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Chapter 176 Brother Xiao Xiao, I Really Didn't Suffer!

Chapter 176 Brother Xiao Xiao, I Really Didn't Suffer! (Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month)

I have to say that this wave of poison is really a bit bad.

But they are also happy to watch the fun.

Liu Xiao casually glanced at the magic book Zhou Xing, and then started to brush.

1000 rounds at a time, the same as Huya No. 10, is a group of [-] yuan.

In 2 minutes, all the gifts have been swiped.

"666, No. [-] weekly star on all platforms!"

"It's really fucked, hahaha, I want to see Xia Nuan's face up close!"

"Close distance? Is it the distance from eye to hip?"

"Upstairs, something is wrong with you!"

"Hiss, this pose!"

"What kind of posture is this, sir, please advise? (with a confused face)"

"Upstairs, you will understand after you have a girlfriend."


The public screen in the live broadcast room went into chaos again.

The deeds of Xia Nuan and the three of them have long been talked about by tourists on all platforms.

Although Xia Nuan has been whitewashed by Daheng, this does not affect the jokes of tourists on all platforms.

Even, a small number of tourists believe it or not.

After all, the words of experts are the most unreliable these days, let alone Xia Nuan who came up with something to prove her innocence?
"Actually, what you said is not quite right. Even if you have a girlfriend, whether you want to do it or not is another matter. It's better to spend money. You can try it if you have the money."

"+1, such as Xia Nuan."

"+10086, girlfriends are boring, you have to consider her feelings."

"You're right, it's more convenient to pay for it, and you don't need to help clean it up."

For a while, more tourists nodded with smirks.

"Field control, field control, quickly control the rhythm."

The poison coughed a few times in a hurry.

It doesn't matter if the live broadcast room hosted by Brother Xiao Xiao is full of barrage like this, but if his live broadcast room is messed up, it will be bad to have a video block.

"You fans are really serious. Wouldn't it be good to try this kind of thing in private? The live broadcast room is almost blocked."

Xiao Huya laughed and joked on the public screen.

"Brother Xiao Huya, don't, I'm really lost if this goes on."

Toxic saw that Xiao Huya also came out to join in the fun, with a bitter expression on his face.

While watching the barrage, Poison was also thinking in his heart, whether he should try it with his girlfriend after the broadcast.

For no other reason, just figure out the psychology of the enemy Xia Nuan!

Yes, for work!
The righteous words on the face of the poisonous agent.

"Okay, everyone, stop."

Seeing that the poison was really unbearable, Liu Xiao came out to smooth things over.

As soon as Liu Xiao said this, the rhythm of the live broadcast room quickly stopped.

Xiao Huya and other gods and heroes began to follow the ceremony one after another.

Like the Xiaoyi live broadcast room, each person will be rewarded with a treasure map of 10 yuan.

"Thank you big brothers, thank you!"

Poison repeatedly expressed his thanks in the live broadcast room.

In just one night tonight, more than 1000 million gifts were collected!

For him, this is also an unimaginable income.

Not to mention anything else, getting 500 million gifts, at least to say, can raise his previous living standard by three or four ranks.

What's more, after this competition, the popularity bonus brought to him will only be higher.

His status as a first-line anchor will definitely be more stable, and he even has the capital to slowly advance to a super-first-line anchor.

Of course, this process must be very long, but for him, this is already a remarkable progress.

"My poisonous agent borrows flowers to offer a wave of Buddha. Tonight, take out 80 yuan and draw a lottery online!"

"Everyone can send Brother Xiao Xiao Niubi on the public screen, and you can participate in the lucky draw for free!"

The poison directly took out all the money saved from the live broadcast over the years.

Before coming to Huya, he had broadcast live on YY for a period of time, counting, it has been four or five years.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

One after another, packages of ten thousand yuan were poisoned and put into the lottery on TV.

All of a sudden, millions of viewers spoke one after another, swiping barrage on the public screen.

"You play first."

Liu Xiao smiled and typed a word on the public screen, and jumped out of the live broadcast room.

Although he is very happy to be supported by so many fans, Liu Xiao is not the kind of big brother who cares about fame.

Flick off your clothes and hide your achievements and fame deeply. This is the highest state of pretense!
"Brother Xiao Xiao is indeed the number one hero of Huya, he doesn't care about the flattery of so many people in the live broadcast room."

"As expected of Brother Xiao Xiao, the purpose of playing live broadcast is to have fun, we are still too vulgar."

"From now on, I will be Brother Xiao Xiao's loyal fan. This kind of indifference mentality is really too much love!"

"Tiger Bud is the number one god!"


Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao jumping out of the live broadcast room, millions of tourists sighed.

Although some tourists had already left the live broadcast room, most of them stayed in the poison live broadcast room.

The 80 gift draw is really touching.

But the more this happened, the more they could feel the gap with Brother Xiao Xiao.

"This is the real demeanor of a godly hero. He swiped tens of millions, but kept a low profile, as if he was a passerby."

"Whenever I can have half of Brother Xiao Xiao's bearing."

"Upstairs, you must be dreaming. Brother Xiao Xiao has half the bearing, and he is probably at the level of Brother Jiu. You have no hope in this life."

"Upstairs, can you let me make a good cup, bah, make a beep?"

"Which kind of cup is installed upstairs, can I also use it?"

Although the barrage has been swiping, millions of fans have not forgotten to draw a lottery in the live broadcast room.

Liu Xiao then handed out prizes in the live broadcast room for the top eight.

Bunting No.3, 500 million rewards.

"Banqi, what gift do you want?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I want a magic book too."

Bunting gave a smirk.

Just now, there was a wave of OB in the live broadcast room of poisonous agent, and Caiqi also succeeded in inheriting the licking skills of poisonous agent.

Xia Nuan's weekly star list is less than 200 million, but his tip is 500 million!
After the 500 million list, Xia Nuanke was stepped down to No.3.

And this is also his team choice.

With these 500 million gifts, it was enough for him to live comfortably.

In the past, he might still be afraid of Daheng's power, but now Daheng is nothing to him!
Even if Brother Xiao Xiao quits the Internet and doesn't play anymore, with so much money, Daheng will target him if he wants to.

The big deal is that after the contract expires, he will transfer to Douyu, and he will not starve to death.

Although he didn't know what Brother Xiao Xiao was thinking, but this time, he still wanted to stand in line.

If brother Xiao Xiao took care of him a few times in the future, he would really be able to laugh out loud in his dreams.


Liu Xiao replied on the public screen.

In my heart, I mourned for Xia Nuan.

Although Xia Nuan didn't deal with him in the early stage, every time they met, Xia Nuan was beaten violently.

But now, the entire platform, whether it is the anchor or the fans, gives Liu Xiao the feeling that he has suffered a big loss.

They are all trying their best to avenge him, even acting like a victim.

Liu Xiao sometimes wonders, what kind of outrageous things did Xia Nuan do, why is it so miserable?
Brother Xiao Xiao, I really didn't suffer!
 Thank you for the earrings: 1200 book coins as a reward

  Thank you Gentleman Jie: 1000 Book Coins as a reward

  Thank you Xiaowenzi: 999 book coins for the reward

  Thanks to @指一个栗子: 588 book coins for the reward

  Thanks for the blank: 588 book currency reward

  Thanks to the fisherman in the rain: the reward of 588 book coins

  Thanks to ssxn: the reward of 400 book coins

  Thanks to Xiaodong: 300 book currency reward

  Thanks: 200 book currency reward

  Thanks to Meng Asi: the reward of 200 book coins

  Thanks to Mr. Tuanzi: 100 book coins for the reward

  Thanks to Si Yu×Qing Shuai: 100 Book Coins as a reward

  Thanks to Xu Ziqi: 100 book coins as a reward

  New January, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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