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Chapter 181 Xiao Xiao's Money Swiping Speed ​​Should Be Collected by 1

Chapter 181 Xiao Xiao’s Money-Swiping Speed ​​Should Be Stopped (4000-Word Chapter)
Yang Zi severely despised Daheng's fans in the live broadcast room, and then officially started the live broadcast.

Without Daheng's anchor to bring the rhythm, these few Daheng black fans are not worth mentioning at all.

Moreover, Yang Zi was sure that Daheng would not dare to choose to start the war at this time.

Zhou Xing was beaten in Xia Nuan's magic book yesterday, didn't Daheng dare to fart?
It can be seen from this that Daheng doesn't have the strength to fight him now.

Yang Zi now has more than 500 million in his hands, as long as Brother Shenhao doesn't make a move, it will be enough to push any anchor in Daheng.

Furthermore, even if some gods and heroes make a move, they, Lehua, are not helpless to fight back.

At least combined with the capital in his hand, there is still a million dollars.

And the funds in the hands of Xiaojuzi and Baldy are 6000 to [-] million.

Once there is a fight, Daheng will definitely lose!
"Brothers, there is nothing new in the previous news. Let's start with what happened to brother Xiao Xiao in the game area yesterday. If you have time today, let's talk about the previous things backwards."

Yang Zi adjusted his state and spoke with a smile.

According to Sister Feifei, they are avoiding the war these few days, and Yang Zi will definitely not take the initiative to start the war, but it is not a problem to use yesterday's incident to satirize Xia Nuan.

The most important thing is that Xia Nuan was robbed of Zhou Xing by a series of League of Legends anchors such as Poison yesterday.

This is a very good thing!

"It's started, I'm already waiting in line with my wife."

"I happened to be away from Huya last night. I didn't expect to hear Yang Zi talking about the news as soon as I went online today!"

"To be honest, Yang Zi's news is still good. Although he always praises Brother Xiao Xiao, I like it!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is awesome, Brother Xiao Xiao is mighty and domineering!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is the number one hero in Huya, Daheng is nothing!"

Some of Daheng's black fans were banned, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was harmonious, with occasional words of abuse against Daheng mixed in.

Yang Zi's live broadcast, no matter what the topic is, is very biased.

In Yang Zi's live broadcast room, Brother Xiao Xiao is a god, as long as someone dares to say no to Brother Xiao Xiao, Yang Zi can point at the other person's nose and spray for ten minutes.

Even when encountering some unsightly anchors, Yang Zi will directly open a special show to serve.

However, most of the tourists in the live broadcast room are fans of Brother Xiao Xiao. Yang Zi's unique live broadcast method has won the love of a large number of tourists.

On the other side, Xiaochun was also greatly relieved to see Yang Zi online.

Yang Zi wasn't around these days, although the knife didn't deliberately target him, but with Daheng's resources invested, he didn't live comfortably.

It was hard to seize back the popularity before, but within a few days, it was squeezed out by two-thirds of the knife.

But now that Yang Zi came back, although part of his popularity was plundered again, Yang Zi was able to attract the firepower of the knife, so that he would not feel as uncomfortable as he did a few days ago.

In comparison, the days when Yang Zi was here were more comfortable.

An anchor who eats hundreds of meals is not easy to do!

"Brothers, in the past few days, I really haven't seen any movements from Daheng's side, but brother Xiaoxiao's side has been making constant movements."

"Last week, the League of Legends competition lasted for seven consecutive days. Not only the fans of the League of Legends, but also me, the anchor of the star show, have experienced a wave of eye addiction."

Xiaochun smiled and spoke in the live broadcast room, and the whole person's mentality relaxed a lot.

"Brother Chun, Yang Zi just came back, do you think Yang Zi will start a war with Xia Nuan?"

"Just now, Yang Zi lashed out at Daheng's fans in the live broadcast room. I reckon Yang Zi and Xia Nuan will start fighting sooner or later."

"Xia Nuan is not the kind of person who suffers. He was hacked by Yang Zi last week, and the war is certain."

"Upstairs, is Yang Zi Hei Xia Nuan, and you don't have a clue?"

Xiaochun's live broadcast room was full of discussions about Yang Zi and Xia Nuan.

Although the matter has passed for a week, the matter of Xia Nuan's threesome is not so easy to pass.

Many tourists who don't understand the truth of the matter are choosing to eat melons, and this matter is still talked about by them.

Although it is uncertain which side is right, everyone has a tacit understanding. There must be a battle between Yang Zi and Da Heng.

It's just a matter of time.

Xiaochun's status in Xingxiu is very special, she belongs to the kind of anchor who doesn't provoke either side.

Although he had some complaints about Daheng recently, Xiaochun concealed it very well. Except for Yang Zi, almost no one found out that he had blacked out Brother Jiu and Brother Hua recently.

Even Dao Dao, who was a news anchor, didn't know about it.

Therefore, in Xiaochun's live broadcast room, there are some fans on both sides, but there are more fans who are neutral and eat melons.

"As I said before, I will not make any comments on this matter until the real evidence comes out."

Xiaochun helped the frame of the mirror, and reluctantly accepted the words.

Originally, I wanted to talk about Brother Xiao Xiao's affairs in the game area these days, but watching the barrage in the live broadcast room, the audience's thoughts were obviously not here.

"However, I can speak for Yang Zi. Yang Zi hasn't launched the broadcast these days. It's not because Xia Nuan exposed this incident. We all know about Yang Zi's sister's illness. .”

"As for the fact that some fans were talking about the war between Yang Zi and Xia Nuan just now, it's actually not accurate."

"Yang Zi represents Brother Xiao Xiao, while Xia Nuan and Daozi represent Brother Jiu and Brother Hua. The battle they started was a duel between Brother Shenhao."

Xiaochun chuckled and brought the topic to Brother Shenhao.

Having said that, he doesn't need to go any further.

One is that he is an anchor, so he can't talk about Shenhao openly, and the second means is to bring out the essence of this matter and put it on the bright side, so that the audience will understand it.

"That's right, after all, the anchor is only a part-time job."

"At the end of the day, it depends on how Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Hua fight."

The audience in the live broadcast room nodded.

"Okay, okay, let's continue to talk about the news from the game area. The response to Brother Xiao Xiao's solo competition has been really enthusiastic recently, especially the newly-emerged anchor Xiaoyi, whose strength is even more frightening."

Xiaochun coughed a few times and returned to the normal live broadcast again.

The rhythm of Yang Zi and Xiaochun's live broadcast was normal, but the rhythm of Daozi's live broadcast just started, and the rhythm was a little out of control.

This morning, Daozi deliberately delayed the broadcast for half an hour, just to make his online broadcasting time a little shorter.

It was a joke that Xia Nuan and Zhou Xing were beaten up last night. Yang Zi also came back this morning. He just said hello to Xia Nuan in the live broadcast room. In the morning, most of Daheng fans ran to his The live broadcast room complained that he, the news anchor, couldn't bear it anymore.

"Knife, sister Xia Nuan, what happened to Zhou Xing in the magic book last night? I heard that Xiao Xiao hit sister Xia Nuan again?"

"I wasn't online last night, but I saw Xia Nuan's Zhou Xing was beaten just after I went online today, and now it's still No.4."

"There is a bit of a dog in the game area. This morning is the last day of this week. If you choose to play at this time, you will only give Xia Nuan this evening to react."


Daheng's fans were filled with righteous indignation. Although they were not in high spirits, they didn't speak out in his live broadcast room.

Knife is a little thankful for this.

In the past, these fans had already started to complain.

But now after being beaten by Xiao Xiao a few times, not only their top anchors have lost their vigor, but even the union fans have lost their vigor.

I used to be a mad dog when I spoke on the public screen, but now I look a bit like a human.

Although it is not a good word, it has to be said that this is indeed a great improvement.

If it is placed in normal times, the knife will definitely lose its edge because of this change.

But even today, the knife still gives me an unstoppable headache.

Originally, Brother Jiu said he would come over in the morning, but he didn't come because he had too much fun last night.

The fifth brother couldn't get through to Brother Jiu, but he managed to get through, but there was only the continuous sound of swallowing saliva, occasionally humming softly, and he didn't know what he was doing.

So Lao Wu could only give him special instructions before the broadcast started in the morning.

From the changes Huya will implement in July to their Daheng strategy, Lao Wu gave him an analysis in simple terms.

Therefore, Knife knew very well that he had no intention of going to war with Lehua in the past few days.

Not to mention Yang Zi, a mad dog who bites them when he sees Daheng!
Brother Hua is still in the capital, and the money from Brother Jiu hasn't arrived yet.

With a wave of gifts from Xiao Xiao in the early stage, Lehua has too much money in his hands.

And it's still the end of the month, after a big fight with Lehua, the funds there will be returned within a few days.

At that time, it is bound to affect the plan for July.

Knife cursed secretly in his heart.

Every time Xia Nuan came up with something, it was him who rubbed the drums here.

Although Xia Nuan was also miserable, he, a news anchor who had to suffer unreasonable disasters every time, was not much better.

If it hadn't been for Brother Hua's whitewashing last time, Knife might have to pretend to be ill at home to hide from the rhythm.

"Brothers, according to my understanding, Xia Nuan hasn't said anything about Zhou Xing's magic book these days."

"It's the end of June now, and the big brothers' companies are also withdrawing funds. In the past half month, Brother Jiu and Brother Hua have also been busy. It is estimated that they will not come back to Huya to play until early July."

Knife explained in the live broadcast room.

"But the anchor on the other side of the game area has already started grabbing the magic book Zhou Xing, isn't it fake?"

"The poison is already tens of thousands of stars, Xia Nuan is afraid to use it, right?"

"I just came over from Yang Zi, and Yang Zi was blowing about the magic book Zhou Xing in the live broadcast room. It's really irritating!"

Daheng's fans were unrelenting.

The knife's explanation simply did not meet their psychological expectations.

You said that Xia Nuan didn't play the magic book Zhou Xing, so what does the previous 200 million ranking mean?
He also said that Brother Hua and Brother Jiu were busy with company affairs before they could make a move in July.

But what about Xiao Xiao, who swiped 500 million in the game area in the early morning!

"How should I put it, this time, Xia Nuan just beat Zhou Xing in the magic book with the mentality of trying. The eldest brother is indeed busy with the company's affairs and cannot leave."

"According to my understanding, when Brother Jiu and Xia Nuan were chatting last night, they said that they would continue to play activities in July, and the amount that Brother Jiu gave out this time will definitely make everyone's jaws drop! "

Knife saw that he couldn't lie, so he could only reveal some things about Brother Jiu in advance.

"Brother Jiu is going to make a move in July?"

When the fans in the live broadcast room heard the news, their spirits were shaken, and they immediately became excited.

Although the July event has not been announced, but according to the recent momentum of Huya’s money-making, there will definitely be a big competition.

You know, the recent pk on Huya all started at tens of millions!
This kind of large-scale competition is also their favorite.

"Hey, I'm afraid I'll lose again when the time comes."

Some Daheng fans sighed.

After the mid-year fan festival and the two games planned in June, many fans who had no brains to support Daheng were a little shaken.

It would be nice to get the streamers they support to win the game if the money is paid.

But two times in a row, they paid a lot of money, but every time they were beaten by Xiao Xiao and doubted their lives.

Taking the initiative to mention the activities in July, the number of people who were still talking about Xia Nuan suddenly decreased.

"Everyone can rest assured that we have failed twice. Our anchors don't want to lose face, but Brother Shenhao wants to lose face."

"I just said that Brother Jiu will make a move in July. I'll let you know how much he will fight, but I guarantee that it will not be lower than this number."

Knife chuckled and stretched out a finger.

"One million?"

"You are stupid upstairs, is 1000 million considered money for the gods, and you still need to keep it secret?"

"Hiss, it can't be [-] million, right?"

The atmosphere in the studio suddenly became heated.

In the last event, brother Jiu Hua and fourth brother together made a list of [-] million.

And what happened in July, the knife said so mysteriously.

If you think about it this way, there is a very high possibility that Brother Jiu will actually spend 7 million in July!

"Is Brother Jiu so awesome?"

"Brother Jiu is really about to rise this time!"

"If Brother Jiu gets 6 million, the event in July will definitely be a win. Xiao Xiao fought so much in June, no matter how rich he is, he can't continue doing this."

"That's right, Xiao Xiao spent 4000 million in the game area in the early morning, no matter how powerful he is, he has to slow down."

"Xiao Xiao can make 7 million in July, I stick my head in the latrine and drink urine!"

Many fans with Xiaofei and Xia Nuan signs chatted.

Since Xiao Xiao entered Huya, he has already spent a total of 5000 million yuan.

And brushing so much, it only took a month.

Compared with before Xiao Xiao came to Huya, the annual consumption of Brother Jiu and Brother Hua was only 4000 to [-] million at most.

It is impossible for Shenhao's money to come from the wind!

In their opinion, no matter how awesome Xiao Xiao is, he should stop for a while.

Of course, they didn't feel that Xiao Xiao was cheating, but that it was impossible for Xiao Xiao to make such a large reward of hundreds of millions.

"With Xiao Xiao's strength, it is possible to earn 7-6000 million, or even 8000-[-] million in July."

"But in front of [-] million, it is estimated that it is still hanging."

Several sensible fans analyzed.

Even if Xiao Xiao used the money as paper, the speed at which it was sprinkled down should be collected!

 A 4000-word chapter, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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