Chapter 190 Xiaochun Rescue
At first, he didn't expect that the knife would pick up the rhythm of Xiao Yi's fight.

But since the knife was accepted, and this method was chosen, it meant that Daheng's Shenhao would not come to the surface.

Even, Knife has already said his words to death in the live broadcast room.

Now that the more than 300 million has been wiped out, the knife must have no follow-up.

At this time, it is to fight who has more stamina.

Xiaochun secretly settles an account for Xiaoyi.

Brother Xiao Xiao and Brother Xiao Huya got 2100 million gold beans for the 1050 million gifts they received, and he can definitely help Xiaoyi sell them.

With his long-term relationship in Huya, it is easy to sell 1050 million golden beans for 950 million, which is much more than Xiaoyi himself.

In particular, Huya has developed very well recently, and the value retention rate of golden beans is also high, and it may be possible to sell more.

Except for the repayment of the loan, all of Xiaoyi's turnover can add up to at least 100 million left.

It is impossible for the bank to give Xiaoyi another loan, but there is still Xiaochun.

He could lend Xiao Yi a sum of money and pay it back after a few days.

With a turnover of 100 million, it is definitely no problem for him to lend about 150 million to Xiaoyi.

There is a 75% rebate for him, so it only costs 20 yuan, and if he does it well, there will be about [-] yuan left.

More than enough!

For him, lending money to Xiao Yi is beneficial and harmless, so he is naturally happy to do this kind of thing.

"Brother Chun, if you want to make news about this, I agree unconditionally, and you don't have to make fun of me at this time."

Xiao Yi didn't know what Xiao Chun was thinking, and when he heard Xiao Chun's words, he smiled wryly.

He thought Xiaochun was here to find out about him for news.

"Ayi, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that."

Xiaochun quickly explained.

"I want to say, if you don't have any money, I can lend you some."

"Lend me money?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi was stunned.

He is on the verge of being cold now, the kind that even if he goes to the bank to get a loan, there is an anchor who dares to lend him money?

You know, he needs to borrow at least millions of dollars now. Who has the courage to lend him so much money?

Even, just now, he was thinking about whether the bank would accept the mortgage if he mortgaged the property.

To put it simply, he is besieged on all sides right now, with wind leaking from all directions, and it is too late to run, yet someone still wants to enter his little crappy house?

"Ayi, don't worry, I'm not here to frame you, what I said is true."

"Brother Xiao Xiao is usually offline during the day, you will be beaten with a knife, of course I have to help with this."

Xiaochun smiled and analyzed a wave for Xiaoyi, and also proposed to sell gold beans to Xiaoyi.

Of course, he cleverly avoided the grievances between him and the knife.

After listening to Xiaochun's explanation, Xiaoyi was indeed shocked.

His time on the live broadcast platform is not too short. Although he is only a small anchor, he has some understanding of the major anchors on the live broadcast platform.

He never thought that Xiaochun would be Xiao Xiaoge's anchor!
Xiaochun has always been based on neutrality. This will vote for brother Xiao Xiao. If it is exposed, the popularity of the live broadcast will definitely have an impact.

But the next moment, Xiao Yi became excited.

If he really wanted to mortgage the RV, he would really be at the end of his rope.

Just for the live broadcast, I really can't make such a big determination for a while.

But he didn't intend to ask for those rewards before.

Now Xiaochun offered to help him sell the golden beans and borrow money, without him paying any cost at all.

"Brother Chun, I agree, thank you so much!"

Xiao Yi quickly replied.

Xiao Yi, who originally planned to discuss it with her parents, really turned around and went to the toilet this time.

Xiao Yi returned to the live broadcast room refreshed.

Send the bank account number to Xiaochun, and within 5 minutes, a transfer of 150 million came through.

"Xiao Yi, don't piss, when will brother Xiao Xiao make a move?"

"Yang Zi is still online, why didn't he intend to come to the rankings?"

"The knife is already bragging, saying that Xiao Yi is nothing, you go and have a look, it's really irritating."

"Could it be true that what Xiao Yi said just means that he is playing PK himself, and Yang Zi and the others really don't know how to make a move?"

As soon as this barrage came out, the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

Before anything else, Xiao Yi, like Dao Zi, also took the phone under the camera.

"I, Xiao Yi, said that this pk really has nothing to do with Brother Xiao Xiao."

"But I can win this battle just by myself. I haven't conceded defeat yet. Isn't he too arrogant with a knife?"

Xiao Yi snorted lightly, and highlighted the bank card balance on the public screen.

"Three, four, five, five zeros, that's 150 million!"

"Xiaoyi got another loan?"

"Impossible, how can Xiao Yi lend money?"

"666, so Xiao Yi can completely hit the list to around 1500 million?"

"The knife is only less than 1400 million, the knife must lose!"

"Xiao Yi Niubi!"

In the live broadcast room, the original rhythm suddenly changed.

"It did cost me a lot of thought to lend this money, but even if I, Xiao Yi, go bankrupt and die on the way to repay the loan, it is impossible for the other party to win today!"

Xiao Yi shouted in the live broadcast room.

At that moment, Xiaochun analyzed the knife for him.

He now also knows how the knife's 1000 million came from, and he is not at all cowardly when he speaks.

Daozi had already said his words to death in the live broadcast room, and he still has 150 million in his hand, so winning Daozi is already safe.

At this time, of course it is time to blow up and suck up a wave of powder.

Without hesitation, Xiao Yi divided the 150 million into three shares and gave it to him and his two younger sisters.

For a while, the public screen glow sticks were flying all over the sky.

Fans in the live broadcast room, this meeting is almost done.

From 11 o'clock to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, it took a total of 6 hours, and they didn't have much money in their hands.

Therefore, only the barrage of gifts from Yang Zi and his two younger sisters remained on the public screen.

"The emperor [my size is C] sent a light stick *9999!"

"The emperor [my Nan friend's baby is very big] sent a light stick*9999!"


The two younger sisters shot again, and the public screen became chaotic again.

At this time, Xiao Yi didn't care about controlling the live broadcast, and just frantically pressed on the phone.

Like the knife, his fingers were a little sore, but the refreshing feeling in his heart was not broken at all.

At present, the outcome has been determined. Although the process is very risky, the result is always good.

After this big fight, Xiao Yi will definitely be promoted to the first-line anchor, and even in the next period of time, he will be a hot topic in the League of Legends area.

Coupled with the official recommendation after winning the solo match, his live broadcasting career will definitely go up to another level!
From now on, as long as nothing happens, Xiao Yi's live broadcast career will definitely get better and better.

What's more, after this wave of ostentation, he may not be able to attract Brother Xiao Xiao's attention. If he can get close to Brother Xiao Xiao's camp, then in the future, just eating rewards will make his legs weak.

As for the 1000 million running water, it's not that important to him now.

Of course, Xiao Yi did not forget the most fundamental thing.

No matter what happens, you must firmly stand on Xiao Xiaoge's side!
 Thank you for recommending tickets and monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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