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Chapter 185 This is an opportunity for Daheng

Chapter 185 This is Daheng's Opportunity

Lao Wu was live broadcasting by several newly promoted second-tier female anchors in OB Daheng. When he saw the message from Daozi, his brows frowned immediately.

The solo competition held by Xiao Xiao, the fifth child has been paying attention to it all the time. Naturally, he also knows Xiao Yi, the young anchor who has just turned over and won the first place.

In his opinion, a small anchor like Xiao Yi who suddenly got a huge sum of money cannot compare to the old anchor in terms of mentality and live broadcast experience. During the live broadcast for more than a month, I slowly changed my mentality. It is unlikely that I will go against them in a short period of time.

Including Xingxiu's increasingly popular dance anchor Feng'er.

Just got the 1000 million reward from Xiao Xiao. Although she has been working hard to get closer to Xiao Xiao recently, her methods are clumsy and immature, which is incomparable to the old anchors like Xia Nuan. For nearly two weeks, she did not give them Daheng caused no trouble.

Even under the suppression of their Daheng, they are currently only stable at the second-tier anchors, and there is no tendency to move closer to the first-tier anchors.

This is because Xia Nuan has been busy cleaning things up these days.

Once Xia Nuan frees up her hands, she will inevitably slowly suppress Feng'er, who is also a dance anchor.

The fifth child still thought that Xiao Yi should be similar to Feng'er, but he didn't expect to be a bit miscalculated this time.

Xiaoyi is different from Feng'er, this guy is dishonest!
The tip that was received in the early morning started targeting them at Daheng at eleven o'clock in the morning.

I'm afraid I have borrowed a lot of loans.

And the most important thing is cross-channel!

An anchor in the game area, come to beat Zhou Xing, the head news anchor of their star show!
Brother Hua in the capital was also stunned when he saw the news in the guild group. After reacting, he called Lao Wu directly.

"Old Five, I will transfer 1000 million to the union account immediately, the account you charged to Knife, and let him fight Zhou Xing this time in his own name!"

"Remember, you must fight in the name of a knife!"

Brother Hua took a sip of his tea, and greeted the secretary next to him to inform the accountant to transfer money, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Even the hand holding the ring trembled slightly.

In his opinion, this may be his only chance to beat Xiao Xiao in the past month!

Xiao Yi is an anchor that Xiao Xiao has just picked up through the event, and has reached the level of a second-tier anchor just after he got up. According to the current rhythm, it is a stable thing to develop for a month or two to advance to the first-line anchor.

If Xiao Yi didn't take the initiative to jump out, but continued to develop, their Daheng really had nothing to do with him in the game area, they could only let him become one of the head anchors of Xiao Xiao's line.

But now, Xiao Yi actually came to beat Daheng's super first-line news anchor with a knife!
This is something to play with.

When Lao Wu heard Brother Hua's decision, his mind was still in a state of confusion.

In Lao Wu's mind, Daheng is facing so much pressure now, and he doesn't have much funds in hand. Under such circumstances, he must choose to avoid the war.

Only when a large amount of funds return in July, will there be resources to fight against Xiao Xiao.

Now it is the end of June, it is true that Brother Hua can squeeze out 6 million, but if he wants to work with Xiao Xiao, let alone 1000 million, even if it is 1000 million, I am afraid it will be a bit stretched.

This is not because the fifth child was beaten up, but because of his honest analysis.

I can't beat it!

And Brother Hua now only gave 1000 million yuan in addition to fighting, and the old five's thinking is really a little bit hard to change.

Brother Hua knew that Lao Wu didn't understand, so he turned around the plain diamond ring in his hand and explained to Lao Wu.

"Don't let conventions limit your thinking."

Brother Hua chuckled, and turned around to get off the boss chair.

"You may be wondering why I let you fight."

"From May to now, our Daheng anchor and Xiao Xiao have confronted no less than 5 times, including the activities in May, Xia Nuan's Zhou Xing, Dao Zi's Zhou Xing, and Xiao Fei's first brother, all of them Ended with failure."

Old Five was silent for a while.

In the past two months, Daheng has indeed been beaten a bit badly, and he wanted to fight back several times in June, but he was beaten back violently.

If Brother Hua hadn't come up with the trick of using the navy to clean up the whitewashing, it's hard to say whether Xia Nuan would be able to rebroadcast it.

Although there are traffic dividends brought about by the explosion of Huya's popularity, Daheng has not lost much on the surface.

But how do you say something?

Not moving forward is going backwards!
Their opponent, Lehua, a union that cannot be any smaller, has been gradually chasing after them with the support of Xiao Xiao.

The Lehua union doesn't say how many small anchors there are, but the top anchors are no worse than their Daheng!
"So, if Yimei avoids the battle, sooner or later our Daheng will fail."

"Xia Nuan made an excuse for not playing the magic book Zhou Xing yesterday, and the excuse he made was so clumsy."

"Tourists on the platform are not stupid, and fans are not stupid either. I believe 90.00% of the tourists know whether they played the magic book Zhou Xing or whether Daheng retreated yesterday. They just tried to forcefully avoid it under the pretext of big brother's business."

Brother Hua made an in-depth analysis, and the fifth child also nodded secretly.

Although the words are not good, but this is the current situation.

In terms of small anchors, Daheng's revenue has always been average.

As for the head anchor, it has indeed been diarrhea in the past month.

A lot of investment, but the return is very low. Not to mention, the influence of the top anchors has been declining.

"Brother Hua, what about Zhou Xing, the light stick that you said this time with the knife?"

The fifth thought for a while, but still couldn't help asking.

"This time Xing Zhou, the light stick, is just a small Zhou Xing, but it is indeed an opportunity for Daheng!"

Having said this, Brother Hua narrowed his eyes again.

Although this is not a big deal, it is the most promising one in the recent period of time!
"You shouldn't have forgotten Xiao Xiao's online rules. This meeting hasn't been online in the morning, so it's basically impossible to go online again during the day."

"Yes, Xiao Xiao's trajectory and chances this month have been like this. If it goes online today, it may be night."

The fifth child nodded repeatedly.

Brother Hua went on to say:

"So, if you play this wave in the morning, 99% of the time you won't be able to match Xiao Xiao, and as long as the knife hits the light stick Zhou Xing back before the broadcast in the morning, will Xiao Yi fight this Zhou Xing when Xiao Xiao goes online at night? It doesn't matter anymore."

"In addition, it is also very interesting to talk about the anchor Xiaoyi."

"He has just been promoted from a small streamer. The first one has no connections, and the second one has no resources. Not to mention the bald man and the little orange in the Xingxiu district, he doesn't know him, it's just a few anchors from the Xiao Xiao family in the game area. , he can’t even recognize it.”

"And now, he just wants to fall for Xiao Xiao, he is not considered as the anchor of Xiao Xiao's family, and this alone is not enough for big anchors like bald to fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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