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Chapter 182 Xiaoyi wants to draw 200 million yuan

Chapter 182 Xiaoyi wants to draw 200 million yuan (seeking a monthly ticket)
"So, everyone, don't worry. A magic book Zhou Xing is nothing. When Brother Jiu comes back, he will naturally surprise us."

Knife smiled to appease the fans.

Although they failed to play activities in May and June, their loss in Daheng was not particularly bad.

At least their Daheng's aura is played out.

Although many fans left, but under the star effect of Li Ge and miss, many new tourists also entered the platform.

With positive and negative deductions, Daheng's loss is not too great.

"Brothers, let me introduce a new dating app to you."

The knife pulled out the pop-up window below, and introduced the promotion task that the trade union had arranged for him yesterday.

As one of the head anchors of Star Show's morning shows, Knife's endorsement advertising revenue is still considerable.

Of course, he won't be stupid enough to promote games. He usually accepts promotion tasks such as dating software. On Xingxiu's side, the conversion rate of such software promotion is relatively high, and the commission he can get is also relatively high. Not a lot.

The game area is even more lively.

Xiao Yi had just downloaded the broadcast in the morning, and went to find his signing manager before he had time to sleep.

For this anchor who just got up, the signing manager still pays more attention to it.

After negotiation, they quickly took out a loan of 200 million with the income from Golden Bean as collateral.

With 200 million in cash in his bank card, Xiao Yi became completely arrogant.

The re-start of the broadcast, stimulated by the million-dollar prize, the popularity quickly exceeded one million.

"Brothers, I, Xiao Yi, keep my word, and I will temporarily add broadcasts to cash in rewards."

Xiao Yi chuckled, although his eyes were red from staring at the computer for a long time, he was extremely excited.

How many opportunities can a person have in this lifetime?

As for him, Xiao Yi, he had completely grasped the most important opportunity in his life and put it into practice.

What he has to do now is to firmly grasp this hard-won opportunity, no matter how much effort he puts in, he will do it!
"Everyone knows that I, Xiao Yi, am a small anchor with a very small fan base. There are six to seven thousand VIP seats in the live broadcast room of a big anchor. I, Xiao Yi, are definitely not comparable."

Xiao Yi purposely played a trick in the live broadcast room, but it aroused the curiosity of the fans in the live broadcast room.

Before the fans in the live broadcast could ask questions, Xiao Yi spoke again.

"Everyone knows that brother Xiao Xiao gave me 2000 million gifts, and I can get less than 1000 million in my hands, so today I, Xiaoyi, are also arrogant. The 100 million I said last night is not counted. Today, during the day, 200 million Marriott Here comes the gift!"


"My God, is it true or not, a 200 million lottery draw?"

"Xiao Yi, are you crazy? It's a lot to draw 100 million. If you give me the extra 100 million, I can buy a villa in our county with full money!"

"Xiao Yi Niubi, if the 200 million lottery draw is true, I would call you Brother Xiao Xiao the second!"


For the 200 million lottery draw, Xiao Yi was really cruel.

For a poor and accustomed little anchor like him, brother Xiao Xiao's gift of 2000 million has already knocked him out of his head.

But looking back, he also wondered whether he should take the 1000 million he got and become a second-tier anchor steadily.

For him personally, if he puts the 1000 million in the bank to earn interest, the interest rate given by the bank must be very high, and it is not a problem to get a stable interest rate of 7% or [-]% a year.

In other words, the interest of about 80 million a year, on average, is [-] to [-] per month.

Such a large amount of income, no matter where it is placed, can make him live well.

Of course, the premise is not to buy a house or a car.

Xiao Yi thought about it carefully, he didn't think this kind of life was his end.

What he wants to achieve is Uzi, or the realm of miss!

With his strength and hero pool, he can definitely participate in professional leagues and stand out from the anchors, and his own fame can also give him a chance to start.

As long as he soars into the sky in real professional competitions in the future, it is possible for him to become the next miss, or even the next Uzi.

And now, even though he won the solo competition, he has only been promoted to the second-tier and first-tier popularity.

He really wasn't qualified to compete with veteran first-line anchors like Poison Agent, Gu Shouyu, and Ba Ge for live broadcast resources.

And the only advantage he has over these veteran anchors now is that he is rich!
Tens of millions of capital!
If you choose this path, you will give up the stable life for the rest of your life.

For him, this choice is still difficult to make.

Xiao Yi played games all night, and also thought all night.

In the end, he decided to go.

Either soar into the sky, or become mediocre!

Anyway, the worst thing is that it won't be the little anchor with hundreds of popularity before.

And the 200 million lottery is also his first step towards becoming a great anchor!
"You heard me right, I will take out the 200 million today, and draw all the quota in the live broadcast room."

"I have already handled a large-value transfer at the bank, and there is no limit problem. To all the audience who win the lottery today, I will give out the prize within 5 minutes after winning the prize!"

"Of course, as I said just now, Xiao Yi is just a small anchor, and the number of VIP seats is too small, so I will divide the 200 million into two parts to cash out."

"The first part of the 100 million bonus is the free lottery I promised last night. You can participate for free as long as you send a barrage on TV. I will also send it to you as soon as you win."

"The second part also has a bonus of 100 million. Xiao Yi wants to say sorry to the audience here, because for the 100 million, Xiao Yi will conduct a consumption lottery. When sending the barrage, he must give away 10 light sticks to participate in the lottery."

Xiao Yi finished talking about the lottery rules in one breath, and let out a sigh of relief.

In the past few days, a lot of popularity has poured into his live broadcast room.

He is not a female anchor, he has a good figure to keep fans.

He played the game well, but there were too many people who played the game well. If he wanted to keep more fans, there was no way out simply by playing the game.

Since the lottery draw is going to be done, let's do it to the extreme!

10 light sticks are 1 yuan.

As long as 10 fluorescent sticks are given out at one time, the visitors in the live broadcast room can get his card and sit in the VIP seat of the live broadcast room.

And the psychology of consumers is like this, as long as they have consumed in his live broadcast room and put up his brand, then when they have nothing to do in the future, they will naturally come to his live broadcast room to wander around.

One or two fans are not obvious, but what if there are thousands or even tens of thousands of fans doing this together?
He, Xiao Yi, will definitely be able to cross the hurdle between second-tier anchors and first-tier anchors in a very short period of time!
Moreover, this light stick is also the star gift of this week.

The correspondent happened to be the news anchor in Xingxiu District, Knife!
(End of this chapter)

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