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Chapter 193 The July Event Begins, Brother Hua's Preparations!

Chapter 193 The July Event Begins, Brother Hua's Preparations! (3000 word chapter)
The secretary connected to the financial department to conduct a professional analysis of Daheng's data reports.

This is also the difference between large companies and small companies.

Or it can be said that Brother Hua's industry is not a company, but a group of more than a dozen companies.

Hua Ge's group, although the annual profit is only a few billion, but the turnover has been at least 600 billion.

For these professional finance professionals, it doesn't take much time to analyze such little data.

In half an hour, the financial team gave Hua Ge the most accurate data.

The secretary handed a new report to Brother Hua who was drinking tea, and explained it in conjunction with the data on the computer.

"In this data, so-called Shenhao consumption accounted for 60%, advertising and other revenue accounted for 30%, and individual customer consumption accounted for 10%."

"According to the consumption theory, the growth of Shenhao's consumption may not be large, and the consumption of individual customers is uncertain, but it is currently looking good, while the proportion of advertising revenue consumption has shown a gradual increase in the 6 days of June. the trend of."

"And according to the analysis of the economic momentum, the income generated by advertising revenue and other methods is still growing steadily. If the growth rate is according to the curve, there may be an increase of more than 100% next month."


Brother Hua also picked up the report and read it.

Listening to the secretary's analysis of advertising revenue, Brother Hua nodded slightly.

The group's financial analysis is similar to his previous analysis of Daheng, except that the data is now more accurate.

Advertising revenue in June was 400 million. If it doubles in July, it will be quite impressive if it can reach 7 million.

If this trend continues, before the end of this year, the monthly advertising revenue will reach 8000-[-] million, which is just a trivial matter.

In addition to the platform's gift revenue, it may be difficult for the union's income to exceed 9000 million a month, but more than [-] million is definitely no problem.

After another year or two of development, it will almost be comparable to the most profitable company under him at present.

Turning to the last page, the risk assessor also gave the recommended investment amount for July.

The total investment of the guild.

2 million, the short-term rate of return is negative 60%, and the long-term rate of return is positive 30%.

1.5 million, the short-term rate of return is negative 30%, and the long-term rate of return is positive 25%.

1 million, the short-term rate of return is positive 7%, and the long-term rate of return is positive 17%.

These three data, after comparing with big data on the Internet, are still believable.

If you pursue short-term returns, you can only invest in small amounts and short-term investments.

To pursue a long-term rate of return, one has to bear the risk of short-term losses. However, if the current trend continues, an investment of 2 million yuan can earn 6000 million yuan in half a year to a year!
This is already a very scary revenue ratio.

And judging from the current live broadcast development trend, the time to get rewards may be even shorter!

As for risk
Brother Hua put down his teacup and walked slowly to the huge French window.

Doing business, how can you not take risks?
His group is quite large, but its profitability is average.

The physical industry is sluggish, and real estate has reached a critical point.

In the past few years, Brother Hua has been trying to find a way to break through the current predicament.

The big players in the Internet industry have long been controlled by big Internet companies such as Ali, Tencent, and Netease.

The technology industry is also controlled by a series of high-tech companies such as State Grid and Huawei.

He has already missed the first batch of Internet dividends. In his opinion, the nationwide live broadcast industry is the second wave of Internet dividends!
As long as he grasps this opportunity, his group company will definitely be able to make further progress!
"Tell the appraiser to let him calculate the risk assessment of investing [-] million yuan as soon as possible."

Brother Hua secretly calculated.

On Brother Jiu's side, he took out almost 7 million yuan in July.

And the fifth brother suffered a serious loss last month. With his small body, it is definitely impossible for him to get more money.

Brother Hua wasn't so naive as to take [-] million just to beat Xiao Xiao.

And he calculated the funds currently available to him.

Although a group of hundreds of billions like him sounds huge, most of it is fixed assets and assets in operation. It is really difficult to mobilize large sums of money.

But [-] million, given him a certain amount of time, can still be drawn out.

Brother Hua gritted his teeth.

Xiao Xiao's Huya platform account did not fill in any personal information at all. He originally wanted to check Xiao Xiao's real identity along the bank card that Xiao Xiao used to recharge.

But I asked old acquaintances in the bank and asked around. I don't know why, but no one can find Xiao Xiao's data!

Xiao Xiao, a god who spends hundreds of millions of dollars at every turn, has been fighting against him, and he doesn't know the identity of the other party, and his repeated attacks are destroying his plan, but he has nothing to do.

But this time, he wanted to pile up enough money at once.

He couldn't believe how much money this Xiao Xiao could have!
Cumulative consumption of 2.5 million is really awesome.

But even if Xiao Xiao can still spend 2.5 million this month, Brother Hua is not afraid at all.

"Xiao Xiao."

Brother Hua pinched the plain ring, rubbing his fingers lightly on the diamond in the middle.

Slowly took off the ring, held it up and placed it in the sun for a closer look.

He believes that no one in this world can spend like Xiao Xiao continuously.

Perhaps, Xiao Xiao is like a diamond, which can always shine brightly before encountering fire.

And he will be the fire that ignites the diamond!
"Boss, the evaluation of [-] million yuan has come out."

The secretary stood behind Brother Hua and reminded him softly.

The secretary rarely sees this kind of Brother Hua, and he always looks flattered and flattered when he encounters everything, but in the past few days, this is the second time that Brother Hua has shown such an expression.

It seems that Hou Liangping feels the same as Su Daqiang, bah. It is the feeling that Zhuge Liang feels for his boss Ma Yi.

If you meet an opponent, you will meet a talented person!

Brother Hua turned around and took the materials that the secretary had just handed over.

After reading it carefully, the look in Brother Hua's eyes became brighter.

On the other side, Brother Jiu also saw the report pushed by the fifth child.

But Brother Jiu simply read the first few pages and closed the document.

For him, the live broadcast was completely pulled over by Brother Hua. His family and Brother Hua's family are old friends. Brother Jiu believes in Brother Hua's ability unconditionally.

The fifth member of the trade union is in charge, and Brother Hua is responsible for the outside.

Without the son of the richest man's ability to become an Internet celebrity, it's no problem to become a female anchor.

He just needs to know how much money he has made or how much money he has lost.

As for the loss last month, Lao Wu and Brother Hua also got through with him in advance, so he naturally didn't care.

He took out his phone and sent a screenshot in the guild.

The family has already replied that [-] million funds have arrived.

The balance of the VIP card is 600 million!
"Brother Jiu 666!"

"Brother Jiu is really the most fierce man in Tiger Bud!"

Knife and Xiaofei saw the screenshot, and just counted a few zeros, and Xia Nuan's flattery had already been photographed in the group.

The two were speechless for a while.

They can guarantee that Xia Nuan has never seen how much money it is.

Xia Nuan's licking skill, I guess she has practiced it a lot!
This proficiency has reached the level where he can lick the right place with his eyes closed.

Furthermore, you just need to know if Brother Jiu is a fierce male or not, why did you say it in the guild group?

What do these single dogs think!
Although he was complaining in his heart, his subordinates were not slow at all.

Xiao Fei followed Xia Nuan, blowing wildly at Brother Jiu.

Xia Nuan didn't see it, but the two of them saw it clearly.

A full [-] million funds!
Although I don't know what activities Huya will hold in July, this [-] million fund cannot be faked.

The knife let out a sigh of relief.

When playing PK with Xiao Yi two days ago, he let go of his bold words in the live broadcast room, saying that Brother Jiu would spend 7 million to play in July.

If Brother Jiu hadn't done it, there would be nowhere to put his old face as a news anchor.

But now that brother Jiu has done it, he has more materials for the news anchor.

Even Brother Hua, who has been diving recently, silently praised Brother Jiu in the group.

Although Brother Jiu is unreliable most of the time, he is still reliable when it comes to paying money.

"You can inadvertently highlight Brother Jiu's screenshots during the live broadcast. It is estimated that tomorrow, the most important change will come out in July. The combination of the two will definitely improve the morale of Daheng fans."

Brother Hua also spoke at the right time.

"Received Brother Hua."

The knife responded quickly.

As Daheng's news anchor, he naturally had to do this.

"By the way, Brother Hua, when do you plan to come back?"

Brother Jiu made a pouted expression.

"In a few days, the group's work arrangements at the beginning of the month will come."

Brother Hua chatted a few more words in the group and dived again.

And Xia Nuan also sent a private message to Brother Jiu at the right time, and asked Brother Jiu to go to the independent suite of the water park to play on the water bed at night.

During this time, Xia Nuan became more and more relaxed.

Since the threesome incident was exposed, she didn't care much about reputation behind her back.

Recently, Xia Nuan has been unconditionally satisfied with Brother Jiu's habit of threesomes and foursomes, and sometimes even swayed others.

Under Xia Nuan's service, Brother Jiu has been happy with Na Han recently, so he also takes extra care of Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan has his eyes on Brother Jiu's 600 million fraction, and Brother Jiu has his eyes on Xia Nuan's boldness and asterisk.

The two hit it off immediately, and immediately booked a private ticket for the water park.

As for the fifth child, it was a bit difficult.

In the office, I am drawing up the promotion plan for July.

There are thousands of anchors, and every round of recommendations within the union must be decided by him.

"Finance, let's pay the salary first." The fifth child signed and included all the accounts in the union's journal.

Daheng's internal basic salary performance series of salaries are all released, and along with the commission of Huya's turnover, they are all included in the card of ordinary anchors.

Many of Daheng's live broadcast anchors suddenly became energetic.

Although Xiao Xiao has been oppressed very badly recently, Daheng's welfare is still very strong.

Immediately, the momentum of Daheng's anchor live broadcast was also provoked.

For a while, the second-tier anchors even felt like they were fighting against the Lehua anchor who had paid the bonus.

On the other hand, with the end of Huya's spokesperson activities, Zhao Ning, who had been away for three days, also returned to Shanghai.

 A 3000-word chapter, the first update.

(End of this chapter)

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