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Chapter 192 End of June, Financial Statements!

Chapter 192 End of June, Financial Statements!
"That's fine."

Zhao Ning nodded.

Anyway, it only took three days, plus the round-trip plane, it was less than four days.

"You two girls go out on a long trip, remember to follow the group all the way, and don't run around."

Liu Xiao was a little worried, and told the two of them again.

After the three of them had dinner, Liu Xiao drove Zhao Ning and Zhao Keke to the airport.

After waiting for a while, the two of them boarded the plane after eight o'clock before returning to the community.

After returning home, she was still a little worried, and then used Xiao Xiao's WeChat to send a message to Baldy, Yang Zi, and Vice President Du to ask them to take care of Xiaojuzi, and then contacted Qu Yue to deal with today's Taobao store. .

After a day of stable operation, Taobao store has begun to slowly make a profit.

Although the advertising expenditure is still greater than the income, it will be the prime time at night, and the orders have also begun to grow in a blowout manner.

Liu Xiao did a simple calculation, and today, the net profit is about 4 to [-] yuan.

"Mr. Liu, it is estimated that after one to two weeks of operation, the profit will be equal to the advertising revenue. By then, the store's reputation will basically increase, and some advertising spaces can be withdrawn one after another."

Qu Yue was making data curves in front of the computer, and was calculating the data for Liu Xiao with her mobile phone between her face.

Selling things like short sleeves is a high-volume thing. You can earn hard money, but in the final analysis, you can't make much money.

With an advertising expenditure of 10 yuan per day, only [-] to [-] yuan in net profit can be obtained.

This is the reason why it is in the highest recommended position.

"Still proceed according to the previous idea. In the next week, there will be no new ones, nor high-profit clothes. Let's talk about stable operation for a period of time."

Seeing the data screenshot sent by Qu Yue, Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

Taobao’s settlement mode is 15 days after the customer places the order, or after the customer confirms the receipt of the goods, the settlement will be made. In a short period of time, the money will not reach his account.

But Liu Xiao is not short of such a small amount of money now, and after a while, he can double it in an instant by using the system.

Liu Xiao simply calculated according to the operation curve Qu Yue made.

According to the current development trend, that is, within a month or so, you can earn two or three million.

These profits are doubled, which is 500 million.

Then use the double card to double again, and the system can be upgraded again.

With the mechanism of doubling the income, doing business is much faster than lying still and waiting for the money to upgrade.

After the upgrade, one day is an income of 100 million.

At that time, Taobao store can even expand some specifications to catch all large e-commerce platforms such as Jingdong Vipshop.

And the most important thing is that hot pot restaurants can also do it.

After calculating the income again, Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

He raised his hand and gave Qu Yue a bonus of 2 yuan, and another 10 yuan of funds for Qu Yue to use as a bonus to motivate employees.

In the next few days, the leading anchors of the major sections all went to participate in public welfare activities. The anchors that Liu Xiao usually watched were not online, so he occasionally watched the outdoor live broadcasts of Zhao Ning and others, and most of his thoughts were still on. Run the Taobao store here.

During the day, I go to exercise with the beautiful coach, and then do Lajin to prepare for learning judo.

In the evening, I communicated with Qu Yue about the Taobao store on the phone, and took a special flight to the company on the way to sort out all the current things.

Including the game "Guardian of the Great Nation" that he cooperated with Tiancheng Company at the end of last month, Liu Xiao also took some time to terminate the contract.

Of course, as Liu Xiao, who has a system, he can't appreciate the hardships of starting a business.

When I wake up every day, an extra 10 yuan will be automatically added to the bank card.

What can he do, he is helpless!

June 6th was the last day for Baldy and others to return.

Huya Fang also counted the income of each anchor in June.

Some small anchors directly withdraw cash as cash, while big anchors like Baldy keep most of the gift proceeds on the platform.

And the trade unions are also busy clearing their accounts.

Which money was invested by the trade union, and which money was the anchor's need to give back to the eldest brother? Every day's accounts were formed under the union's financial staff, and then pushed to the union's leaders and shareholders.

Lehua labor union, Sister Feifei looked at the union's full-month revenue statement. Although it had been expected, she was still very pleasantly surprised.

In June, compared to Daheng, Lehua's investment was pitifully small.

Sister Feifei also invested all the additional 500 million yuan in the operation of the union before June.

The total investment of the trade union in the whole month is only 980 million.

But in return, there are 700 million!

One month, a net profit of 720 million!

Among them, Brother Xiao Xiao must be the big one. He gave a lot of rewards to Xiaojuzi, Yang Zi, and the second and third-tier anchors of the trade union, but the development of the trade union also brought a lot of benefits.

This is why Lehua is just developing now.

In the future, the number of Lehua's ordinary anchors will increase a little more, not to mention comparable to Daheng's, but it can reach a scale of four to five hundred, and the advertisements and promotions it will receive in the future will be very impressive.

Sister Feifei thought about it for a while, and her mood became better and better.

Brother Xiao Xiao, it is simply the gospel of their Lehua!

Sister Feifei handed over the report to the boss, and applied for another 200 million quota, preparing to fully upgrade Lehua's live broadcast venue.

Although the first lady, Xiaojuzi, is not here, the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi must be the best one to stay.

During the communication with Yang Zi yesterday, she heard that brother Xiao Xiao specifically told him to take care of the little orange. As long as he can tie the little orange to their Lehua chariot stably, then the number of times Xiao Xiao brother will definitely come .

As for the first brother, Xiaohui, signing a contract is probably not a problem at present.

Xiaohui's live broadcast style is to run at both ends, sometimes at home, but when playing activities, he usually comes to the union to communicate face to face.

Therefore, Xiao Hui had to set up a live broadcast room.

Not to mention Yang Zi, who was originally Lehua's anchor.

Sister Feifei simply summed up.

The upper floor is going to be rented out entirely, and will not be used by other anchors, that is, the union management office and Xiaojuzi!

The two floors currently being rented are all transformed into a small live broadcast room for the anchor.

With an area of ​​50 square meters, it should be no problem to install [-] per layer.

After all, some anchors will also choose to live broadcast at home, so Leroy's live broadcast venue after expansion will be no problem.

Sister Feifei gritted her teeth, and added another 200 million to the 100 million previously prepared, making it 300 million.

I also contacted the trade union finance, and pushed all the salary slips of a series of small anchors over. The second-tier anchors got a bonus of 1 yuan, the third-tier anchors got a bonus of 5000 yuan, and the rest added 2000 yuan.

"Xiao Zhang, these consumption reports will be pushed to the boss soon, including the renovation of the office space. You can calculate how much should be withdrawn."

Sister Feifei pushed the plan to Xiao Zhang, who had made it.

Of course, it is better to keep the gold bean income in the account.

Withdraw and pay a tax, the loss will come out.

Daheng is also very busy at present.

The fifth child stood in the financial room, waiting for the financial statement to be issued.

Not like Lehua and other small guilds, they have more than 2000 anchors on the Daheng platform, large and small.

Every person's data and every account has to be calculated through screening.

This speed will be too slow.

However, after all, Daheng has a large family and a large business, and there are many financial personnel. In addition, it has been doing accounts every day before, so the pressure at the end of the month is less.

Soon, a report of more than 40 pages was placed in front of Lao Wu.

The first page is the revenue statistics for this month.

Seeing the item of expenses, Lao Wu's eyelids trembled unconsciously.

The monthly expenditure in June is 500 million!

For such a large investment, the returns obtained are pitiful.

The monthly income and expenditure is 900 million.

Among them, gift rewards returned 500 million yuan, and advertising and promotion revenue was 400 million yuan.

Although the advertising revenue has increased a lot compared to before, overall, it is still in a state of loss.

In one month, a total loss of 600 million was lost.

It is true that I had expectations in my heart, but when I saw the number accurate to a penny, Lao Wu still found it difficult to accept.

You know, in the past year, their overall profit of Daheng was not so much!
To put it another way, since Daheng was established, it is equivalent to saying that it has not made a penny, and even lost a few million.

Looking at the entire month, their daily losses have remained at around 150 million.

The fifth child sighed, and pushed the electronic version of the report to Brother Jiu and Brother Hua.

His fifth child is also one of Daheng's shareholders, and he has to bear a lot of this month's losses.

But the only thing that can make him feel better is that Huya's recent development momentum is really good. If it plays well next month, the 600 million loss may be made up soon.

"The salaries of the small anchors are paid normally, and the anchors who get commissions should ask for their opinions."

"The event will definitely be played next month. If they can withdraw their gold bean income, try not to advance it in advance, and try to put it on the platform for turnover."

Lao Wu carefully flipped through more than ten pages, and went through a series of gifts from major anchors.

Among them, there are a lot of rewards from local tyrants on the platform, which need to be returned.

But more, it was a gift from Brother Hua, Brother Jiu and his fourth son.

"Fifth Brother, don't worry, our finance department will notify everyone and try to avoid tax reasonably."

The chief financial officer nodded repeatedly.

Their finances have also been under great pressure in the past two months.

Before May, their reports were at most 1000 million a month, but in May and June, the statistics of the data increased by more than ten times, and a dozen or so people wanted to divide it into thirty or forty people for use.

However, looking at Daheng's deficit of more than 4000 million yuan, the financial director was also worried for a while.

He didn't know what Lao Wu and Brother Hua were planning. Seeing such a huge loss, he really felt that Daheng was going to collapse.

"Don't worry, I won't lose you."

The old five gave the financial supervisor a look.

Although there are more losses now, you can earn more later.

Although Lao Wu felt distressed, it was only limited to this area.

On the other side, Brother Hua opened the electronic version of the report that the fifth child had just sent, and used professional report software to ask the secretary to count again.

(End of this chapter)

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