Chapter 188 Knives, You Go to Make Money, too (2800 words big chapter)
"Xiao Yi is very bold."

Knife watched the list getting closer and closer, and unconsciously clicked twice.

Currently, his list has reached 600 million.

On Xiaoyi's side, because three people are swiping, it is currently close to 400 million.

It is estimated that it will not take long to be equal to him.

Daozi wanted to directly wipe Xiao Yi loose, but he looked at his trembling hands, and suddenly the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Now it is less than half of the distance from 100 million brushes, that is, there are still [-] taps.

Knife felt that he should really give himself two big slaps on the face.

Why was it so cheap at the beginning, and chose a glow stick Zhou Xing for the gift of more scattered tickets?

Isn't a one-time gift of [-] yuan like a magic book delicious?

If I remember correctly, when Xia Nuan was beaten up by Little Orange, she seemed to be hitting Zhou Xing with a light stick.

This gift is not only tiring to brush, but also unlucky!

Xia Nuan was beaten because of the magic book Zhou Xing, and he was beaten because of the magic book Zhou Xing.

With this wave of money going out, I'm afraid his hands will have to cramp for a few days.

"Brothers, add another gift, the other side has already caught up!"

The knife roared in the live broadcast room.

Xiaoyi's live broadcast was naturally watched by field controllers, and he also knew the hole cards exposed in Xiaoyi's live broadcast. They were as tens of millions as him, and even a little more than him.

At this time, he also had to admire Xiao Yi's determination.

The 1000 million gift income, if it was him, would definitely not be used for activities.

Since he joined Huya as an anchor, he has voluntarily paid a lot of times, but the number of times he has paid a lot of money is very small.

Including before and during the event, and when he confronted Zhou Xing with Yang Zi, he just said that he would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars.

When others take two or three million yuan, he may offer three or four million yuan. When others take hundreds of thousands, he will never take away a dime!
This is also the reason why Xiaofei basically has no money in his hands now, but he can save about three million yuan.

In his opinion, being an anchor is just to make money, where can I post money?
As for Xiaoyi, with a round of income of 1050 million, a direct full loan of 1000 million will be issued.

Finish the 1000 million lottery with light sticks, and then use the 1000 million to create a loan of 300 million.
Adding in the bank's interest, when Xiao Yi repays the loan next month, it would be considered good to have 60 to [-] in his hand.

A good multi-millionaire is nothing in an instant.

Although I admire it, I still have to fight what should be fought.

Xiaoyi and Daozi opened fire.

The knife didn't care about the sore fingers anymore. For the effect of the show, it just poked hard at the screen.

The field controller next to him felt a little distressed, saying that he wanted to help the knife pick it up and poke it for a while, but the knife still refused.

Xiao Yi's side is better, but not too much.

Both of them experienced a wave of gifts today until they vomited.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, both of them reached tens of millions on the weekly star list.

On the platform, all the people who eat melons and the anchors who eat melons can't wait.

Discussions are endless.

"This may be the most brilliant light stick ever."

"Poking the screen for three or four hours, I guess the phone is about to fail, right?"

"Don't say it's them, just watch their live broadcast, and my mobile phone has been fully charged once."

"The speed of the knife really impresses me. No wonder I have never had a girlfriend. With this speed, it is useless to have a girlfriend."

"At present, it seems that Xiaoyi has more funds. If there is no follow-up on Daozi, I am afraid that this matchup will be lost."

Several news anchors, including Xiaochun and Yang Zi, were watching the excitement. This may be the biggest highlight of tomorrow's news broadcast.

In the game area, the popularity of Xiaoyi's live broadcast room is getting higher and higher. After Kaka was broadcast, the popularity has ushered in explosive growth.

Nearly 200 million tourists flocked in to watch this cross-channel battle.

The increase in popularity has also brought about an increase in gift turnover.

"Swipe, just finish the brush!"

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, and beckoned his two younger sisters to wipe out all the tens of millions.

Early four o'clock.

On the Light Stick Weekly Star List, Xiao Yi immediately grabbed No.1305 with a quota of 1 million.

"666, Xiaoyi Niubi!"

"Thousands of light sticks Zhou Xing, Hu Ya probably never thought that someone would be so boring!"

"Among them, I also contributed a hundred!"

"The knife has just broken through ten million, this is not good, haha!"

On the other side of the knife, 100 million running water quickly came out.

Including the tourists' gifts and the previous list, the data of Knife quickly rushed to 1200 million.

"Is this the end?"

"No matter how hard everyone works, the gap will not be big!"

"Do you still have the knife, and charge another 100 million!"

Daheng's fans were immediately anxious.

If it was said that there was a big brother on Xiaoyi's side, they wouldn't talk about it.

But now, relying on Xiao Yi alone to crush the knife, they couldn't accept this situation.

Knife is the head anchor of Xingxiu, and he is 1v1 with a game area anchor, how can he still lose?
"Daozi, you should also go for a loan. You have more than 1000 million turnover for your 500 million yuan, which is even higher than Xiaoyi!"

"That's right, Knife, you can still make a wave of gifts!"

Xiaoyi's operation seemed to remind Daheng's fans, and they repeatedly brushed up the word loan in the live broadcast room of Daozi.


The knife hesitated to speak.

He is completely different from Xiao Yi, but these words cannot be said to the fans in the live broadcast room.

Xiaoyi's 1000 million is his own turnover, so he can naturally sign a loan agreement with the bank.

After all, it was real money, so it would definitely be fine as collateral.

But the 1000 million in his hand is said to be his deposit.

But in fact, this is a trade union asset!

According to the agreement he signed with the trade union, he will return all the turnover in full.

If he has this 1000 million gift turnover income, what if he borrows 200 million and makes another wave?
The point is that he didn't!

Knife opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

The current form is already clear.

The anchors of the Xiaoxiao faction, Baldy and Little Orange, will not make a move, and his opponent is only Xiao Yi.

And Xiao Yi is now at the end of his rope.

Almost all of Xiaoyi's gold bean income was frozen by the bank, and he was waiting for the deduction after the share at the end of the month.

The rest of the money is just to repay the interest.

At this time, Xiao Yi may not even be able to spend [-] to [-] yuan!

And he, as long as he hits another 150 million, he can completely kill Xiao Yi.

But now, Knife hesitated a little.

Live broadcasting on other platforms for several years has not been lukewarm. After coming to Huya, it became popular for a while, but it earned more than 200 close to 300 million.

But he didn't know how long his live broadcast popularity could last, especially the recent crazy targeting by Yang Zi.

What if it gets cold next month?
At this time, I typed out the deposit, and then suddenly it became cold, and I couldn't even buy a house!
But for an anchor like him, once he gets cold, there is almost no chance of turning over.

But taking out half of the savings to beat Zhou Xing this time is indeed as painful as skinning him.

Knife wants the trade union to take some more money to subsidize it.

But the knife is very clear that there is not much money in the union's account.

It is impossible for Brother Jiu and Brother Hua to spend money to play activities today.

Moreover, these anchors usually get 6% back for events, but now they only need to get [-]% back, so they don’t have to pay out of pocket.

This is also the concession that Xiao Xiao forced Daheng to make after he came.

It is definitely unrealistic to ask the trade union to take money.

In just a short while, there were more and more barrages in the live broadcast room asking why he didn't take out a loan.

I panicked before, but now the retribution is coming.

The knife gritted his teeth fiercely, as if he had made a great determination.

"Brothers, wait a moment, I will apply for a loan right now, but if you are in a hurry, the loan amount will not be very high, 500 million turnover, if it arrives in 10 minutes, it may only be about 150 million."

Knife lied again, his face constantly changing between red and white.

Now, like Xiao Yi, he was held back by fans.

Can only go in, not back!

Once retreated, the next step is to lose the fan base, and the next step is to disappear on the platform.

But as soon as this sentence was said, the wind direction of the public screen in the live broadcast room suddenly changed.

Daheng's fans were even more excited.

"I knew a knife would do it!"

"The Daozi has really spent a lot of money this time. Although it is impossible to promise Xiao Xiao, as long as we win Xiao Yi, our momentum will be revealed!"

"No problem, the knife is so powerful, I will eat instant noodles for a few days next month, let's support 300."

"I'll support 1000 again. Daozi has played Daheng's momentum this time. It's the happiest time I've played this month."

"Although 150 million is not much, it is enough to beat Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi must have no money!"

"Niubi, no matter what happens in this wave, we won the 1v1!"

In the live broadcast room, Daheng's fans looked at Daozi's face, and were immediately encouraged by Daozi again.

If it is said that when Knife took out 1000 million to play the event before, the expression on his face inspired a group of fans, now when Knife took out the 150 million, his decisive expression has already inspired more than 80.00% of the fans in the live broadcast room .

after all
The 150 million this time is not pretended!

 Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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