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Chapter 174 No. 1, 2000 million rewards!

Chapter 174 No.1, 2000 million rewards!
Xiao Yi hastily held back the treasure map brought to his mouth.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you can use anything. If I had to choose, it would be Dabao. No, it would be Huya No. [-]."

Xiao Yi opened his mouth and almost said the big sword.

The big sword is the same gift as the light stick, one dime, and a maximum of 9999, which is 1000 yuan.

If you have to swipe the big sword for 2000 million, then Brother Xiao Xiao may have to press the screen [-] times to do it!
The audience in the live broadcast room saw Xiao Yi's nervous appearance, and they could understand while making jokes.

All of them are very envious!

There are even a group of passers-by who are very good at playing games, and they have started to register anchor accounts on Huya, to see if they can join in the activities organized by Brother Xiao Xiao in the future.

Among other things, as long as you take the first and second, it is a bit exaggerated to eat for a lifetime, but it is definitely no problem to eat for half a lifetime.

"Okay, ready to receive the gift."

Liu Xiao spoke on the public screen.

The exclusive gold-red font revolves around a dragon in the center of the screen, which looks full of aristocratic atmosphere.

Although Huya No. [-] is not as terrifying as the increase in popularity of the treasure map, the effect is still very good.

A group of 100 rounds can also trigger the special effect of the station-wide notification, and every round of Huya No. [-] will have a lucky draw treasure box.

This increase in popularity was also extremely terrifying to Xiao Yi.

Still the same sentence, the rewards are only one aspect of the gift, and the more aspect is the increase in popularity!
Brother Xiao Xiao has swiped so many times in the Kaka live broadcast room, and now Kaka has officially stepped into the threshold of a super first-line anchor.

Many anchors are guessing that this wave of gifts in Xiaoyi's live broadcast room is likely to help Xiaoyi step into the threshold of first-line anchors and become a real anchor in the League of Legends area!
"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *2*[-] combos!"


"Wow, Brother Xiao Xiao has started!"

In the live broadcast room, more and more viewers poured in.

Originally, more than 400 million and close to 500 million viewers watched the official live broadcast room, but now more than 200 million people have entered Xiaoyi's live broadcast room.

Group after group of big rockets continuously launched into the sky in the center of the public screen. In the lower right corner of the live broadcast room, hundreds of golden treasure chests were constantly spraying gold coins.

And the ID of the anchor Xiaoyi is known to all the anchors and the current online viewers following the announcement of the reward on the whole site!
"300 million people are popular. Apart from the tourists who went to sleep, I'm afraid 80.00% of the audience in the League of Legends area have come, right?"

"It's not quite right, some of these are from other boards."

"Yes, there are at least 50 million viewers from other forums who came here for brother Xiao Xiao's fame!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is mighty, he has done 50 sets!"

"How much is 50 groups, 50?"

"What's your arithmetic ability upstairs? One is 1 yuan, and a group of 1000 is 100 yuan!"

"50 groups is 500 million!"

"No way, 1 million in 500 minute?"

"Poverty overturned my imagination!"

Although I have seen Brother Xiao Xiao's boldness for a long time, but when the 500 million gifts came out, the audience in the live broadcast room really felt the shock from the bottom of their hearts.

500 million, although it is not enough to buy a big house in Shanghai, but it is enough to buy a two-bedroom apartment of sixty to seventy square meters.

So much money, Brother Xiao Xiao only took 1 minute to get it out.
Xiao Yi clutched his chest, looking at the barrage of gifts on the public screen, his breathing became more and more rapid.

On that side of the game, he has always prided himself on his calmness in laning and teamfights.

Before brother Xiao Xiao offered a reward, he just thought he would feel the expectation.

But it wasn't until now that he knew what real tension was!

At some point, the two hands that had covered the keyboard kept shaking, stirring the mechanical keyboard to make irregular crisp sounds.

And the two legs placed under the computer desk were so excited that they kept swinging.

His complexion was even redder, and his hair seemed to be slightly raised due to excitement.

Except that there was not much reaction from below, the reaction in other aspects was almost the same as meeting a peerless beauty who was willing to spend the night with him.

In addition to being excited, I am still excited!
The gift flow keeps popping up over time.

In just 2 minutes, 1000 million gifts have been credited!
For the next 2000 million gifts, Liu Xiao deliberately slowed down a bit.

When the last gift barrage was sent out, the time was stuck at 5 minutes.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *200*[-] combos!"

A group of 10, 200 groups, exactly 2000 million!
On the weekly tribute list in the live broadcast room, Liu Xiao once again took the top spot with a terrifying number!
2 zeros after 7.

2000 million rewards, no difference!


"Envy +1!"

"Envy +10086!"

"I'm just a small streamer, and I usually just goof around, but today I've made a decision, I want to practice skills, next time I compete, I must seize the opportunity!"

"It's so awesome. A few days ago, I was chatting with Xiaoyi in the live streaming group. In a few days, I became an unattainable boss. I'm afraid I want to enter the Huya League of Legends section The second-line small group!"

Every industry has circles.

For example, first-line anchor Kaka and the others all have their own contact information, and there are also small groups belonging to their circle.

And the second-tier anchors and third-tier anchors, of course, also have their own small circles.

You should know that in these small groups of different categories, Huya's signing manager is also there. He usually chats and chats with Shuishui groups. Not only can he get first-hand information, but he can also get a lot of recommendations.

In fact, it is the same in all walks of life. The presence or absence of information channels is the reason why the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor forever.

This wave of opportunities for Xiaoyi was enough to make the envious eyes of the anchors who had been on the street together turn red with envy.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for your reward, thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, thank you!"

Xiao Yi stood up and bowed to the screen, his lips were trembling constantly.

Some attentive viewers took a closer look, Xiao Yi was biting his lip tightly, and more than half of his lower lip had turned purple due to congestion.

Taking advantage of the energy of speaking, his teeth loosened, and Xiao Yi's face slowly returned to normal.

"You're welcome, this is the game reward you deserve."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

Xiaoyi's game play is not very good, and the viewing ability can only be said to be average.

But for those who are calm or want to learn skills, it is quite pleasing to play.

And Xiao Yi has a good personality, Liu Xiao is quite optimistic about Xiao Yi's future development.

"I still want to thank Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Xiao Yi bowed again to thank him.

"Hahaha, Brother Xiao Xiao is done with this wave of rewards, we people can't just watch!"

"Although it can't be compared with brother Xiao Xiao, but since brother Xiao Xiao has made a move, we can't be mean!"

Xiao Huya and other emperors also spoke on the public screen one after another.

Xiao Huya and the others had been waiting for this for a long time.

Just after Liu Xiao finished offering rewards, gifts from more than a dozen of the emperors were sent out immediately.

"The emperor [I am a little tiger bud] sent out a treasure map*20!"

"The emperor [Star Lord] sent out a treasure map*20!"

"The Emperor [Army] sent out a treasure map*20!"

"The emperor [Xiaoyuyu Mr. Li] sent out a treasure map*20!"

Xiaohuya's dozen or so emperors all meant to send twenty treasure maps as rewards.

As for the kings under the emperor, none of them made a move.

When talking to brother Xiao Xiao, their king-level gods are not qualified to speak, let alone follow the ceremony!

(End of this chapter)

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