Chapter 189 The Last Strike (Big Chapter)

Gritting his teeth with a knife, he drew 150 million from his private account.

After the money was drawn out, the knife withered a lot.

For him, a person who usually spends nothing, spending so much money at once is no different from drawing his blood.

But since he took out the money, Knife no longer hesitated.

Re-open the Emperor renewal interface.

"The Emperor [knife] renews the Emperor*6!"

"The Emperor [knife] renews the Emperor*6!"


After a series of Emperor renewals, all 150 million has been recharged, plus a 170% rebate, the balance of Knife's small gold beans has become [-] million.

This time the knife was not concealed at all, and the recharge process of 170 million gold beans was completely exposed to the camera.


"As expected of a knife, this loan is much faster than Xiao Yi's beep!"

"Knife 666, as long as you win Xiao Yi with this one, you will be a fan for life!"

"Bull beep bull beep!"

"Didn't the knife say the loan speed just now? If you want such a fast speed, you can't loan out too much with a turnover of 500 million."

"Although the loan is only 150 million, it must be enough to beat Xiaoyi!"

Most of the fans still believed Daozi's nonsense just now.

In fact, no matter how fast the bank lends money, it takes at least four to five or 10 minutes to go through the approval process.

Even like the 200 million that Xiao Yi borrowed in the morning, he had to provide a series of materials to prove his income and repayment ability.

The business manager of the bank is not a fool, and he will not ask for money and make a loan without assessing the risks.

It is basically impossible to imagine how easy it is to lend money with a knife.

But most ordinary fans don't understand and don't care about it.

In their view, since Daozi can loan out 150 million yuan of funds so quickly, Daozi is a bull, even better than Xiaoyi!

"Brothers, let's charge again, this time I will take the lead!"

The battle song in the live broadcast room was raised to a new level again.

Regardless of the still sore fingers, the knife continued to brush wildly.

150 million funds, 170 million gold beans, enough for him to beat Xiao Yi steadily!
"Knife come on, I also support a wave!"

"Go up, go up, kill the opponent!"

"Where is the main force of our Daheng, go!"

When Knife's 9999 fluorescent stick was flashed on the public screen again, tens of thousands of VIPs in the live broadcast room also began to show their strength.

The spending power of tourists in Xingxiu District has always been good. One hundred thousand tourists is no worse than the million tourists in Xiaoyi's live broadcast room, and it even exceeds a lot.

One or two yuan less, hundreds or thousands more.

Knife's fluorescent stick weekly star list began to soar upward again.

From 1200 million to 1300 million, it only took ten minutes!

Xiao Yi in the game area also saw the changes in the Daozi live broadcast room.

If things go on like this, it won't be a big problem to reach 1380 million or even 1400 million.

His side has just surpassed 1300 million, and he needs at least 90 million to win.

But the question is, where does he have so much money in his hand now?

The running water loan has been used up, even if I apply again, the bank will not approve it.

After all, after deducting interest and repayment from this bill, he would only have 60 million left at most.

Can't even get that much.

And the money he earned from the live broadcast some time ago is even less, thousands of dollars may not be enough to squeeze his teeth in a battle of this level.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi almost despaired.

The 150 million that the knife took out later cut off all his hopes!
The popularity of the live broadcast room is still rising. In just a short while, the popularity has reached nearly 200 million.

There are also many fans frantically swiping light stick gifts.

But as the main force, he has no money in his hand, and these gifts given by fans can only make his face look better.

Can't escape the fate of losing after all.

In three to four minutes, Knife's weekly star list has completely surpassed him, reaching 4 million.

As for the knife, the men didn't have the slightest intention to stop.

Another ten minutes later, Knife's light stick, Zhou Xing, had reached 1390 million!
And he, Xiao Yi, only reached 1310 million on the Zhou Xing list.

A gap of 80!

The gifts on the knife side are also finished, and the gift list is fixed at 1390 million.

Compared with the cheers in the Daozi live broadcast room, the atmosphere in Xiaoyi's live broadcast room was a bit awkward.

The glow stick barrage that was originally floating on the public screen also began to decrease.

"The anchor of Xingxiu is indeed too fierce. Their eldest brother didn't even make a move, and we couldn't even fight 1v1."

"Xiaoyi has more than 1000 million in his hands, and the anchors of these star shows are a bit too scary!"

"They don't take less rewards when they usually broadcast live. Xiao Yi was just a small anchor before, and he only had these rewards from brother Xiao Xiao."

"I have paid a lot of living expenses in advance for next month, and I really can't move."

The tourists in the live broadcast room felt helpless for a while.

Xiao Yi originally wanted to get up there by himself, but in the end, the anchor on Daheng's side was more aggressive.

"Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Xiao Huya, when will they make a move?"

"Xiao Yi has really tried his best this time, and basically got all of the 1000 million turnover."

"If Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move, there will be no knife."

"Unfortunately, the duel between the anchors still didn't win."

Although everyone has no money in their hands, the tourists in Xiaoyi's live broadcast room don't think they will lose.

From their point of view, Xiao Yi is fighting on behalf of Brother Xiao Xiao this time. Although Xiao Yi lost, the gods of Brother Xiao Xiao's family have not made a move yet.

You know, Brother Shenhaojiu and Brother Hua at Daheng's side are not around recently, once Brother Xiao Xiao makes a move, Zhou Xing, the fluorescent stick, must still belong to Xiaoyi.

Xiao Yi looked at the barrage on the public screen and became anxious.

It's fine if you don't win, but these fans in the live broadcast room actually started to fight Brother Xiao Xiao!

If Brother Xiao Xiao is put on the stage again, his future live broadcasts really don't need to be done.

Xiao Yi hastily explained:
"The pk with Knife's light stick Zhou Xing is my personal idea, I have not contacted brother Xiao Xiao."

He specifically mentioned this before brushing out the gifts.

But none of the fans in the live broadcast room believed it.

When he said this, the barrage in the live broadcast room became more and more.

Some tourists who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement even ran to Yang Zi's live broadcast room where the live broadcast was still live to scan the barrage.

Xiao Yi smiled wryly.

He can be regarded as truly experiencing the horror of rhythm.

He has suddenly been promoted from a small anchor to this level, but he has not gained the right to speak and popularity on the live broadcast platform.

Most of the tourists watching his live broadcast are just for fun.

And tourists of this nature are also the group of people who like to be rhythmic and are most likely to be rhythmic.

Originally, I planned to do a 200 million lottery, but I stopped after a wave of popularity.

But he was framed and swiped with a knife, and now he has reached the tens of millions list, which has long been beyond his ability, and the tourists are still booing.

But this is no wonder tourists.

If he hadn't thought about making trouble first, the matter would not have developed to this point.

He is indeed a little lost from a small anchor to the present.

Now there are two roads before Xiao Yi.

The first one is to broadcast in situ.

In this way, no matter how big the rhythm is, as long as he downloads it, he can avoid it, and he won't frame Brother Xiao Xiao to cause damage to Brother Xiao Xiao.

But the result of this approach is bound to be bad.

When he starts broadcasting again, there will be a lot of scolding in the live broadcast room.

There is no need to think about being promoted to the first-tier anchor, and even the second-tier anchor status that has just been achieved may not be able to keep it!
The most important thing is that with this black spot, it is absolutely impossible to think about it in the future.

And the second way is to win the knife completely!
On the knife side, Brother Hua and Brother Jiu didn't intend to make a move.

The current situation is the same as his, and they are struggling to support.

Xiaoyi is 80.00% sure that after the 150 million Knife is done, there will definitely be no follow-up.

The gap between the two is about 80.

As long as this gap can be closed, then he will win the pk this time!
All of a sudden, Xiao Yi's mind turned a thousand times, thinking about the feasibility of the second method.

He's completely out of money.

If you want to rely on running water to get a loan, the bank will definitely not agree, after all, the risk is too great.

Therefore, he can only change a method.

Xiao Yi summed up the assets in his hand.

After deducting the principal and interest from the bank, plus the discount during the cash withdrawal process, all of these are paid off. It is estimated that the final amount that can be obtained is about 60 to [-].

During this period of time, I made a little money from the live broadcast, only 8000 yuan, which is definitely not worth the money.

And his remaining assets are houses and cars.

The house belongs to their county seat, and the house price is not expensive. At the beginning, the family bought 80 yuan in full.

Not to mention the car, a small broken car of [-] to [-] yuan can only be sold for [-] to [-] yuan, which is useless.

"Brothers, I'm going to the bathroom first, and I'll be back in 5 minutes."

Xiao Yi frowned and walked out of the live broadcast room.

The place where he lives now is his parents' house, and his own house is still under renovation.

There is only one way for him now, and that is to mortgage the house in full!
But for him, making a small pk like this is no different from gambling.

He was hesitating whether to do it or not.

If he still loses after doing this, then he will really be doomed.

And just when Xiao Yi was gritting his teeth and hesitating, there was a light beep on the phone's WeChat.

Click to open it, and the person who added him notes is Huya Xingxiu District, Xiaochun!

Although Xiaochun and him are not the anchors of the same sector, Xiaochun's reputation is still quite big. He has watched Xiaochun's live broadcast several times, so he is acquainted.

Xiaochun, in his impression, has always been a neutral anchor, including the time when Brother Xiao Xiao and Daheng were fighting, and the comments were relatively fair and objective.

Adding him now, Xiao Yi didn't understand.

But Xiao Yi still clicked agree.

The next moment, a WeChat call came.

The phone was connected, and Xiaochun's voice came from the microphone.

"Brother Chun, what do you want me to do?"

"Ayi, you probably don't have any money right now?"

Xiaochun helped the mirror frame and asked with a smile.

He saw Xiaoyi's current situation in the live broadcast room, and understood Xiaoyi's current predicament.

For this matter, Xiaochun took a more comprehensive view.

Naturally, he knew that brother Xiao Xiao was not online at this time.

And he also knew the reason why Yang Zi and other anchors of Brother Xiao Xiao didn't make a move.

However, the fact that Xiao Xiaoge's anchors can't make a move doesn't mean that Xiaochun can't make a move.

If the knife is allowed to wipe out this wave of prestige, the one who will suffer the most is not Yang Zi, let alone brother Xiao Xiao, but him, the news anchor!
Originally, he didn't have much market share, and he managed to snatch some back from Dao Zi during this period of time, but if Dao Zi wins this wave, the market he snatched back during this period will be snatched back again.

Even, the loss will be even more.

Xiao Yi didn't understand what he was thinking, but Xiao Chun knew clearly that Xiao Yi couldn't lose!
(End of this chapter)

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