Chapter 178 Brother Jiu Can't Wait (Please recommend a monthly ticket)

"Tiger Bud's official plans to make big moves?"

As soon as the fifth child said this, Brother Jiu became a little curious.

He had been having a bit of fun these past few days, but he didn't pay attention to the trade union.

"That's right, this matter has been decided, mainly because of the change of Huya's consumption system."

Old Five nodded.

At present, the official large-scale prototype has been determined, and only the final details are being perfected.

The fifth child explained to several people, and several people were even more amazed.

Since May, Huya has entered a period of rapid development.

Xiao Xiao's arrival is not necessarily a bad thing for Daheng.

At least, Xiao Xiao raised the overall consumption level of the Huya platform.

You know, the highest list of enemy Taiwan Douyu's current activities is still around 300 million. Even if there is an annual and mid-year fan festival, it will not exceed 500 million at most.

But on Huya's side, just one event in June, the top list has already exceeded 6 million.

It's not a day or two for the executives at Douyu to covet Xiao Xiao.

As for Daheng, they were naturally missed by Douyu, but compared to Xiao Xiao, it was much worse.

Especially the nature of their trade union is also feared by Douyu.

But as far as Huya is concerned, although Daheng is currently being beaten badly, after a round of fighting, although they didn't win, their income in June was four or five levels higher than in May.

For now, the monthly advertising, promotion and gift revenue is at least 8000 million!
With so many union revenues, their recent development of Daheng has also been re-planned by Lao Wu and Brother Hua.

Zhou Xing, a small magic book, gave it up as soon as he gave it up, and the fifth child didn't particularly care.

"July, big move."

Xiao Fei rubbed his hands together and muttered to himself.

If Huya's consumption system is revised to what Lao Wu just said, then the methods for these first-line anchors to collect money will be even more diverse.

This also means that his income will soar!

You know, although he has been live broadcasting for a long time, he actually didn't make much money.

The main thing is to invest in activities.

On the one hand, Brother Shenhao's gift needs to be returned in cash, or even [-]% more.

On the other hand, every time an activity is held, he himself has to spend money to make rankings.

After all, he is the first brother Xingxiu, so how many lists he has, all represent the face of Daheng.

Last year, he hit the list of more than 400 million and 500 million, and he himself made more than one million.

Including the activities in May and June, his Feipeng trumpet sold more than 200 million and 300 million.

Male anchors are not as profitable as female anchors. After these few waves of activities, Xiaofei's savings are already less than one million.

Of course, Xia Nuan is even worse than Xiao Fei. Although he has saved 400 million, but the black Xiaoxiao was messed up by Yang Zi earlier, and he took 300 million to let Brother Hua go to the relationship. Now it is no better than him. How many.

He calculated carefully, and now there are only seven super first-line anchors on Huya Xingxiu's side.

Knife, Xia Nuan and him are the core anchors of Daheng.

Xiaojuzi, Baldy and Yangzi are the core anchors on Lehua's side.

There is another brother Li, in his opinion, the current camp is still somewhat biased towards Xiao Xiao.

But the other six people are almost all richer than him!

Recently, seeing that the bald man circled Xiao Xiao with a hundred million yuan, Xiao Fei was going crazy with jealousy.

Calculate a little.

Xiaojuzi currently has 200 million in his hand, Baldy has 5000 million, and Yang Zi has less, but he also has 600 million.

On Daheng's side, although the knives are relatively miserable, they have not taken the initiative to make the list, and they have two or three million in their hands.

Although Xia Nuan is poorer than him on the surface, these days he has been going in and out next to Brother Jiu, and the two of them are getting along with each other day by day, maybe they have given a lot of money in private.

What's more, it is not impossible to send a house or something.

Not to mention Brother Li who just came to Huya.

The signing fee was only 5000 million, and both Xiao Xiao and Brother Jiu went to tip a wave, especially Brother Jiu, who has been going frequently recently, more or less.

The popularity is even more explosive, and it can even be split [-]-[-] with the current peak Xiaojuzi.

Fans in the studio still call him Brother Xingxiu.

But he, the first brother, is the poorest super first-line anchor on Xingxiu's side.

He couldn't even pick one among the current first-line anchors.

Xiaochun can only get in and out, and in the past two years, he has made at least two or three million yuan.

The vernacular trade union is big, and there are few participants in the activities, but the fans are highly loyal, and the assets are about 200 million.

The anchor Feng'er, who has just been promoted to the top line, is also very rich because of Xiao Xiao's tens of millions of gifts.

Thinking of this, Xiao Fei felt even more distressed.

People are more than people, really make people mad.

With the false name of the first brother, he can't get any money at all. After staying in Guangzhou for so long, he still lives in a rented house.

"This opportunity in July must be seized!"

Xiao Fei rubbed his eyes vigorously to relieve his tired eyes.

After staring at the computer for a long time, he was already exhausted.

But in his heart, Xiao Fei was full of fighting spirit.

Without him, Huya's official system update in July was indeed of great help to him, a popular brother!
On the other side, Xia Nuan was leaning against Brother Jiu, her eyeballs also wandering around for a while.

She didn't think about the magic book Zhou Xing anymore. Brother Jiu has no money in hand, and Brother Hua has already gone to the Beijing company. It is impossible to hit the tens of millions list.

Like Xiao Fei, he is more popular in the live broadcast room.

If Xiaofei's income is the bottom, then she, the first sister of Xingxiu, is the bottom of the female anchors.

This time, it was also her chance.

"Brother Jiu, give me a good fight in July."

Xia Nuan gently shook Brother Jiu's arm.

"Okay, okay, no problem."

Seeing Xia Nuan's flash of spring light, Brother Jiu repeatedly patted his chest and agreed.

"But Xiao Nuan, what happened tonight"

Brother Jiu chuckled, and while Lao Wu and Xiao Fei were not paying attention, he stretched out his hand a little to the evil place.

"Of course it's all up to you, but strawberries are not allowed, and I want a cosplay swimsuit tonight."

Xia Nuan gave Brother Jiu a white look, and quickly pulled Brother Jiu's hand out.

Although Brother Jiu is quite perverted, he can indeed bring tangible benefits to Xia Nuan.

And brother Jiu is only a bit stupid in this respect, when it comes to business, as long as the things promised are still very reliable.

Of course, except for the few times he confronted Xiao Xiao.

"Ahem, fifth, you should discuss matters with the trade union with Xiaofei first. When the knife arrives tomorrow morning, we will have a meeting to discuss it together."

Brother Jiu couldn't wait to stand up and said to the fifth child.

Seeing that the fifth child agreed, he quickly gave Xia Nuan a wink, and walked out a few steps earlier.

"Fifth brother, I'll go back first too, come over tomorrow."


The fifth child nodded, feeling a little helpless.

When Brother Hua was around, Brother Jiu could restrain himself a bit. Brother Hua had only been away for a few days, and Brother Jiu almost regarded Daheng as a courtyard.

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(End of this chapter)

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