Chapter 175 The poison wants to hit Xia Nuan (3600 words chapter)
A batch of gifts from Shenhao, such as Xiao Huya, were sent out quickly. Although each person didn't give much, the total of ten or so people added up to 150 million gifts.

"Thank you big brothers, thank you big brothers for the treasure map!"

Xiao Yi was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

In the lower right corner of the live broadcast room, there are countless treasure chests.

Xiao Yi felt that even if he did not download the broadcast for three consecutive days, the tourists in the live broadcast room might not be able to open so many treasure chests!
"Xiao Yi is a big fan this time!"

"Hahaha, it's really not easy to see Xiao Yi's rise."

"To be fair, from the day when Yi came to Huya's live broadcast since he was a child, I felt that Xiao Yi would be popular sooner or later. That's where his strength lies. He is indeed a strong group!"

"I have to say, Brother Xiao Xiao's event has really made a lot of powerful anchors!"

Many tourists were filled with emotion.

Although Xiao Yi is just an example, it is undeniable that more capable anchors stand out in this competition.

Many former small transparent anchors, because they showed their strength in this competition and entered the top 75, their popularity soared to the third line directly, and they gained a lot of fans.

The most important thing is that these fans who guide the past are real fans who meet their needs.

Most of these tourists in the past came with the purpose of learning technology.

For them, these are real powerful fans, which can be retained in the live broadcast room for a long time and become old fans' resources!
Although they didn't get a bonus, the exposure and recommendation resources provided by Huya's official website can at least stabilize them in the position of third-tier anchors.

Among other things, it is no problem to rely on the live broadcast industry to get enough food from now on.

Of course, Huya officials have also benefited a lot this time.

The rise of their group of powerful anchors has also strengthened the ecology and freshness of the live broadcast in the League of Legends area.

For Huya, this is also the capital for their next drainage.

"Come on, I hope to see your ID in the top ten of the national server next time."

Xiaohuya smiled and encouraged on the public screen.

Like Xiao Xiao, Xiao Huya doesn't have a bad impression of Xiao Yi as a powerful anchor. As a Shenhao who often hangs around in the League of Legends area, it's okay to take care of Xiao Yi occasionally in the future.

"Xiao Yi thank you again, big brothers!"

"Come on live."

Xiao Huya saw that Brother Xiao Xiao had already jumped to the live broadcast room of No. 2 Poison Agent, typed a few bullet screens, and then jumped out of the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room with more than 300 million people, the popularity jumped at an extremely terrifying speed.

In less than 2 minutes, there were only [-] tourists left.

Moreover, these people are still leaving one after another.

Although the popularity is losing quickly, Xiao Yi is not annoyed at all.

He knew that these tourists followed Brother Xiao Xiao to watch the tipping. When the tipping ends tonight, the tourists will disperse into various live broadcast rooms, and the popularity of his live broadcast room will increase a little.

Among other things, he is already satisfied with 50 million permanent residents.

50 million online users, a proper second-tier anchor!

"Brothers, the solo competition is over, and I can't mention the many gifts Xiao Xiaoge gave me for the time being."

"I'll ask my signing manager later to see if I can use the mortgage to loan part of the money to give everyone prizes!"

Xiao Yi's excited mood gradually calmed down, and he proposed a solution that he had thought of long ago.

It will be a few days before the wages are paid at the end of June. During this period, he will not be able to get the turnover.

After all, I was a small anchor before, and I didn't have much money in my hands, so I don't need to think about advance money.

However, he can learn from Yang Zi's method before, first find a bank to borrow part of the money to pay the prize in advance.

"I understand, I understand, just wait for the red envelope!"

"Thank you Xiaoyi, tomorrow I will sit and wait for the red envelope, hehe!"

"Xiaoyi Niubi, I will come tomorrow!"

As soon as Xiao Yi said this, the [-] or so fans that had just been recruited in the live broadcast immediately became enthusiastic.

You know, Brother Xiao Xiao spent 2000 million turnovers, plus the rewards from Xiao Huya and the others, Xiao Yi got quite a lot of money.

Xiao Yi now said that it was a prize, and it would definitely not be lower than the average level of prizes in the League of Legends area.

I dare not think of too many, but it is probably not a problem to build a 10,000+ hundreds of thousands.

"Don't worry everyone, although I, Xiaoyi, have not been popular for a long time, I will definitely never forget the fans who support me."

"When I get out the loan, at least 100 million will be drawn in the live broadcast room!"

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, and directly reported a number that he had never dared to think of before.

When he first came to Huya live broadcast, he only thought that earning 5000 yuan a month would be the merit of his ancestors. How could he think that if he draws a prize in the live broadcast room now, it would start with a million dollars?
After saying these words, Xiao Yi took a deep breath almost at the same time as the entire audience in the live broadcast room.

"Million lottery?"

"Xiao Yi is so grand, this is almost the same as that of Xingxiu!"

"Xiaoyi Niubi, I didn't say anything, I'm a fan for life!"

"Not to mention anything else, let's just show Xiaoyi's arrogance. Although I'm not as arrogant as brother Xiao Xiao and brother Huya, it's okay for Huya No. [-] to support me!"

"+1, I'll have one too!"

In the live broadcast room, several big brothers sent out gifts one after another.

In just a few minutes, Xiaoyi's gift turnover has increased by more than 1 yuan.

Xiao Yi was in a trance for a while.

When I was a small anchor before, for a magic book gift of 100 yuan, I might have to work overtime for several hours, and only then would my elder brother watch and brush one or two out.

But now he has just become a second-tier anchor, just saying a few words in the live broadcast room, chatting with water friends, so many big brothers come out with gifts.

At least, it is a magic book!

Of course, today there is a lottery and the blessing of Brother Xiaoxiao's reward here.

However, after the popularity stabilizes, it will definitely be indispensable to reward one after another.

Moreover, he can also get a better contract from Huya. Among other things, with the current popularity of second-tier anchors, it is still very easy to sign a 10 guaranteed contract.

With the basic income, plus monthly gift rewards, no matter how low the future income is, it will not starve to death.

"I have already told the signing manager about the loan. The manager just replied that he would contact me for me. It's not a big problem. It should be done tomorrow!"

Xiao Yi saw the contract manager's reply on the mobile phone, and quickly announced it in the live broadcast room.

"Okay, the broadcast will start tomorrow night and stay on time!"

"Come on Xiao Yi, let's be on par with the scratching man as soon as possible!"

Seeing the barrage of support from countless fans in the live broadcast room, Xiao Yi became more motivated.

"Not to mention anything else, tonight, bloody battle in the high-end Korean server!"

Xiao Yi shouted and opened the Hanbok client directly.

The popularity blessing of so many treasure chests in the live broadcast room will be gone once the broadcast is closed. At this time, of course, it will last as long as it can be broadcast.

On the other side, Liu Xiao has already jumped into the live broadcast room of Poison Agent.

To be honest, Poison's strength is not top-notch in this solo. Compared with Snake Brother and Caiqi, who are strong in the mid laner position, it is purely a coincidence that he can enter No.2.

Before meeting Xiao Yi, the people Poison met were not particularly strong.

However, it has to be said that after the match with Han Ye, Poison's overall condition was unexpectedly good.

Even in the last round of the game, a shadow stream master robbed a wild show.

In that case, if Xiao Yi let out a knife girl Irelia, it is really uncertain who will be the number one!

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao, welcome to the live broadcast room of Poison Agent!"

"Welcome fans, thank you fans for your support!"

The poison mentality is relatively calm.

After all, he is a veteran first-line anchor, and he has seen many big scenes. Although the excitement can be seen on his face, his overall state is still online.

"Congratulations to Poison Agent, you won No.2 in this competition."

"Poison, what gift do you want, just forget about Tiger Bud No. [-], change it to a gift brush."

Liu Xiao asked again.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, then I want the magic book."

Poison thought for a while.

Zhou Xing has four gifts this week, big sword, light stick, super early warning and magic book.

Today is the last day of this week, and most of the three gifts except the magic book have already been distributed.

1000 million gifts, don't worry about the magic book Zhou Xing in the game area, it must be his fault.

But Zhou Xing, the magic book on all platforms, wants to beat the poison.

Because, this week's all-platform magic book, Zhou Xing, happens to be Xia Nuan from Xingxiu District!

It is no longer a day or two for Xia Nuan and Brother Xiao Xiao not to deal with each other.

Although Poison is usually not very snobbish, but with this opportunity to be close to Brother Xiao Xiao's camp, he naturally wanted to post it.

Besides, he didn't feel too cold watching Daheng's anchor before.

When he was broadcasting live in the game zone, Daheng's anchor would often grab the No. 1 spot in the game zone, the one who was just being immoral.

In the game area, most of the big brothers and fans support the list, and there is no such thing as a trade union, and they have to give the big brother cash back or something.

But Daheng doesn't care about this at all. Whether it's League of Legends or PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, these two sections directly use the female anchors who let the union brush to give their union to top the list.

The anchors of these two sections have long disliked Daheng.

Now that he has such an opportunity, he happily grasps it.

"it is good."

Liu Xiao smiled, nodded and agreed.

"Poison you are really bad, but I like it!"

"Hahaha, Xia Nuan is about to suffer another disaster."

"Xia Nuan seems to be still on the air. It seems that there are only 200 million lists at the moment. I don't know if her big brother will be on the list."

"Today is the last day, but it's only early morning, and there will be another show at Xia Nuan at [-] o'clock tonight."

"This is a list of tens of millions. It may not be easy for Brother Jiu and Brother Hua to transfer the money over in a short period of time."


In the live broadcast room, fans were divided into two camps.

Daheng has been accumulating in Huya for a long time. Although he lost two events in a row, the money he played is not small.

A large part of tourists are still quite optimistic about Daheng.

Of course, this is also because Brother Xiao Xiao didn't say that he wanted to fight Daheng.

What brother Xiao Xiao wants to learn is only Zhou Xing, a ten million magic book.

If Daheng is a little harder, it can still be done after swiping about [-] million.

But if brother Xiao Xiao followed him later, Daheng might really be caught blind.

Toxic agent is a trick that draws fire from the bottom of the pot, which is indeed something that many fans who eat melons did not expect.

Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao agreeing, the discussions in the live broadcast room exploded again.

"As expected of Brother Xiao Xiao, you will fight Daheng without fear at all."

"However, the poison is also suspected of setting off the elder brother. Once Zhou Xing brushes the magic book, won't brother Xiao Xiao confront Daheng again?"

"Let's pull it down upstairs. With Brother Xiao Xiao's strength, he might not be a match for Daheng, let alone a match."

Most of the fans in the game area are from Brother Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Huya and the rest of the gods couldn't help laughing.

From the first day Brother Xiao Xiao went online, Xia Nuan was hit by a wave of magic book Zhou Xing from Little Orange.

From that time on, Xia Nuan became a tragic figure in the All-Star Show.

No matter what actions Brother Xiao Xiao made, the first one to be injured would always be Xia Nuan!
I was beaten a few days ago, and even the live broadcast room was blocked.

Yang Zi even came up with a photo of Xia Nuan's threesome.

After finally washing it, the wound has not yet healed, and the poison side has shot again.

What's more, it's the star of the magic book Zhou Xing again!
 Today is still 6000 words, and the plot needs to be written into a big chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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