xiao Yi is a little messed up in one fell swoop.

His original tactics of constant consumption completely lost their effect at this moment.

Facing the robbery of the long sword and three reds, the Q skill that occasionally hits once becomes painless.

He can't go home in the early stage, and he has to pay attention to the consumption of mana, and the skills that can hit the poison become even fewer.

On the other hand, the darts occasionally hit by the poison can still hit him.

"Both sides will be level 6 soon, and the poison agent will also move forward."

Liu Xiao's eyes lit up.

Almost at the same time, the light of upgrades lit up on the two of them.

Poison first flashed a big move, Xiao Yi didn't even think about it, and it was a qe skill directly behind him.

But the reaction of the poison agent was very fast, as soon as it landed, it flashed to Xiao Yi's left.

Xiao Yi flashed into the tower, and the poison followed suit.

At the same time, the q skills of the main body and the two shadow clones hit Xiao Yi at the same time, and then the main body connected with an ae, followed by a, hung up and ignited r and returned to the outside of the tower.

The imprint of the ultimate move exploded instantly, and Xiao Yi, who was two-thirds of his health, was directly poisoned by a set of poison in seconds!
"Wow, poison bull beep!"

"This set is awesome!"

Countless 666s rushed out of the live broadcast room.

In this wave, the poison almost fully loaded up the operation of the hero, Lord of the Shadow Stream, Zed.

Two shadow clones plus one main body, as long as there is only one q empty, and one less round of flat a, this Syndra can't be killed!

"I originally thought that the poison agent would still be crushed to death by Xiao Yi's knife, but I didn't expect the poison agent to come up with such a brand new idea!"

Liu Xiao was also cheering for the poison.

Since playing against Han Ye tonight, Poison's condition has been full.

This wave of operations can at least make it into the top 10!

Although Xiao Yi was a little confused, he still silently started the second game.

No.1 bonus is 2000 million, No.2 bonus is 1000 million.

Among them, the only difference is the victory of this game.

As long as he can win this game, in addition to Xiao Xiao's reward, there will be countless recommendation positions and popularity. In a short period of time, he can become a second-tier or higher anchor!

For Xiaoyi, a small anchor who has never been popular, this opportunity is really too precious.

He is not willing to give up!

In the next game, Xiao Yi chose a more secure mid laner.

Malzahar, grasshopper!
This hero can be called the most rogue hero on the middle route.

After the e skill kills a minion unit, it will be transmitted to the next minion. As long as the infected minion is killed within three seconds, the infection can continue infinitely.

And the most important thing is that as long as a soldier is infected and killed, the w skill will spawn a small grasshopper to provide normal attack damage.

The q skill is a large-scale silence, and the big move is a two-second suppression.

Xiao Yi didn't have Ban Jie, and his restrictive big move couldn't be undone even with the summoner skill purification.

After choosing this hero, he never thought of winning the game with the head.

He has only one goal, and that is a hundred dollars!

The poisonous agent also felt the helplessness of the bunting.

Even at level 6, he didn't dare to kill under the tower at all.

Press an r skill to the bottom of the tower, no matter how you show it, it's useless.

Under Xiaoyi's frenzied last-dash, in 11 minutes, Poison lost the game by 6 knives.

In the third round, the grasshopper was banned, and Xiao Yi frantically took out the big head.

Once the three forts are placed in the middle, without jungle support, the poison can't even get through the middle!
"This Xiao Yi is absolutely amazing, the hero pool is really deep!"

"I have to say, Xiao Yi is a bit of a fool."

"It's normal to fight if you can't beat it. This is a competitive game, and you can play whatever you want within the rules."

"I still like to watch that kind of mutual show, which is too ironic."

The audience in the live broadcast room talked a lot.

"There's no need to make comparisons. Xiao Yi can use these heroes to suppress king-level poisons online, which already shows that he is good. No matter what hero he uses, as long as he can win, that is his strength!"

Liu Xiao said.

Although it is a bit less enjoyable to watch, but the game is meant to be unscrupulous.

After all, it's not an exhibition match, so it's normal to be cautious.

In the third round, the poison agent was also suppressed by a supplementary knife.

In the end, the final ended with a score of 2:1.

"Congratulations to Xiao Yi, who won the championship of this solo competition, and congratulations to Poison, who won the No.2 of this solo competition!"

"They will receive 2000 million and 1000 million tips respectively!"

Liu Xiao announced in the live broadcast room with a smile.

With the end of the match between the two, the top eight were completely determined.

Xiaoyi, Poison, Bunting, Coke, Snake, Ximen, Fourteen, Wuhu God.

Xiao Yi, a small anchor, also became the final winner of this competition.

And this is also a new beginning for him to change his life!
"Brother Xiao Xiao is going to start rewarding tonight?"

"I look forward to it. Compared with the competition, I still hope to see a big rocket full of screens!"

"According to my understanding, the probability of Brother Xiao Xiao making a move tonight is over 90.00%!"

"Wow, Brother Xiao Xiao, you cheated me. I just wiped it forward when I went to the toilet, and I almost went to heaven."

A girl cried on the public screen.

"Upstairs, is it really good luck to wipe forward after going to the toilet?"

"Wait, I'll try it too!"

Seeing the barrage of this little girl, Liu Xiao couldn't help laughing out loud.

He just said that in the live broadcast room, but he didn't expect someone to actually do that!

And it's a girl!
 There are two updates today, but the word count is slightly more.

  The game is over, organize your thoughts, and continue tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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