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Chapter 186 Shot with a Knife: Pay Wan Zhou Xing Out of Your Own Pocket!

Chapter 186 Shot with a Knife: Pay Ten Thousand Stars Out of Your Own Pocket! (A 4000-word chapter asks for a monthly ticket)

When Brother Hua said this, Lao Wu quickly reacted.

It is indeed such a truth!
This time, he drilled a logical dead end with the platform tourists.

From the perspective of platform visitors, since Xiao Xiao tipped Xiao Yi 2000 million, he naturally regarded Xiao Yi as an anchor of the same department.

That is to say, many things that Xiaoyi does can represent Xiaoxiao's decision-making in the eyes of most platform visitors.

Including the fact that Xiaoyi is drawing a lottery to brush the glow stick Zhou Xing, why is there such a big commotion now, and so many tourists on the platform keep booing?
You know, Xiao Yi has just paid more than 30 to less than 40 just now.

In normal times, such a small amount can’t even afford a drop of water on the platform, let alone the current big rhythm.

There is no other reason, but because of Xiao Xiao!
The tourists all regarded Xiao Yi as the anchor of Xiao Xiao's series. Xiao Yi took the initiative to fight Dao Zi. Although the amount of money was not large, the effect of public opinion was not small.

And his fifth child had the same thought just now.

So he wanted to avoid the battle, and he didn't want to confront the anchors of Xiao Xiao's series.

But in fact, the real situation is not what he thought.

Although Xiao Xiao paid Xiao Yi a lot, it was based on the winning or losing of the competition, not because Xiao Xiao liked Xiao Yi, the anchor.

In other words, in Xiao Xiao's eyes, Xiao Yi can only be regarded as a passer-by, not one of the supported anchors.

Then in Xiao Xiao's camp, Xiao Yi's identity is somewhat intriguing.

Head anchors like Baldy and Little Orange who have money in their hands will definitely not support Xiao Yi who doesn't even know the basics.

After all, there are too many streamers that Xiao Xiao rewarded. If every streamer is against Daheng, will they support it or not?

You know, support is not just lip service, what you want is real money!
And against them, Daheng, every game is more than a million.

More importantly, by doing this, Xiao Yi obviously set up Xiao Xiao, the tiger bud god, and used Xiao Xiao's name to start a war with the knife.

Whether Xiao Xiao's anchors would be disgusted is another matter, and as for support, it is even more impossible.

The more Lao Wu thinks about it later, the more he feels that Brother Hua's words are reasonable.

In terms of human nature, Brother Hua has always been at the top.

Brother Hua's analysis really made Lao Wu understand a lot.

"If you want to put it this way, the only thing Xiao Yi can rely on this time is himself."

Brother Hua nodded lightly:

"That's right, so as long as the knife is shot, Xiao Yi will definitely be caught off guard."

As for why he let the knife go, the first one was because of Xia Nuan.

Zhou Xing said that the magic book on the knife side is easy to say, if you spend 1000 million, you have a 99% chance of winning it.

And Xia Nuan's opponents are mainly poisonous agents.

And Xiao Xiao had already made it clear when Poison Agent and Han Ye were facing each other that this is the anchor of his series.

If Xia Nuan wants to fight the poisonous agent, it is inevitable that bald little oranges and other rich front-line anchors will jump out.

This is also the reason why the big brother of the union cannot be allowed to take action.

If Brother Jiu is allowed to make a move, it proves that Brother Jiu has been online recently and has money in his hand.

In this case, why only brush the knife and not Xia Nuan?

The reason why she lied to Xia Nuanyuan before is self-defeating.

It's different to let the knife brush. As an anchor, you can not only achieve good results, but also attract a wave of fans. What's more, even if you lose in the end, it can be justified.

Lao Wu also figured it out now, and felt that Brother Hua's move was extremely clever.

Regardless of whether Zhou Xing wins or loses in this wave of fluorescent sticks, Daheng wins!
Brother Hua moved very quickly, and the 1000 million funds have already arrived in the company's account.

The fifth child did not hesitate, boarded the trumpet of the knife in the background, and began to renew the emperor infinitely.

1000 million funds, after the renewal, it will be worth 100 million golden beans!
Let the union management go to the Knife live broadcast room to say hello and call the knife out.

The fifth child gave some more detailed instructions.

When the knife returned to the live broadcast room, his whole complexion was flushed.

He had already prepared the plan for being beaten up and then dissapeared, but he didn't expect that the trade union would be so stubborn this time!

And after Lao Wu's explanation just now, Knife basically understood the thinking and analysis of the trade union.

After calming down, he even gave Brother Hua a thumbs up in his heart.

This is truly an opportunity, and a BIG one at that!

If it were him, he would not have considered Hua Ge's level at all, let alone make a decision like Hua Ge's.

As long as he can win this light stick Zhou Xing, it will definitely subvert the improvement he brings to the news anchor.

Moreover, he could also unknowingly dig a big hole for Xiao Xiao!
The relationship of this matter is wonderful.

The tourists think that Xiao Yi is the anchor of Xiao Xiao's family, and the anchors of Xiao Xiao's family generally think that Xiao Yi is just a passer-by who was rewarded by brother Xiao Xiao.

As long as it succeeds, the tourists will definitely be one-sided, and they will not have so much trust in Xiao Xiao, the hero.

Grasping this information gap will definitely make a good move!
On the platform, Xiaoyi’s fluorescent stick Zhou Xing is close to 40.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage of Daheng fans became more and more fermented.

"Mmp, all cats and dogs are here to grab Daheng's activities. The knife hasn't shown it yet, so it's really boring."

"When did Daheng's anchor become so cowardly? I'm really convinced that he wouldn't even dare to fight for 40 or [-] yuan?"

"Even if Brother Hua and Brother Jiu are not here, the other big brothers Shenhao should be able to fight, right? It's only a few hundred thousand, so why don't you dare to fight!"

"Garbage knife, I won't be a fan from now on, it's useless to bring your fan brand, and you will be beaten wherever you go!"

"Xia Nuan's Zhou Xing just fooled the past like that, now how can you fool Zhou Xing, the light stick?"


In the live broadcast room, the mentality of the fans was close to explosion.

Ever since they joined Daheng's fan group, they have always been on the platform like wind and rain.

Before Xiao Xiao came, no matter whose live broadcast room he went to, he had to be courteous when he saw tourists with Daheng's anchor fan cards.

Even swearing at people and hating the anchor in the live broadcast room, no field controller dared to ban them.

But since Xiao Xiao came, everything changed.

First, some leading anchors started not to give them face, and then all the anchors of the Xiao Xiao series did not give them face.

After that, as long as the second-tier anchors are available on the entire platform, they will be blocked even if they want to!

It was even worse in the live broadcast room of Yang Zi and Bald Zi. If they didn't speak, they would be banned by the field controller. It was a punching bag.

Don't they just want to save face when they consume on the platform?
But now, Daheng's anchors can't give them face, and they can't give them confidence with a knife. Naturally, they are not polite to this kind of anchor.

"Trash, from today onwards, I will bet on all the signs of Daheng's anchor."

"Retired from the circle, quit the circle, the past month has become less and less interesting to play, and now I dare not hit the gift list of 40 to [-], and there are a lot of excuses."

"Brothers, I will take a step back first. The enemy Taiwan Douyu even set up a trumpet. Let's play for a few days."

"Take me upstairs, let's go together!"

Not only ordinary fans, but even noble fans are slowly dispersing.

They chose Daheng, but Daheng's performance was indeed unsatisfactory.

Knife also had a headache when he saw the fans' barrage in the live broadcast room, and quickly turned on the microphone that had just been turned off.

"Brothers, don't worry. I just learned about the situation. Xiao Yi in this game area is drawing a lottery. Zhou Xing, the light stick, probably didn't hit it on purpose."

As soon as the knife opened its mouth, the audience in the live broadcast room was even more disappointed.

"It's another excuse. Next, do you want to say that you didn't play the light stick Zhou Xing, so you won't grab it?"

"Oh, I'm really back."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the number of nobles who were originally eight or nine thousand in the live broadcast room suddenly dropped by hundreds.

And the number of people who were more than 1 online dropped more than [-] at one time.

Although Daozi was anxious in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face.

Daheng wants him to make a move, but he must not be a reckless man.

Although Brother Hua's analysis is very reasonable, but just to be on the safe side, it's better to take him out first.

"But having said that, although Xiao Yi didn't do it intentionally and didn't hit Zhou Xing much, since we are also beating this Zhou Xing, naturally we can't persuade him."

"No matter what, my knife is going to fight for a wave."

The knife chuckled.

"As a fan of my knife, you can lose anything, but in terms of face, you must not lose!"

"Big brothers are not here for a few days, but everyone, don't forget that my knife is also capable!"

"This wave of my knife, no matter what, I have to get tough!"

Knife took out his mobile phone, turned his back to the public screen, lowered his head and pretended to be recharging.

The fans who were still cursing in the live broadcast room were suddenly taken aback.

They thought that Daozi was cowardly, but what Daozi said just now obviously didn't mean that.

Although Knife's phone is facing away from the screen, it is placed at an angle after all, and Huya's recharge interface can still be vaguely seen.

"What is the knife for?"

"Impossible, Xiao Yi's attitude is obviously to grab the light stick. Zhou Xing is here, and Daheng's eldest brother is not here. How dare he make a move with the knife?"

"I'm ready to quit the Internet, Knife is going to give me a surprise!"

In the live broadcast room, most fans felt very strange.

What Daozi said just now obviously meant not to love Xiao Yi, but there were also a few words in it, which meant that he didn't want to confront Xiao Yi.

But the recharge interface that can be seen vaguely seems to express Xiaoyi's determination.

Some tourists who were just about to leave also calmed down and stayed, ready to see what the knife was up to.

Since the day the game ended in June, Daheng has been avoiding the battle.

Although the anchor on Daheng's side didn't admit it explicitly, fans who often come to play can clearly feel it.

And what happened to Xia Nuan in the early morning disappointed many fans.

Therefore, the knife avoided the battle again in the morning, which made many fans who were already disappointed feel that Daheng was really boring.

But Dao Zi's turnaround aroused their interest even more.

The knife pretended to be on the recharge interface for seven or eight minutes.

On Xiaoyi's side, the glow stick Zhou Xing is close to 45.

The time was close to 12 o'clock, and the 200 million bonus had already been sent out, almost 150 million.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room, Knife lightly placed his hand on the mouse and stopped the background music playing in the live broadcast room.

The phone screen was also completely exposed to the camera in the live broadcast room.

Emperor: Knife.

Account balance: Golden bean coupons: 100 million!

"My God, do you see how many zeros are these?"

"Looks like 100 million golden bean coupons?"

"No, I think there are more."

"Don't count, I just took a quick screenshot and took a closer look, it's 100 million!"

"Fuck, you mean the knife has just been charged with 1000 million?"

All of a sudden, tens of thousands of fans in the live broadcast room were blown away.

If it was Brother Jiu and Brother Hua who charged 1000 million, they wouldn't think much of it.

After all, as Shenhao at the forefront of the platform, 1000 million is really not much.

But Daozi, as a news anchor, was too shocked for them to be able to spend so much money.

"The fan read it right just now, it is indeed 1000 million."

Knife chuckled and raised his head to face the camera.

"Really 1000?"

"These 1000 million, I'm afraid the knife took out all his old background?"

"Hiss knife, this is really not life, so hard?"

"It's not necessary, Xiao Yi only hit more than 40 yuan, and if he hits 100 million yuan, he will beat the opponent!"

Once Knife admitted this, the amount of bullet screens on the public screen went up to a higher level.

More and more fans are speaking on the public screen, and a group of fans are too excited to contain themselves.

In their view, the 1000 million is basically all the income Knife has earned since the live broadcast.

After all, in the first two events, the main battlefield was not with him, and the income he could get was not much.

"The knife beeps, I take back what I said before, if the light stick Zhou Xing fights this time, I personally support 2000 yuan!"

"I also take back what I said before, the knife is good, such an anchor is worthy of my fans!"

"I'll do it even if the elder brother is not here, it's a knife!"

"Don't worry, everyone, although Xiao Yi didn't deliberately snatch our light stick Zhou Xing, but I won't give up my knife so easily."

"This 1000 million is indeed all the assets of my knife."

"But I promise that as long as the 1000 million is not finished, I will not admit defeat!"

"If Xiaoyi wants to come to get the light stick Zhou Xing, just let him come here!"

The knife played another war song, and in an instant, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was brought to a climax.

He only has about 300 million deposits in his hand, but the money belongs to him, so of course he won't charge it in at this time.

In his opinion, the 1000 million that Brother Hua gave must be enough. If 1000 million is not enough, then the big battle will definitely not be able to be carried out by relying on his news as the anchor.

After all, he has been beaten by Xiao Xiao so many times, and he has not learned other abilities, but he thinks about retreating before he advances. He dares to be the number one on the whole platform with a knife, and no one dares to be the second!
Knife thought for a while, and seemed to have missed Brother Jiu, the old Versailles coward.

He dares to be the number one in the anchor circle, no one dares to be the second in the anchor circle!
 Thanks to Bubble Gum: 1888 Book Coins for the reward

  Thanks to Xiaofei: 588 book coins for the reward

  Thank you Gentleman Jie: 400 Book Coins as a reward

  Thank you little lover: 100 book currency reward

  Thanks to Cherish a lifetime: 100 book currency reward

  What are you asking for, thank you readers!

(End of this chapter)

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