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Chapter 180 Daheng's Fans Are Garbage!

Chapter 180 Daheng's Fans Are Garbage!
Yang Zi took a full week off.

Sister Yang Zi's operation was very successful. After the kidney source was replaced, there was no obvious rejection reaction.

His elder brother specially went to accompany him for a few days, and left a sum of money for his parents to pay for subsequent hospitalization.

With so many rewards from Brother Xiao Xiao, Yang Zi has not worried about money recently.

The changes in the family's status in recent days also made Yang Zi feel a lot.

Brother Xiao Xiao's action really changed the fate of their family!
His parents had told him about this more than once.

He, Yang Zi, no matter what happens in the future, he must stand by Brother Xiao Xiao!

However, in the past few days as an escort, although he didn't have much time to live broadcast, he didn't miss a single thing that happened on the platform.

From the cleansing of the knife, to Xia Nuan's self-proving of innocence, and then the turmoil and activities in the game area, Yang Zi learned about it from many aspects.

Especially about Xia Nuan's turn to blackmail him, Yang Zi asked him more emphatically.

These few days he can't spare time to accompany Daheng in the hospital, but he just came back these two days, so he has plenty of time to play with Daheng slowly!

Not to mention the Han Ye incident in the game area, just Xia Nuan's incident is not simple at all.

Now that there is no evidence in hand, Yang Zi will definitely not start from this aspect, otherwise it will not be so easy to be bitten back by Xia Nuan's knife.

"Yang Zi, don't confront Daheng for the next two days, wait until June."

Sister Feifei saw that Yang Zi was a little too excited, so she hurriedly warned him.

In the past few days, the boss behind Lehua has invested another 500 million. Although it is not much, it is still possible to let Lehua operate for a period of time.

Sister Feifei is now talking to Baldy about switching to a trade union, and she doesn't want any troubles on the platform these days.

What's more, Yangzi, Xiaojuzi and Baldy will have to participate in the ribbon-cutting event of the Hope Project in two days. If they face off against Daheng, they will inevitably distract some tourists. By then, the popularity of the three people's off-site live broadcast will be huge. It's going to be much worse.

"I see."

Yang Zi smiled and nodded.

"By the way, Yang Zi, do you want to upgrade your contract? Can Lehua give you an S signature?"

Sister Feifei mentioned a word by the way.

With Yang Zi's current strength, it is quite easy to get the highest S lottery.

"Where's Miss Orange?"

Yang Zi didn't agree immediately, but asked about Xiaojuzi's situation.

"There's nothing wrong with Little Orange, and I plan to re-sign the contract in July."

"Okay, then I will sign again in July."

Yang Zi nodded.

Behind Xiaojuzi is Brother Xiao Xiao, as long as you follow Xiaojuzi, you will definitely not be too far away from Brother Xiaoxiao.

Yang Zi has always grasped this point very firmly.

He knew very well that Lehua was not his backstage, Brother Xiao Xiao was!
Moreover, in Yang Zi's view, Lehua's strength is indeed much worse.

The working capital of the union has never exceeded [-] million, and the anchors are not too many. It is only under the care of brother Xiao Xiao that they seem to share the star show with Daheng evenly.

In fact, Lehua's side can't compare with Daheng in terms of the number of anchors or financial strength.

Even the first-line trade unions like the vernacular are much better than Lehua.

But he is Lehua's anchor after all, so he doesn't think his family is poor.

After saying hello to Tutu and Sanjin anchors, Yang Zi entered the live broadcast room, turned on the computer, and chose to log in.

After the activities in June, although Yang Zi's account fans are not comparable to veteran anchors like Xiao Fei Xia Nuan, they still have more than 150 million subscribers.

And the heat of the Xia Nuan incident last time had just subsided, and many fans on the live broadcast platform remembered him as a sharp news anchor.

As soon as it went online, 4 to [-] people flocked in.

"Good morning, Brother Yang."

"Yang Zi is online!"

"Yang Zi, how is the situation at home?"

"Sister is all right, good luck!"

"Damn our Xia Nuan, apologize quickly!"


The tourists were all in good spirits and spoke on the public screen one after another.

Many tourists expressed their concern.

As the popularity of the live broadcast continued to increase, some fans of Daheng also jumped over and criticized Yang Zi.

"Thank you fans for your concern, Yang Zi is here to thank everyone."

"However, the brothers who are fans of my Yang Zi can stay, and those stupid dogs who bite people should quit quickly, so as not to annoy the fans in our live broadcast room, and go beat your anchor at that time Not good."

Yang Zi first said gratefully, then snorted coldly, and silenced several Daheng fans.

These Daheng fans thought it was the previous live broadcast of Huya.

Now a series of anchors of the Lehua Union, they are not afraid of Daheng at all.

Not only a few of their first-tier and super first-tier anchors, but even the second-tier and first-tier anchors like Tutu Sanjin dared to make a bad face with Daheng's fans.

It's just a few black fans, if it is sealed, it will be sealed.

If Daheng dared to have an anchor come over to show off these black fans, it would be too late for him, Yang Zi, to welcome them.

After all, as a news anchor, doing things is the most important thing.

Daheng wanted to take the initiative to bring the rhythm, Yang Zi really wished for it.

"Yang Zi, you are too arrogant, aren't you?"

Daheng's fans were annoyed.

Of course, it's not so much anger as embarrassment.

Daozi has just launched the live broadcast and has not officially started the live broadcast. They planned to take a stroll around the platform to see the situation, but just entered Yang Zi's live broadcast room, and saw a group of Daheng fans blocked by Yang Zi.

They have a high self-esteem. Although their life has been a little unsatisfactory recently, they don't feel like they are being manipulated by others.

Especially Yang Zi's accusation of framing Xia Nuan last time has not yet been settled, and now he dares to take the initiative to provoke trouble in front of them, this is absolutely unbearable.

"Am I being arrogant?"

Yang Zi was also amused.

"You came to my live broadcast room early in the morning to vent, and I just silenced it. Is it because I am arrogant?"

"Cooperating with you Daheng fans, you must be the boss of your second child. No one can mess with you, right?"

"Why don't you vent your temper like this in reality? You see, it's over if they mess with you!"

Yang Zi slapped the table violently, and directly yelled at several Daheng fans.

It's only been a few days since he's been online, and these Daheng fans seem to have forgotten Yang Zi's vicious name.

A while ago, he sprayed all the anchors in the entire Daheng on the ground by himself, how could he be afraid of these black fans?
what a thing!
"Well said, Yang Zi is mighty!"

In the live broadcast room, fans of Yang Zi's series made mighty and domineering expressions one after another.

A series of tiger heads swiped the screen, instantly suppressing Daheng's rhythm.

And the number of people in Yang Zi's live broadcast room was close to [-].

This is actually the power of super first-line anchors.

As long as it starts broadcasting, the popularity must be among the top few on the entire channel.

And although Yang Zi is not really a superstar in the Xingxiu District now, he is at least somewhere in between.

There is still some fan loyalty.

Tens of thousands of people launched a barrage of support on the public screen, and some black fans of Daheng had no choice.

Their titles are not high, they are just ordinary tourists or swordsman knights.

As soon as the barrage was posted, it was pushed to the bottom by thousands of barrages in the live broadcast room.

Even if they wanted to complain, Yang Zi couldn't see what they said.

Seeing the countless barrages of support in the live broadcast room, Yang Zi gained confidence.

"I can only say that you Daheng black fans are all rubbish!"

 Thank you Xiaowenzi: 1888 book coins for the reward

  Thanks for baa baa a sheep: 100 book coins for the reward

  Thank you for sleeping until you wake up naturally: 100 book coins reward

(End of this chapter)

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