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Chapter 197 The official congratulations, the first card of Shenhao!

Chapter 197 The official congratulations, the card of No. 3200 Shenhao! ([-] words)
Simultaneously with the broadcast of the whole station, it is the picture change in Yang Zi's live broadcast room.

The original golden-red emperor icon first disintegrated mechanically, and then quickly reassembled. A golden dragon let out a roar, tossed and turned between the emperor icons, and dyed all parts of the icon golden.

Then, the golden dragon also began to disintegrate slowly, turning into a golden crown, which fell heavily on the top of the reorganized icon.

In the middle, a big emperor character is reflected in the golden flame, and below, a red gemstone shines brightly.

Suddenly, a creation dragon flew out of the golden flame, circled around the live broadcast room and disappeared.

With a clicking sound, the pure golden Super God Emperor Medal was synthesized, and then slowly floated over Xiao Xiao's ID.

"666, so handsome!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is mighty!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, Hu Ya will always be a god!"

"It's a pity that Brother Xiao Xiao came to Huya relatively late, otherwise the emperor's first opening would have to be Brother Xiao Xiao!"

In the live broadcast room, all the tourists cheered in an instant.

The special effects of the super god emperor are several grades higher than the special effects of the activated emperor!

Just such a short opening animation, it looks no different from a 3D dynamically rendered animation blockbuster.

Needless to say, Huya must have spent a lot of money for this special effect.

"Hey, that's not right, Brother Xiao Xiao's No. [-] Shenhao's logo hasn't changed?"

"Where is Brother Xiao Xiao's No. [-] Shenhao logo? What is Hu Ya doing?"

Some tourists looked at the second wave effect that hadn't appeared for a long time, and suddenly felt a little dazed.

Huya officials won't forget about this, will they?
If the Super God Emperor's rank is upgraded, if Brother Xiao Xiao's No. [-] Shenhao brand is not upgraded at the same time, wouldn't it be useless?
It is a bit incomprehensible to update Brother Xiao Xiao's exclusive brand into a useless pendant.

"That's right, Brother Xiao Xiao, why hasn't the No. [-] Shenhao brand been upgraded?"

"Official, come out."

Liu Xiao was really satisfied with the special effects of the Super God Emperor in the live broadcast room, but the brand of No. [-] Shenhao did not change, which made him a little puzzled.

Could it be that Huya's technical department really didn't deal with this thing?
You must know that the brand No. [-] Shenhao is bound to the special effects of the emperor, so that the special effects of the emperor changed from the original golden dragon to two golden and red dragons.

But now the emperor has been upgraded to the super god emperor, and the emperor's mount has also become a creation dragon, but the brand of No. [-] Shenhao has not changed, which is a bit wrong.

Just when everyone was wondering, Vice President Du drove into Yang Zi's live broadcast room with a tuba.

"Of course Brother Xiao Xiao's exclusive nameplate will never be forgotten."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, you go back to the live broadcast room first, and then you can see it when you come in."

Vice President Du deliberately played tricks.

Brother Xiao Xiao is the number one consumer on the platform, no matter what, Vice President Du puts Brother Xiao Xiao first, how could he forget this matter.

What's more, for Brother Xiao Xiao's brand, the cost of Huya's technical department is even higher than the rendering cost of the Super God Emperor!
The card must be given.

"That's fine, I'll try."

Liu Xiao replied on the public screen, and directly exited the live broadcast room.

Then, I found Yang Zi's live broadcast room in the subscription column and clicked in.

In an instant, a pure golden barrage floated from the top of the live broadcast room.

"Welcome Super Emperor [Xiao Xiao] to enter the Huya platform-Yangzi live broadcast room!"

"Hey, is this a site-wide announcement?"

"Be sure upstairs, this is the site-wide announcement!"

"There's nothing wrong with it, I just clicked in from another anchor's live broadcast."

"Wow, I just clicked in and saw Brother Xiao Xiao driving the Super God Emperor, but unfortunately I didn't find out just now, it's too uncomfortable!"

At the same time, announcements popped up on the upper floors of all live broadcast rooms on all Huya platforms!
Log in to the live broadcast room and there will be a site-wide announcement. This card is unprecedented.

And Yang Zi was in the center of the live broadcast room.

A creation dragon wearing a crown flew over, and above the creation dragon's head stood a handsome anime character holding a crystal.

The Creation Dragon swung around violently, let out a dragon roar, then circled the sky twice before quietly crawling on the ground.

The next moment, the camera was all on the characters.

The handsome cartoon character stands quietly on top of the dragon's head in luxurious costumes, and the word Xiao Xiao can be clearly seen in the huge crystal ball he is dragging.

After the animation finished, four large red characters appeared on the screen.

The first god!

"Fuck me."

"Is this impeccable?"

"My God, although the special effect rendered by Huya has no sound, but just looking at the picture, you can feel the blood boiling!"

"So handsome, so handsome, the official is definitely getting ruthless this time, this wave of brother Xiao Xiao's face is definitely in place!"

The first is the announcement reminder at the top of the whole station, which is available on the account, and the second is the new mount Creation Dragon.

These two are unique to the Super God Emperor.

And brother Xiao Xiao's first Shenhao special effect is directly standing on the head of the creation dragon.

The dark purple magic crystal even created a naked-eye 3D effect!
Not to mention anything else, just this little, brother Xiao Xiao's status is higher than that of ordinary super god emperors.

"Mr. Du has a heart."

Liu Xiao smiled and spoke on the public screen.

It has to be said that Huya officials have done a good job on this point, and Liu Xiao is quite satisfied with it.

The first Shenhao brand is the only one on the entire platform.

"Providing better services to consumers has always been the goal pursued by our Huya marketing team and technical team."

Vice President Du smiled and said something official.

In front of so many people, it's not easy to lick Brother Xiao Xiao.

At this time, Vice President Du was also completely relieved.

Brother Xiao Xiao was tricked by Brother Hua's routine before, although Brother Xiao Xiao never mentioned it, but Vice President Du has always been in a state of anxiety and can't get over this hurdle.

Even Brother Xiao Xiao took action at the event in June, but Vice President Du is still worried that this matter will be used by people with intentions. If Brother Xiao Xiao gets angry and quits the Internet in a fit of fuss, Huya's loss will be too great up.

But I believe that after this time, Brother Xiao Xiao should be able to completely forgive him.

As long as brother Xiao Xiao can keep playing with Huya, sooner or later they will be able to stand at the top of the live broadcast platform!
In the live broadcast room, there was a sigh of relief on the public screen.

What Vice President Du said was high-sounding, but everyone could see what Vice President Du meant.

Just when the question about the No. [-] Shenhao brand was questioned in the live broadcast room, Vice President Du immediately jumped out to explain, who would believe if he didn't spy on the screen?

"Invisible dog licking is the deadliest!"

"Mr. Du: My lick is your lick!"

"I used to think that the most licked anchor should be Yang Zi, but now I think Yang Zi's saying that he is playing tricks in front of Mr. Du is flattering him."

"Hahaha, I played in the game area before, B Wen licked more than Yang Zi, but it's the same, it's nothing in front of Mr. Du."

"When it comes to self-cultivation of dog licking, Mr. Du is a professional!"

Visitors in the live broadcast room joked one after another.

They are not anchors or employees, and they are not afraid of offending Vice President Du with a few words of ridicule.

Vice President Du is not a narrow-minded person, and he is not annoyed when he sees the reactions of tourists in the live broadcast room.

Vice President Du never said that he was not a dog licker.

If you can bind Brother Xiao Xiao to Huya's chariot with just one lick, let alone lick it twice on the Internet, or give Brother Xiao Xiao a mouthful in reality, then it will not be a big problem .

Some dog licking anchors may still have a bottom line, but Vice President Du can guarantee that in front of Brother Xiao Xiao, the bottom line can be thrown away!
Even, if brother Xiao Xiao's company needs someone, Huya's vice president doesn't matter!

"Looking forward to more interesting events in the future."

Reaching out and not hitting the smiling face, Vice President Du gave face like this, and Liu Xiao also became polite.

I chatted with Vice President Du for a few words. Although I didn't disclose the specifics of the activities in July, the chat was quite enjoyable.

Lan Lan also ran out at the right time, and made a joke about Vice President Du on the public screen, including saying a few words about the secret of the Super God Emperor update.

The Huya official broke the news in person, and for a while, more than 50 tourists in the live broadcast room laughed happily.

At first, everyone thought that Huya's official office must be solemn and solemn, and the office should be like a well-organized cubicle.

But now that Lanlan said it, most of the audience had some impression of Huya headquarters.

"There are still more young people who can do live broadcasts. It is certain that the atmosphere will be more cheerful."

"It's not like me, a middle-aged greasy uncle, who doesn't fit in with them."

Vice President Du also slandered himself on the public screen, and even posted a few tiger-headed wry smile emojis.

When the water got wet, there would be a live broadcast, and Vice President Du and Lanlan went offline on the pretext of having something to do.

At this time, Yang Zi was relieved.

If anyone in the live broadcast room felt uncomfortable just now, it's probably only him, Yang Zi.

As the anchor of the Huya platform, to put it bluntly, he is relying on Vice President Du's big boat for food.

Deputy Du is always friendly and honest, but that's just in front of the hero Xiao Xiao.

For anchors like them, even if they offend a platform for overcontrolling, they will suffer.

Now, which star show anchor doesn't tell jokes?

Especially for talk show and breaking news anchors like them, the jokes are even more open-mouthed.

If I offend others, I will block the video as soon as I talk about it, and block the live broadcast room more than a dozen times a day. It is definitely impossible to continue this live broadcast.

Even if the picket later, no one would dare to say that what they did was wrong.

And if you do the live broadcast honestly and don't tell any jokes, then the popularity of the live broadcast room will definitely not be much higher.

This is also the reason why Yang Zi didn't dare to speak during the entire interaction between Vice President Du and Brother Xiao Xiao just now.

If you accidentally offend Vice President Du, the consequences will be much worse than offending the platform super management!

There is no need to think about recommendation positions, signing fees and the like.

I'm afraid there is nothing I can do except to switch platforms.

"Brothers and sisters in the live broadcast room, first of all, we would like to congratulate brother Xiao Xiao for becoming Huya's first brother Shenhao who has opened the Super God Emperor!"

Yang Zi played the first battle song, bringing the atmosphere of the live broadcast room to its peak.

For him, Yang Zi, Brother Xiao Xiao was able to put this opportunity of opening the Super Emperor in his live broadcast room, which was already a great deal of face for him.

Including Brother Xiao Xiao deliberately waiting for his popularity to rise before driving Super Emperor, all for his consideration.

How could he not be grateful?

"Don't be so polite, at the beginning of today, let's give out prizes to the water friends."

Liu Xiao smiled and spoke again.

Liu Xiao still prefers Hu Ya's abbreviation for Super God Emperor.

Super God Emperor, referred to as Super Emperor.

You know, after upgrading to Super Emperor, the change of the special effects of entering the arena is only one of them.

The most important thing is that the super emperor will give gifts, and there will be exclusive special effects!
 Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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