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Chapter 194 Super God Emperor, Tiger Bud New Mode!

Chapter 194 Super God Emperor, Tiger Bud New Mode! (3000 word chapter)
It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when Liu Xiao received Zhao Ning.

Zhao Ning felt a little sorry that Liu Xiao came out to pick up the plane so late, so she dragged Liu Xiao and Zhao Keke to have a barbecue outside before going back.

"I said, you two might as well live in the same house, and let me live at home."

Looking at the two chatting in the underground garage, Zhao Keke curled his lips helplessly.

From her point of view, her elder sister has long been interested in Liu Xiao, but she has always been embarrassed to say so.

And vice versa.

There is only one word to describe a man who can care so much about a woman.

Either rape or steal!

"I'll go up first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow."

Zhao Ning's face turned red, she rolled up her cuffs slightly, and pulled a corner of her white skirt to chase after Zhao Keke who was running around.

Liu Xiao watched Zhao Ning's graceful back disappear into the corridor, smacked his mouth, and walked into the corridor of his building.

Although he is already a 23-year-old billionaire, when it comes to dating, Liu Xiao still has little experience.

Another most important reason is that Liu Xiao used the Shenhao card to tip Zhao Ning a lot of money.

If it really happens with Zhao Ning, then Zhao Ning is considered to be a relative at the level of relatives, and he is not a candidate for Shenhao Card consumption. Liu Xiao doesn't want to try such a thing as Shenhao Card invalidation.

"It's better to upgrade the system first. If it is 100 million a day, the reward money given to Zhao Ning can be easily made up."

According to the current situation, it is estimated that Liu Xiao will become a real billionaire in a short time, instead of just relying on the amount of the Shenhao card!

Early the next morning, it was already July.

The salary was paid yesterday, and all the anchors on the platform replenished a wave of energy. It was only 08:30 in the morning, and everyone was very excited.

Lanlan also paid her wages.

Last month, Xiao Xiao spent the most on the entire platform. She shared 300% of it. Adding the salary in May, the money in the bank card was close to [-] million.

In the past few days, she has already greeted her family. The family is looking at houses in the county and plans to buy a smaller duplex villa, the full-paying one.

Lanlan believes that she will get even more commissions in the future!

And because of Brother Xiao Xiao, Lanlan has also become Vice President Du's most important marketing manager. Many things are entrusted to her, and the original Guoguo has long been squeezed to nowhere.

And this time, Lanlan was in the office of the technical department with Vice President Du.

"Mr. Du, what is the design for this month, can you tell me now?" Lan Lan said with a smile.

Since Vice President Du planned the operation in July in mid-June, except for submitting a draft to the board of directors, it has been kept in a state of secrecy.

For the entire platform, the person who knows the entire process is the head of the technical department and Vice President Du.

And the head of the technical department is Vice President Du's confidant. With Vice President Du's instructions, he naturally wouldn't spread the word about it.

Although Lan Lan vaguely heard Vice President Du mention it a few times, but Vice President Du never said anything, Lan Lan had nothing to do, but kept making her feel itchy.

"Hahaha, Lanlan, you should be in a hurry first."

Vice President Du and the head of the technical department looked at each other and laughed.

"It's still going online at nine o'clock, and there's no need for me to tell you the last twenty or ten minutes."

"I can simply tell you that there is an event in July, but not at the beginning of the month. For now, Huya is planning a version change!"

Vice President Du was obviously in a good mood.

The first batch of reports for the third quarter were all submitted yesterday, and the board of directors was very satisfied.

As a professional manager, he received much more bonuses than Lan Lan, and even received some dry stock dividends!
These dividends, after Huya's listing, are real shares, and they are still original shares.

For Vice President Du, although the position has come to an end, the money has not yet been earned.

"Then I will go to monitor the platform first, and I will report bugs in time when the anchor and viewers report bugs."

"Okay, pay attention to communicate with the signing manager after it goes online in a while."

Vice President Du nodded.

Lan Lan didn't go out either, she randomly turned on a computer beside her, boarded the super-manager to monitor the data in the background, but from time to time, her eyes aimed at the computer in front of Vice President Du.

The time soon reached nine o'clock.

Vice President Du entered the highest authority password.

The source program of Huya was unlocked, and the head of the technical department began to update the background data of Huya.

At the same time, whether it is the Huya platform on the computer or the mobile phone, the update button pops up.

"Tiger Bud v1.7.1 version."

"Optimize the stuttering and widescreen phenomenon in the blue light state."

"Optimize the distribution of lines in the live broadcast room."


Click on the update rules, bypass the insignificant update data, and can't wait to flip back.

The last two updates are deliberately displayed in red font and bolded.

Lan Lan just glanced at it, and was immediately stunned on the spot.

Seeing Lan Lan's expression, Vice President Du couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Vice President Du knows very well that this update is definitely a cross-century reform for Huya!
Not only Lan Lan, but the trade unions, anchors, and tourists who saw the updated rules at the same time were all crazy.

"V1.7.1 version game update."

[Newly added nobleman: Super God Emperor! 】

[Tiger Bud's top mount: Flame World Fire Dragon lifted the ban with a strong will, and was reborn as a brand new mount - Creation Dragon. 】

[Special effects upgrade: The super god emperor showed his peak real body, using his domineering divine power to announce to the world, and all special effects were fully upgraded to super god status. 】

[Exclusive gift special effect: The treasure map and gift banner sent by the super god emperor release the brilliant special effect]

[Super god emperor, born in the emperor, higher than the emperor! 】


A series of brief introductions of the Super God Emperor suddenly swiped the screen in the entire Huya.

The major labor unions, major anchors, and tourists all look to the final opening conditions.

[Own the emperor: and spend 30 million yuan in the last 150 days during the emperor period, you can activate it! 】

[The validity period of the first opening is 90 days, and the subsequent consumption will be renewed for 50 days for every 30 yuan, capped at 360 days! 】

The icon of Super God Emperor has also been updated.

Originally, the emperor's dark red flame effects had all turned into golden flames.

A huge crown covers the icon, and a golden gem is inlaid in the middle of the icon, setting off the clearest word "Emperor" displayed in the icon!

"Damn it, it's so handsome!"

"An icon is so cool, I really don't know how the super god emperor's creation dragon enters the field special effects!"

"Let's not talk about the special effects of entering the arena. Look at the column of gifts. All the banner gifts sent by the super god emperor have super god special effects. Although this is not as good as the brand of Xiao Xiaoge's No. [-] Shenhao, but The cards are in place!"

"Super God Emperor, don't say anything else, this name is already handsome!"

"I don't know which Shenhao will be the first to become the super god emperor of the platform!"

"First of all, according to the emperor's standard, only more than 100 people are left on the platform Shenhao."

"Furthermore, you have to spend 30 million within 150 days to activate the Super God Emperor!"

"I estimate that there are no more than ten big brothers who can open the entire platform!"

Yang Zi just finished his research, and immediately got excited in the live broadcast room.

"Brothers, this super god emperor is simply tailor-made for Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Now we should not pay attention to which big brother will be the first to activate the Super God Emperor, but should pay attention to which live broadcast room Xiao Xiao will first activate the Super God Emperor!"

Yang Zi shouted excitedly.

In an instant, the live broadcast platform was full of jubilation.

Vice President Du skipped a few live broadcast rooms, and nodded in satisfaction as he watched the barrage that was constantly talking about the Super God Emperor.

The shock hasn't receded from Lan Lan's eyes.

Not only did Huya's tourists and anchors not expect this wave, Lan Lan also did not expect it.

Lan Lan originally thought that Vice President Du had always come up with some new tricks to steal money, but unexpectedly, Vice President Du actually came up with a new title!
For Huya, this is a very bold attempt.

As far as Huya live broadcast is concerned, the threshold for the original imperial aristocrats is already high enough, with a full activation quota of 15, and each renewal in the future will require 3 yuan.

Although it is nothing to the top gods such as Brother Xiao Xiao, Xiao Huya and Brother Hua Jiu, for ordinary local tyrants, the title of Emperor is almost an invisible boundary line, separating most nouveau riche and high-spirited people. The elder brother who looked like a hero stopped at the threshold of the king.

With tens of millions of assets, the monthly income may only be 50 million, which is only 80 million more.

It costs 3000 yuan to open a king, and you can play very well on the live broadcast platform. Except for the super first-line anchors, no anchor dare not give face to these kings.

But if you want to open an emperor, you have to dig out 3 yuan from here to renew the fee. Naturally, many local tyrants are not happy.

Not to mention the local tyrants with less assets.

The money earned by the big brothers will definitely not be too much in terms of live broadcast, after all, it is just an entertainment project.

Therefore, those who can open the emperor, let alone the company's assets must be above 5000 million, and have a monthly income of no less than one million.

Not counting the emperor accounts opened by anchors like Xiaohui and Xiaojuzi, there are at most more than 100 emperors on all platforms.

Those with relatively strong spending power are only half.

This is on the premise that the Huya platform has developed well recently, and a group of big brothers have poured in.

And in this case, the new title of super god emperor will inevitably face great risks!

Even, if most of the emperors are not happy collectively, the Huya matter will have to be ignored, and it may even be a joke.

But fortunately, Vice President Du's move obviously grasped the market opportunity. For now, the feedback from tourists and anchors is very positive, and they are even discussing which brother Shenhao should go first. The matter of the super god emperor.

Lan Lan thought for a while, and quickly made up a message about the Super God Emperor and sent it to Brother Xiao Xiao.

Brother Xiao Xiao will definitely be interested in being the first to open the Super God Emperor!
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  Thank you Si Yuqingshuai: 100 book coins as a reward

  In the future, it will be a 3000-word chapter, please vote!
(End of this chapter)

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