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Chapter 173 Brother Shenhao's Finger

Chapter 173 Brother Shenhao's Finger

Seeing that the situation was out of control, Liu Xiao quickly coughed twice.

"Next, let's enter the final part of today."

As soon as Liu Xiao said this, the rhythm on the barrage suddenly stopped.

What could be the last link?
Give out prizes!
"Sure enough, Brother Xiao Xiao is too good, so I will brush it that night!"

"These anchors are going to be very rich this month, especially Xiao Yi, who still has 1000 million after deducting half of it!"

"Poison is not bad either. For a reward of 1000 million, 500 million will be deducted in half."

"I already have a hunch that the anchors in the entire League of Legends area will throw money like crazy tonight!"

"Little tiger food is ready, ready to go!"

"Hiss, I also moved forward and wiped my butt drum, it's so sour"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

All tourists are excited.

The Xingxiu District is the place where Brother Xiao Xiao visits Huya the most, and the place where the most benefits can be distributed is the Game District!
From the very beginning of Laolong's live broadcast room, to Kaka's live broadcast room, and then to b-text, hoeing, and scratching men.

The benefits for the audience in the game area are at least two million.

On the other hand, in the Xingxiu District, a lot of money has been spent on the live broadcast rooms of Xiaojuzi and Baldy. The live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi is more than one million, and the live broadcast room of Baldy is a little less. The two people add up to more than 100 million.

And their fans in the League of Legends area get the most benefits.

After the initial 50 in the Kaka live broadcast room, Brother Xiao Xiao rewarded the top 100 anchors in the mobile game promotion event, basically a lucky draw for all sectors!
Vice President Du was not slow at all. Huya's official platform announcement came out just three to four minutes after the results of the competition.

The top eight anchors are all announced on the bulletin board, and links to their live broadcast rooms are also provided.

The interface of the official live broadcast room is synchronized with the announcement at the first time, and the wonderful operations of the top eight are broadcast on the public screen in rotation.

Liu Xiao first recharged the 4000 million quota, and then clicked into the game announcement.

Of course, the voice in the live broadcast room has also been disconnected.

Liu Xiao doesn't dislike appearing on camera, and occasionally explains that it's okay to play water friends with Kaka and the others, but he is not an anchor after all, and it is indeed a bit embarrassing for him to continue hosting as an amateur.

Before this event, Liu Xiao had already spent a total of 2.1 million yuan.

Counting today's 4000 million top-up, Liu Xiao's consumption in Huya is just enough for 2.5 million.

Rewarding some anchors and so on is just a drizzle.

Click directly into Xiaoyi's live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, Xiao Yi waited anxiously while opening the game announcement.

Brother Xiao Xiao has never been in arrears with rewards.

As long as the result of the game is certain, if brother Xiao Xiao is online, he will cash in immediately.

Xiao Yi still believed in Brother Xiao Xiao, but after all, Xiao Yi was also very nervous because he didn't see any movement from Brother Xiao Xiao.

A full 2000 million gifts!
Halfway through the platform, if he resells gold beans or something, he can get at least 900 million.

For a small anchor like him who is not too rich, if he doesn't buy a house or a car, he can rent a house with this money, which is almost enough for his life's food and clothing.

Put 1000 million in the bank, invest in any financial management or something, and there will be 80 million interest a year.

On average, it is 6 to 90.00 yuan per month, and doing nothing is enough to make his life better than [-]% of people!
"In this competition, Xiao Yi has skyrocketed!"

"I was optimistic that Xiao Yi could enter the top eight, but I didn't expect Xiao Yi to be so awesome, and he directly won the first place!"

"Xiao Yi, you can do it from an early age!"

"I thought you could just say you have hands."

"Upstairs, what do you do with your hands? I usually use my left hand and my right hand to hold paper."


In the live broadcast room, there were dozens of old fans who had not high-level signs and were enthusiastically discussing the competition.

In addition, more than 20 tourists are also sitting in the auditorium, observing the biggest dark horse in this competition.

A small anchor who didn't even have a popularity of 1000 in the past, forcibly defeated a series of veteran anchors by relying on hard power. In addition to getting the reward from Brother Xiao Xiao, he even became a second-tier anchor in one fell swoop!
There is even the possibility of becoming a first-line anchor!
With much anticipation, Liu Xiao finished recharging and jumped into Xiaoyi's live broadcast room.

Liu Xiao's account has been changed a long time ago, [-]% of the recharge will be returned directly, and there is no need to renew the account over and over again.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is here, Brother Xiao Xiao is about to start!"

"If I remember correctly, this is a 2000 million gift reward!"

"I wasn't there for Kaka and Hehe's rewarding live broadcast before, and I wasn't there when the Xingxiu District played the June Hope Project. This time I finally caught up!"

"Although I haven't caught up with the 4000 million big brush, but tonight's [-] million gifts can also pass the wave of eye addiction!"

"I want to see Huya No. [-] refresh the screen, that big rocket is so handsome when it jumps on the public screen!"

"Hey, to tell you the truth, from Brother Xiao Xiao's swiping gifts in the Laolong live broadcast room, I haven't missed every swiping gift!"

"Upstairs, what are you? I have been a fan of Brother Xiao Xiao since the first day Brother Xiao Xiao entered Huya. As long as Brother Xiao Xiao goes online, I will definitely be there! If you don't believe me, watch me and record every time Brother Xiao Xiao goes online! "

"Upstairs bull beep!"

"To be honest, I don't even dare to blink my eyes now. With Brother Xiao Xiao's speed of swiping gifts, 2000 million can be swiped in a few minutes. I don't dare to go to other live broadcast rooms at all!"

In Xiaoyi's live broadcast room, with Brother Xiao Xiao's entry, more and more viewers from the League of Legends area crowded in.

From 20 popularity to 100 million popularity, it took just over a minute!
Several anchors who won the lottery were even more nervous.

No.1 is 2000 million, No.21000 million.

Even if it is the last place, there are 20!
Whether it is a dark horse anchor or a second-tier anchor, winning any award is a big profit!
At this time, Xiao Yi, the moment Brother Xiao Xiao entered the live broadcast room, was already incoherent.

The composure and calmness of the previous game disappeared without a trace. When this huge surprise was about to hit, Xiao Yi felt that his whole brain began to be confused.

At first, I was in a trance while looking at things, and shook my head vigorously, before I could concentrate a little bit.

The hands that were originally placed steadily trembled constantly on the keyboard and mouse.

In order to relieve the tension, Xiao Yi kept taking deep breaths, but the effect was almost nonexistent.

No one can ignore the 2000 million people who are close at hand!

Even if the veteran first-line anchors like Tiao Nan Hue He received this kind of gift, they might be calmer than Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi, what gift do you want?"

Liu Xiao asked questions on the public screen as usual.

Different from giving presents to the anchors, every time a serious competition is held, Liu Xiao will respect the wishes of the anchors and ask before brushing gifts.

Even if they choose a light stick, Liu Xiao will choose to finish the scan. Anyway, the program is connecting points, so he is not afraid of being troubled.

This can be regarded as the reward for the fun these anchors bring to him.

Respect each other.

Without provoking him, Liu Xiao is still easy to talk to.


Xiao Yi's voice trembled, and his mind went blank for a moment.

He immediately wanted to blurt out the treasure map, but his body suddenly trembled cleverly, and he forced the words back.

Based on his previous vision, if someone showed him a treasure map, he would probably be able to laugh for more than a month.

And now Brother Xiao Xiao wants to collect more than 2000 million gifts, and then let Brother Xiao Xiao collect treasure maps worth 5000 yuan one by one, Brother Xiao Xiao may sink him!

After all, Brother Shenhao's fingers were all in and out of the strange hole, so how could they suffer from it?

(End of this chapter)

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